Lebanon, Kansas; February 2013

"Dude, check this out."

Sam threw a folder down onto the table, startling his brother, who'd been in the process of falling asleep over the mass of information the Men of Letters had collected over the years. Dean picked the folder up, flipping open the cover, before grinning.

The Doctor

Species: Unknown, abhuman.

Age: Unknown. Reputed to be older than time itself.

Powers/Abilities: Mostly unknown. Has some telepathic ability, can change appearance at will, is thought to possess the ability to travel through time, and travels in a small wooden box.


-Troy, Greece, c.1250BC: A man named the Doctor appears to have been of monumental importance during the Trojan War, it is recorded in one instance that he suggested the use of a wooden horse against the walled city.

-Rome, AD80: Stone tablet uncovered depicts a family's 'household Gods', being a man and a woman, with a box in the centre depicting their 'temple'. Believed to be the first image of the Doctor ever recorded and preserved to this era. Family were alleged to have survived the eruption of Mt Vesuvius and the burial of Pompeii. Probable the Doctor was involved. [Image of tablet attached.]

-Holy Land, 1191: A Templar Knight records of meeting a strange man named 'The Doctor' who disappeared into a blue wooden box during the first crusade.

-London, c.1300: A convent was saved from 'a demon'[it is not recorded whether it was a true demon or the description given by the monks] by a man they called 'the sainted physician'. Stained glass window in the surviving church contains imagery of a blue box. [Image attached].

-London, 1599: A performance of the lost William Shakespeare play 'Love's Labour's Won' apparently involved a character named 'The Doctor'. Shakespeare himself is said to have talked down a monster from the skies.

-London, c.1660: A man named 'the Doctor' is imprisoned in the Tower of London, after he is discovered in the bedroom of King Charles II's daughter Matilda. He was not given trial, and subsequently escaped. [An image of a painting dating from that era is attached, titled 'My Mysterious Doctor', painted by Matilda. It is likely this is the reason for the Doctor's imprisonment.]

-Mercy (now Alamogordo), NM, USA; 1870: A man named the Doctor, along with two companions (recorded as 'The Ponds'), is recorded to have saved the town from annihilation. After his visit, the town never needed a sheriff, despite constant raids by criminals.

-Torchwood Estate, Scotland, 1879: A man named the Doctor, along with a woman named 'Rose', assisted Queen Victoria in dispatching a werewolf [nb, not the Werewolf of common lore, but alien in origin]. The Doctor is subsequently knighted 'Sir Doctor of Tardis[?]' and exiled by the monarch on the same day, upon pain of death. [Formation of the British organisation known as 'Torchwood' occurred at this time; it is likely they are linked.]

-Southampton, England, April 9, 1912: Image [attached] shows a man with a prominent family. The man, named the Doctor, apparently warned the family about boarding the RMS Titanic; they did not sail on the doomed vessel.

-Berlin, Germany, 1938: Adolf Hitler found in a cupboard after a blue wooden box crashes into his office after he was attacked by one of his lieutenants. He reports being assaulted by a British man, who then subsequently locked him in the cupboard. The lieutenant's body was found later; the British man and his companions were not.

-London, Second World War: Prime Minister Winston Churchill is reported to have sought the aid of a man named 'The Doctor' after the creation of a new weapon to use against Germany. The weapon was never used.

-Dry Springs, Nevada, 1958: Events in this location contain evidence of the Doctor's involvement, perhaps even with the Roswell Incident of 1947. Further investigation is needed at this moment in time.

"Wow," Dean commented, "these guys were still keeping track when they went down."

He flipped the pages over, before looking at each of the images the Men of Letters had collected. "He does change a lot, doesn't he?" he said. In all, there were six different images of the Doctor; the only image of the Doctor they recognised was a painting.

"Thing is, we can update this file now," Sam said. "We know more about the Doctor, we can add to the sightings and information."

"Get to it, Geek-boy," Dean said, tossing the folder back across the table. "You're the brains here."

30 Years Earlier, near the North Pole

"No! No, stop!" the Doctor cried, watching as his TARDIS disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a large deluge of water.

"The HADS," he grumbled. "Next time, I swear I'll remember."

He paused for a moment, discovering that Clara had fallen unconscious, and a group of angry Russians were milling around him.

"We're definitely going to Las Vegas next time."

A/N: And that's it, the end of Hearts and Minds. I just felt I needed to include epilogues for each story.
The sightings of the Doctor are all taken from Doctor Who episodes, both Classic and the modern revival. These episodes, in the order as they are written above, are:
-"The Myth Makers" (First Doctor)
-"The Fires of Pompeii" (Tenth Doctor)
-"The Crusade" (First Doctor)
-"The End of Time Pt 1" (Tenth Doctor)
- "The Shakespeare Code" (Tenth Doctor)
-"The Impossible Astronaut" (Eleventh Doctor)
-"A Town Called Mercy" (Eleventh Doctor)
-"Tooth and Claw" (Tenth Doctor)
-"Rose" (Ninth Doctor)
-"Let's Kill Hitler" (Eleventh Doctor)
-"Victory of the Daleks" (Eleventh Doctor)
-"Dreamland" (Tenth Doctor; Animation)
So, yes, that's that.
I stopped at 1958, seeing as that's where the Men of Letters meet their end via Abbadon.
Thanks to all for your support, and comments!
There might be a sequel of sorts, who knows? Watch this space is all I'm saying (although don't expect it any time soon.)
I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!