"Draco! Hey, Draco!" Crabbe called. The Slytherin prince looked at him and saw that he was excitedly pointing out something.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Crabbe. What is it?"

"It's the Weasel and the Mudblood, right by the Shrieking Shack." He reported. Draco winced at the word 'mudblood', but what stung the most was the fact that she was with Ron Weasley.

Yes, Draco Malfoy secretly has feelings for the girl. But he sure knows that he wasn't supposed to. They weren't exactly compatible. It was in their nature. He was a pureblood and she's a mud- she's Muggleborn. Purebloods like him are supposed to look down at them. Like scum, his father used to say.

But there was something in her that made him feel funny. Maybe it was the crinkles in her eyes when she smiled. Or her one-of-a-kind giggle. Or maybe her brown eyes that remained soft, even though she was scowling at him. Well, whatever it was, he knew his father wouldn't approve. He knew that if Potter or Weasel knew about his feelings for her, they'd beat him up. He also knew that if Hermione found out, she won't return his feelings. He'd hurt her so much. He didn't mean to. He just, had to. He doesn't have a choice.

She was unique, unlike any kind of girl he'd laid eyes on. She was definitely beautiful in her own way. Even with her bush-like hair, she'd make him feel jealous whenever he would see her with Potter and the weasel. He just doesn't understand why he had the worst crush on someone he knew he'd never have.

Sometimes, the power of his feelings overwhelms him. He couldn't help but feel overprotective of her when his gang would make fun of her. Draco would always focus on his hatred for Potter first so that his gang wouldn't mock her. He can't stop thinking about her; she's always on his mind. And when she's near him, everything seems different. Every day, he would hate himself for being mean to her. It simply kills him every time he sees tears form in her eyes.

Sometimes, he would convince himself that he's gotten over her. That it was just his hormones working. But seeing her is, he just can't.

"Looks like they're talking about renting it when they live in together." Pike said, laughing. This jolted Draco into reality.

"Why don't we grace them with our presence?" Crabbe suggested. And the two started to head towards Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

They stopped and took a look at Draco. "Coming, Draco?" Pike asked.

"Oh, yeah." Draco said, joining the two.

"Who am I kidding? What I feel for her goes way beyond having a truce and friendship. I guess, I just have to accept the fact that she doesn't feel the same. That she only sees me as a threat. As an enemy. If that's all I am to her, there's nothing I can do but take it." He thought to himself.

He strode over to them. "Suppose you'd love to live here, wouldn't you, Weasley? Dreaming about having your own bedroom? I heard your family all sleep in one room – is that true?"

Draco gave Hermione a long look. Hoping with all his heart that she returned his feelings.

A/N: Hey guys! This was posted to StopFoolingAroundPotterheads

my friend told me to publish it. So I did ^_^

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