Chapter 1

A/N: This is rewritten version, instead of the questions from the original; there are extras after the other Author's Note. Sorry for the long wait, but anyway, this story has now been rewritten and updated (or in the progress of)

Kinoshita Hideyoshi

Kinoshita Hideyoshi awoke to the sound of his alarm clock going off, its annoying noise constantly filling the air until his hand finally reached the button to make it stop. Sleepily, with his hair untidy, he got out of his bed, grabbing a change of clothes before he headed off to the bathroom. Once there, he brushed his teeth and took a shower before dressing into his uniform. Dressed, he headed for his sister's room. He knew she wouldn't be awake, as her alarm wasn't supposed to go off for another ten minutes if he didn't manage to wake her up beforehand.

Reaching her room, he opened the door without knocking, something he only dared to do in the morning. As he entered her room, he saw her sleeping on her bed, a leg hanging off and the sheets a complete mess. Hideyoshi didn't understand how she could manage to make herself and her bed look so messy considering how she kept her looks and act up at school.

He gave a soft smile, slightly humored by such a sight of her. Softly and silently, he approached her and gently shook her arm. "Sis," He spoke in a low voice, "wake up..." He had to repeat the words a couple of times before Yuuko finally woke up, covering her mouth with one hand as she yawned. Hideyoshi backed away as she placed both of her feet onto the ground and stretched her arms.

With his sister awake, he bid her a 'good morning' as he turned her alarm off. She didn't say anything in reply, still recovering from her restful sleep. As her hands went to take off her shirt, not caring if he was there or not, Hideyoshi made his way out of her room and down to the kitchen.

Kinoshita Yuuko

With her uniform fully on and her hair neatly done, she came down from her short shower, heading to the kitchen where Hideyoshi had finished making breakfast and finished setting the table. They sat down from across one another, Yuuko thanking Hideyoshi for the meal before digging in. They didn't speak any to each other as they ate, simply enjoying the food.

When they were finished eating, Yuuko washed the dishes as Hideyoshi prepared their lunches. It didn't take her long, and when she got finished she retrieved one of her yaoi manga and read it until Hideyoshi was finished. With the boxed lunches ready, it was now time to head to school. As she was about to go over and retrieve their bags, she noticed that instead of the usual two boxed lunches, there were three. "Hideyoshi, why did you make three?"

Hideyoshi hesitated - something unusual of him. "Well, I made an extra one for a friend," When she gave him a questioning look, he quickly added to it, "a guy friend. So he wouldn't have to eat Himeji's cooking..."

Yuuko knew she should have felt relieved at hearing that it was for a guy, but a tiny feeling of jealousy coursed through her heart at the thought of Hideyoshi, her own little brother, was making someone else besides her one of his own home-cooked lunches. She resisted saying anything about it, knowing that it wasn't her concern who her brother made lunches for. Nevertheless, she walked up to the counter and pointed to the stack of the three boxes. "Which one is his?"

"The bottom one?" Hideyoshi's answer was more of a question, no doubt wondering why she had taken such an interest.

Yuuko placed the other two to the side and opened the bottom one. A sense of relief coursed through her when she caught no sight of anything special added to it; it was just an ordinary boxed lunch. She placed the lid back on it and placed the other two back on top of it. She picked the stack up and handed it over to Hideyoshi.

"Let's go Hideyoshi, it's time for school." Yuuko told him as she walked over to the entryway and grabbed their bags, Hideyoshi's in her right hand so she could use his to hit anyone she needed to. She found it better to get blood on his rather than hers, of course, she never told Hideyoshi this reasoning.

As they started walking down to their school, Yuuko took the lead as usual so that her fiery look would hopefully ward off any would-be confessors that were in love with her dear brother who is quite surprisingly many more times popular with the guys than she is, even though he's a guy. Sometimes, her look wouldn't ward off any of these homosexual or bisexual guys (sometimes even straight guys who didn't realize that her twin brother is a guy) and Hideyoshi would have to turn them down personally. If the guys ever got pushy, Yuuko would be there to hit them over the head with Hideyoshi's bag and quickly lead her brother off.

Thankfully, through many of them glanced with love or lust in their eyes, no one tried to even hit on Hideyoshi on their way to school, something that Yuuko was glad for. It's not that she got agitated because he attracted more guys than her, but because these lowlife idiots actually though they could have something with her own brother. It wasn't that she disliked seeing guys love on other guys (because she did, really did), but that's only in her manga; although she did have a soft spot for seeing Yuuji and Akihisa in their moments.

There was also one other reason that she didn't like seeing guys hitting on her brother.

Hideyoshi is hers.

Not in a boyxgirl kind of way, just that he was her dearest little brother. She had to look out after him; help him with his studies, help him manage his love problems, test his cooking whenever he made something new, and beat up anyone who picked on him. Well, he didn't really have any love problems for whatever reason, most certainly not for the same reason as her. But what was her reason? She had guys (a girl once too) confess to her at school and sometimes other places too (including a yaoi convention where the guy believed she was a guy). Some of them weren't all that bad-looking (through there is much more to liking someone other than their looks), but there was just something missing from them. She had never felt like she actually even liked any of them, not in the slightest.

She did not remember ever feeling like she had been in love, not even any childish infatuations. She never felt her chest tighten, her breathing come hard, no overwhelming emotions in her heart. She didn't know what, or who, she was waiting for; she just did not know her type of guy.

Honestly, the girl had been more attractive to her than the guys.

. . .


"Sis, are you alright?" As she had been delving into her thoughts, Hideyoshi had quickened his pace and was now walking beside her, his eyes, the same cute green her eyes were, looked intently into her own. Turning her head to face her younger brother, she couldn't help but take in how feminine he looked. His body and face were all nearly identical to her own, save for her breasts and their different hairclips. Even his walk was feminine, likely more feminine than her own. Well, rather than how they walked it was more like the demeanor in which they walked. She like she was a dictator in complete control of the world and him just like he was a caring housewife.

As she observed him, a thought invaded her mind before she could stop it.

Hideyoshi is more attractive than that girl.

. .-

Wait!? What was she thinking about Hideyoshi!?

Well, it's true that he is more attractive than anyone else she knew (both in looks and personality). Despite his feminine body he was still a guy; a cute, feminine (through he did not try to be feminine) guy. Yuuko feared to think why her face grew warm as Hideyoshi continued to stare at her, his sweet concern for her filling his eyes as he leaned in closer. "Do you have a cold?" He asked her, putting his forehead against her own.

Yuuko couldn't help but redden more.

She stepped away from Hideyoshi, noticing her heart pounding and breathing coming shorter. "I'm alright, it's nothing." She turned away from her, quickening her pace as she took the lead. "We should get to school; we'll be late if we don't hurry."

She never noticed Hideyoshi's own blush that laid upon his cheeks.

A/N: Shorter chapters = faster updates.

Anyway, have little to no clue how I started liking these two being paired with each other. It just sort of happened.

Post Script: Yuuko is the older one :D.

Story Creation Room

Yuuko and Hideyoshi, as the only two characters who appeared in the chapter, along with the author were all seated in the same room at the same large table. In front of the author was a computer on which he was using to type up the story.

"So, this is a story about Hideyoshi and me?" Yuuko asked, sitting down at the large table in the room.

"Well, it also has Akihisa, Minami, Miharu, and some Kubo in it, but yes, you and Hideyoshi are the main couple." The author answered her, looking up from his laptop.

"And this story of yours has me falling for my brother?" Her voice was getting more low-pitched.

"Well, yes…"

"But she's just my sister…" Hideyoshi said, trying to reason with the creator of the story.

In response the author just smiled at the two of them before going back to writing.

"I have no feelings of incest for my brother." Yuuko stated, crossing her arms.

"We'll just see about that, muahahaha!"