2P! England x Reader: Kidnapping a Birthday Present

Reader's P.O.V

You sat down onto the bench with a sigh, dropping your bag at your side. Thinking back what had happened during the day, the events had been rather frustrating despite the facts it was only 2 pm. .

"Nothing can get worse right?" you thought aloud.

Looking around for maybe a sign of ice cream seller, your eyes scanned around the park you were in. Children were running everywhere and anywhere as they played. You opened up your lunch box that was specially bought from the convenient store near your house. Without much of a proper job, your lunch was... disappointing, sad to say. It looked horrible and terrible, even the vegetables look dead. However, you ate it with the hopes of finding a better job and this may be even the last time you are eating it.

Maybe I should have took that bartender job.. at least the pay was higher.

Munching the food in your mouth, you heard something whispering behind you. You turned around, seeing only bushes and plants. Thinking there must be children hiding in the bushes, you ignored the whispering and continued your lunch.

"Dude, seriously. It's his birthday and I think she's the perfect gift for my bro."


You heard the whispering this time, clearly.

"Come on, move your ass. France is already helping us to distract bro. Any longer-"

"Okay, okay fuck it up. Jeez."

You stopped munching this time. Those voices do not sound like children, you thought, and they definitely do not swear.


You took this as a signal to leave for once and all. Quickly chucking the lunch box into its plastic bag, ignoring the spilling food, you stood up and grabbed your bag.

"Shit, she's leaving."

Before you could even turn around and yell at the whispering people, a man with tanned skin held his arm around your neck and put something over your mouth.


Panic took over you, and tried to pull away from the man's grip. Soon your eyesight became blur, your body went limp and fell to the ground that never came.

Third person P.O.V.

The man with tanned skin lift the girl over his shoulder to a Mustang car, with his accomplice who was wearing sunglasses and a red jacket tagging at his tail.

No one seemed to notice or was even aware that the fact someone got kidnapped in the public park as the ice cream truck pulled up at some corner. Such misfortune this girl seemed to have, ignored by people because of an ice cream truck.

Reader's P.O.V.

Consciousness slipped back to you, as you woke up to the smell of something sweet and nice. You opened your eyes but only to confront darkness. You moved your limbs, only to find them bounded by something that felt like were laying on the cold ground.

"What happened... " you thought, trying to recalled and remembered the lunch box you had.

Your memories returned quickly after the lunch box part. "This is not good... You were kidnapped by some tanned skin guy."

Being more alert than before, you realized that you were blindfolded, not in some dark places. The blindfold felt slightly loose. Hence you shook your head hard and the blindfold loosen. It drooped below your right eye. Feeling slightly triumphed, you looked around. It looked like a basement, with that musty and stuffy atmosphere.

You struggled as you tried to untie your hands that were bound behind you. "GOSH, WHY IS IT SO TIGHT?!"

A door to where ever you were, suddenly opened with lights flowing in. You looked up, seeing the tanned man standing at the door. You tried to take a good look at him. He was holding something in his hands but you can't place your finger on what it is.

He looked down at you. "Finally awake, huh?"

"Where am I!? Let me go please!"

He stepped closer towards you and closed the door. "You are kidnapped so shut the hell before my brother finds you."

"There are someone else here?! It sounded as though his brother is innocent of this event, hence, should be able to help me to get out of here."

You opened your mouth to scream for that "brother" of his to save you but immediately closed it when you saw him taking out a knife. Your mind turned blank. "I'M GONNA DIE" flashed across your thoughts.

You shut your eyes, waiting for the knife to come. You waited and your hands came free. Words stuck at your throat. Isn't he your kidnapper? Why is he releasing you? Your expression of fear turned to curiosity as you looked at the man.

"Wh-hat is h-happening?" you stuttered out.

He ignored your question and thrust a bag into your direction. "Wear this. No talking."

You took the bag he held out and stood there, blank, waiting for more instructions. (Reader wasn't threatened.. so I put instructions.) None came. He walked out of the room, leaving you once alone again but the door ajar.

You looked into the bag slowly, fearing what is inside. A dress.. You pulled it out of the bag and stared at it. A pink dress with ribbons and bows and matching shoes.

You silently mourned to yourself, "What did I do to deserve this... and why PINK?!"

You debated with yourself whether to change into the pink lolitarisque or not. Your clothes somehow got dirt and tears, despite you remembered that you were not manhandled or abused in any way. After much thoughts, you changed and wore it.

"The dress wasn't too short, just slightly above my knees. The shoes fit well too." you mumbled to yourself without knowingly what you actually said.

Once it registered into your brain, you felt ashamed of yourself. "REMEMBER YOU ARE KIDNAPPED. NOT HERE FOR SOME PARTY OR WHATEVER." you scolded yourself mentally. You tried to recall memories, any memories that can save your ass. However, you failed hopelessly.

You walked around the room, waiting for your kidnapper. Since you were untied and given clothes to wear, you were hoping for food. Prisoners get food too, you know. Speaking of food, the sweet baking smell had became stronger. Your stomach growled hungrily once you sniffed at the smell.

You looked at the ajar door. "It is open. I can escape, right?"

Another voice came into your head. "Are you a fool? He did not mentioned that you can leave, but he asked you wait. There might be even more people involved in this kidnapping thing."

"But... I can try to be as silent as possible, right?"

You endlessly debated with the voice that was asking you millions of questions and yourself giving millions of excuses or reasons. So absorbed in your debate, you failed to notice that someone was actually watching you from the doorway and giggling as he did.