School Year commencing 1968

Unsurprisingly, the decision of the Black sisters to claim their own train carriage went uncontested. It had become a tradition that other Hogwarts students had picked up on quickly, and were in no rush to amend. Ever since the youngest, Narcissa, had started at the school two years ago, the carriage had seemed to gain its own notoriety as a new family heirloom. At the start and end of every term, Bellatrix would stalk along the platform, her two siblings in toe, and the waves of students would part on instinct. If a group of friends were unfortunate enough to already occupy the carriage, one death stare from the eldest Ms. Black was enough to send them scuttling away to safer compartments of the train. With a trembling house elf ordered to guard the carriage door, Bellatrix would take these train journeys as an opportunity to both question and interrogate her sisters on their academic and extra-curricular plans for the upcoming months.

Andromeda sighed. These bi-termly meetings were never pleasant for anyone involved. Bellatrix would inevitably grow frustrated at the disinterest of her siblings, usually leading her to make a sharp comment, which would then cause Narcissa to fall into a sulk and refuse to co-operate for the rest of the arduously long journey to or from Hogsmeade station. For now, at least, Bellatrix seemed to be leading the conversation in another direction.

"Knowing you two, you are both probably still painfully ignorant of this, but things are going to be changing in the next few years. I've been thinking, and I want to make sure our family ride the crest of the wave, as it were. Considering that I've only got two more years left at Hogwarts, I've decided that it's time that we fully established ourselves – our generation of Blacks – as one cohesive unit...

Andromeda caught Narcissa's eye from across the carriage and smirked. Whilst other witches and wizards were keen to point out the physical similarities of the two eldest sisters, it was with Narcissa that Andromeda was prone to identify. Bellatrix, whilst capable of being incredibly witty and entertaining was, to her sisters at least, disturbingly ambitious in regards to both herself and the Black family legacy. This did not bode well for her thirteen and fourteen year old siblings, who would rather have spend their train journey blowing their first instalment of pocket money on sweets from the candy lady, than listen to the current life manifesto of their sister.

As Andromeda eventually tuned back in to the conversation, she thankfully realised that Bellatrix had moved on from whatever ominous forecasts she had been making, and was now lecturing the girls about their plans for 'social elevation' for the upcoming year.

"You first." She said, directing her eyes on Andromeda. "This will be your fourth year, and as I see it, you haven't yet had any success in carving out an reputation for yourself. What are you going going to do about it?"

"I do have a reputation." Andromeda attempted. "I'm your sister.".

This did manage to make Bellatrix crack a smile, but was not enough to throw her off-course. "Be that as it may, I want all of us to actively create our own profiles. What are you going to do?"

"I do well at school, isn't that enough?" - and so began the yearly torture session in which Bellatrix desperately attempted to think up occupational positions for her overly-reluctant sibling. After Andromeda had disregarded the options of Wizard Chess Club, Intermediate Potions Society, and a volunteer position in the Owlery, amongst others, Bellatrix turned to her with a sense of finality.

"In that case, I don't see any reason why you can't try out for the Slytherin quidditch team this year."

At this point Narcissa actually choked on her water. Andromeda chose to ignore her. Despite their parents investing a substantial amount of money into having the girls privately trained at Quidditch every summer holiday, Andromeda was still nowhere near agile or skilled enough to make a team position. Bellatrix, however, appeared to be wilfully oblivious to this fact.

"Maybe. Will trying out count as an attempt to do something constructive this term?"

"It would be a good start." Bellatrix seemed satisfied, and Andromeda fell back into her seat, content that her grilling, for now, was complete.

"And you, Narcissa?"

Andromeda smiled, bracing herself for a repeat of the last twenty minutes now to be directed at her sister.

"I'm going to get a boyfriend."

It was Andromeda's turn to choke, this time on thin air. "Sorry, what?"

"That's right. I've decided I want a boyfriend this year."

"You're thirteen years old! You're too young to want a boyfriend! Bella, back me up here!"

But Bellatrix chewed her lip, thoughtfully. "I can see the potential"

"Potential for what? Please explain to me why I have to humiliate myself in front of the quidditch team, whilst she gets to bat her eyelashes at her potions partner!"

Bellatrix waved her hand at Andromeda, causing her to go silent. "It's all to do with connections, now more than ever. We need contacts. Allies. A link with another pure-blood family would always be beneficial."

Narcissa, by this point, was positively radiating glee from the expression on Andromeda's face. At Bellatrix's final sentence, however, she threw her hands in the air in dismay.

"Oh no" She cried dramatically, staring at Bellatrix in horror. "But I was planning on seducing Caradoc Dearborn, whatever shall I do now!"

Bellatrix laughed and batted her sister round the head. "Don't be disgusting" She said. "But there are plenty of options for you around. It would just be particularly helpful if you could get a boy from a family who isn't currently affiliated with us."

"Arthur Weasley?" Andromeda volunteered, already expecting Narcissa's schoolbag to come colliding with her head, which sure enough, it did.

"Eww I couldn't think of anything worse!" Narcissa shrieked. "He's like a dandelion, and besides, he's old. Even I couldn't manage that."

"But think of the flock of ginger children you could have."

"It would probably destroy the Black genetic code" Bellatrix snorted. "Don't worry, little sister, we'll have you set up with a eligible suitor soon enough".

Narcissa looked smugly across at Andromeda, who exhaled, exasperated. The door to the carriage suddenly opened, causing Bellatrix to whip around, casting a filthy expression at doorway's occupant. It was Wookey, the current Black Family house elf.

"Ex...Excuse me, mademoiselles, I just needed to inform you that the train will be arriving in twenty minutes."

"Is that so?" Bellatrix smiled sweetly, yet her eyes were blazing with anger. "You do remember, Wookey, that you are supposed to knock before entering a room?"

"Oh.. yes, ma'am. Of course. I'm so terribly sorry, it will never happen again. You have that on Wookey's word. So sorry, ma'am"

"That's ok, Wookey". By now, Bellatrix's voice was sickeningly honey-coated. "I believe you. We all make mistakes. Just remember never to do it again or it might make someone angry. We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"No ma'am, not at all."

"Well, now that's cleared up, you are free to retain your position outside the carriage."

"Of course, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am"

As the house-elf scampered back outside, closing the door behind him, Bellatrix turned to her sisters, all traces of a smile eradicated.

"Repulsive things, aren't they? I'll send a letter to father tonight and with any luck we'll have a new plaque at Grimmauld Place by next week."

Both her sisters laughed, but neither one was genuine. Wookey had been one of the more diligent house elves in recent years, and they would be sorry to see him go.

As the train started to slow down, the girls started to gravitate towards the window. With all three faces pressed up to the glass, they could all see the station coming into view. The sight of the castle in the near distance still sent excited trembles down their spines, despite their familiarity with the place. In spite of the luxury and grandeur of the Black Family Manor, Hogwarts felt like home to the sisters. Perhaps it was because of the countless family members roaming the estate at any given time, or the distinct lack of people their own age, but each sister felt more comfortable at the school than at home, or indeed any of the family residences.

The train finally pulled into the station. The three girls exited the carriage and made their way towards the train doors; the house-elf, laden with hand-luggage, hurrying behind. As they stepped onto the platform, Narcissa, who was last of the trio to disembark, almost fell through onto the railway tracks, as the students in front of her had come to a standstill. From somewhere ahead, she heard Bellatrix's revolted voice ring out over the crowd.

"Someone do inform me - because I am somewhat incredulous right now - what on earth is that doing here?"