
Summary: Her world had turned upside down since the day Vega, Princess of all Saiyans finally up rose against Frieza and escaped to Earth. Though now her child is six years old, growing stronger day by day, she wonders if she'll ever be able to defeat the evil tyrant. Unbeknownst to her Nappa has betrayed her and the Saiyan race to save his own life and now makes his way to lure the Saiyan Princess out into the open for Frieza to grab hold once again.

Author's Note: This is the last chapter for Misconstrued! It'll be long but hopefully a good conclusion. There will be a bonus chapter featuring Zee, Squirt, and the epilogue for their future.

Bonus Chapter: Misfortunate Youth

Saying goodbye was never the easiest thing for her. Zee had become accustomed to losing things that were precious, but that didn't mean she was willing to give something up. Especially when she knew there were ways she could prevent it. As she clenched onto Sixteen's hands in the last minutes of night she prayed he would change his mind, ask her to stay and find a way for them to stay together.

"It's time, Zee." He spoke in an almost monotone voice that she'd found so gentle and kind. She grew up hating the androids and yet she couldn't bring herself to hate him, or dislike him. How could you become so attached to something so quickly? she only knew him for a few weeks, days really, and she'd become so attached, so in need to keep him close.

"I know… just a few moments longer… at least until the sun touches my face." Purposely she buried it in his chest hugging him tightly and fighting back the tears that stung her eyes.

Sixteens strong arms wrapped around her petite form and he lay his cheek on the top of her head. "Thank you for all that you've done here. Thanks to you and your brother this world is safe from my kind."

"Eighteen and Seventeen are still alive… Seventeen has disappeared into the woods and eighteen is… god forbid… dating Krillin." She almost laughed. "Who would have thought that that small gesture with his wish would have been the start of something…. odd… beautiful but odd."

"You and I are not that much different in that matter." Sixteen pulled her back gently wiping the start of tears from her eyes and giving her a lil smile. "We androids are made mostly of metal and data… but we also have human hearts that beat strongly."

She smiled at him a fresh tear dripping down. "That you do, Sixteen…" She leaned in, her lips pressing on his smoothly and warm. "That you do."

Outside Squirt was making the last preparations for his and his sister's trip back home. He knelt by the time machine making the necessary calculations to input into the computer.

"Well you're up early… can't wait to leave us I see." Bulma teased holding a cup of coffee and smiling big.

"Oh, Bulma. I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He stood up dropping the clipboard looking like he'd gotten his hand stuck in the cookie jar.

"No worries kid, I've been up for hours. Who can sleep after all that's happened? I'm still wired from the parties we've been having all week."

"Yeah no kidding…" Tarble agreed rubbing the back of his head chuckling in a move very similar to his father. "who knew that Dad could belt out a song like that?"

"Your dad was never one for parties, but things he can't miss are food, and fun. I just happened to sneak a little alcohol into his drinks and that's all it took to make the great super saiyan, super drunk."

They laughed together Tarble holding his stomach a bit and he wiped tears from his eyes partial from laughter and partial from the inevitable goodbye he'd have to give these people. "Thanks for everything, Aunt B."

"Hey, no sweat kid, we should be thanking you." Bulma pat his shoulder. "You're a brave kid, Tarble… if your chibi self has half your bravery I could tell you Goku and Vega will be very happy."

"Thanks… it means a lot coming from you."

Zee went through the line, going to each individual person and giving them a proper goodbye. Her mom would be last on the list since the woman didn't care much for open affections… but there was one other person she needed to see before crossing that bridge.

"Dad?" She stepped out onto the balcony where Radditz had made himself comfortable with a glass of water. He still had training gear on and a towel around his neck showing he'd put in a good overnight workout.

"So you're just taking off? Just like that?" He grunted and gulped down another glass of water.

"Squirt and I have been here too long as it is." She walked over to him and sat across from him. "You've been putting in a lot of training in the week you've been back. My chibi self tells me you're already at 50 times normal gravity. That's impressive. It took mom almost twice as long to reach that level."

"She could have done it sooner if she'd had the driving force that I do, I'm not losing to my little brother… no way in hell."

"I know the feeling." She smirked at him tapping her fingers on the table. "I used to tell myself something similar when I would train with Gohan."

"Gohan… that's Kakarott's first kid, the one he had with the human?"

"One of them, yes… he's had two with her now though I don't think he's yet aware of it. Gohan hasn't told him but Chichi had a second son. She named him Goten, and he's a miniature Kakarott."

"Why is she trying to hide it from kakarott? It's his by right."

"She will tell him… eventually…. she just wants to punish him I guess either that or she's afraid to. I mean can you imagine what my mother's reaction would be if she found out her made had a kid with another woman? It wouldn't be pretty." She waved her hand in front of her face.

"You got that right." Radditz laughed boldly and happily. He started taking another swig.

"Speaking of pretty, was that Bulma I saw coming out of the gravity machine this morning?" Zee poked and she quickly ducked the water Radditz spit out across the table and he choked and beat his fist on his chest. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You saw nothing, you heard nothing, you know nothing, got it?" Radditz pointed an accusing finger at her.

"My lips are sealed old man." She stood up and held out her palm to him. she stared at it a moment then smirked making a fist and punching her palm.

"Be strong, kid."

"I plan on it."

Tarble also made his rounds when it came to goodbyes. His parents were last on the list but he had two special people he wanted to make sure he had a few words with. Xena and Gohan sat at the table, Xena feeding their baby brother and Gohan munching down on a large sandwich.

"Hey, I knew I'd find you two here."

"Well if it isn't my little brother all grown up. Have a seat, Gohan fix him a plate."

"Mmkay!" Gohan got up and hurried to the fridge to get out the fixings.

"Thanks, I'm starving… ah so Xena I hear you're gonna be staying at Capsule with Bulma and your dad."

"Yeah, mom thinks it's a good idea to spend some time with him and make sure he stays focused on his goals… I feel more like his babysitter." She grunted when tarble tossed food in her face and she slowly wiped it off with a napkin. "As if I don't get enough of that around here."

"Sorry… Zee could tell you she'd feel the same way in your position. When I was growing up she had to play mother to me, though Aunt B did help there were just certain things she couldn't understand about raising a Saiyan baby."

"You're referring to training?" Xena put the food away seeing as it looked like Tarble was done with it.

"That… and other things. Though Some days I wondered how she managed to handle it all." He folded his hands staring at they immediately clenched. "Especially once Gohan died."

There was the sound of glass breaking and Gohan peeked his head around the counter flushed. "Oops sorry I dropped the mayonnaise."

"You're hopeless, Gohan. Just leave it… I'll fetch a bot." She pushed a button on the wall then looked to Tarble with a serious frown. "I shouldn't have to ask this but… how did Gohan die? He was killed by the androids, right? How come they didn't kill me too? I know I wouldn't let Gohan go out and fight on his own."

Tarble narrowed his eyes. "Well…"

~In the Past~

"OW! Damn it that hurts!" Xena cringed as Bulma tied the bandages tight around her wrists. "It's not broken damn it, why are you putting a damn cast on it?"

"Because if I don't you're just gonna make what's a minor injury worse and actually end up breaking the damn thing." Bulma sighed heavily. "Stop wriggling, I'm almost done." Bulma made the last loop and she put the sealant on it to keep it from going anywhere. The bright white cast sat on her arm like a pointless weight and Zee clearly hated it.

"How's it going?" Gohan, a little bandaged up himself but not half as bad as his counterpart. Well at least not this go around. The battle before this he had lost his arm and both he and Zee had given the final senzu bean to their lil brother who was unconscious and bleeding internally.

"How does it look like it's going?" Zee pointed at herself grunting. She looked horrible, her once precious long hair had been chopped and singed to nearly its roots,and half her face was severely burned and now bandaged up. She had casts on her arm and both feet and she felt like a freakin mummy.

"I'm sorry!" Tarble poked his head around Gohan. He was only thirteen and right now he looked so young and green. "This is all my fault."

"You damn right it's your fault you stupid kid." She growled at him sitting up in bed and propped up on pillows. "I told you to stay put! I told you Gohan and I would handle it. The moment things looked dicey you should have run home, instead you put yourself in danger making us all the more vulnerable!"

"Hey take it easy on the kid, Zee. He was just trying to help."

"He's not even a super saiyan, all he is right now is a liability. Mmng!" She cringed in pain holding her ribs as they sung till she had stars in front of her eyes. Tarble hung his head in shame. "Listen to me, lil bro." She said through grit teeth. "I appreciate you trying to help but you have to understand your position right now. Gohan and I are supersaiyan and even fused together we couldn't get the job done quick enough before our time ran out. we had the power but not the time, we need to find a way to sustain that level. The only reason Gohan and I have been training you is so you can protect yourself enough to live! You do not egg on the enemy, you use the strength we're giving you to protect what's important. Do you understand me?"

Tarble lifted his head staring into his sister's eyes as they burned her words into his memory permanently. "Yes, I understand."

A few hours later Tarble came back to Zee's room with food but found himself spying on her and Gohan who sat next to her on the bed.

"We can't go easy on him, Gohan. He needs to know that this is not a game, this is life and death."

"He knows it's not a game. He knows we're risking our lives out there and he just wants to protect what's important, like you said. We're his only family." Gohan wrapped his good arm around her pressing a kiss to her temple making her soften and lean into him.

"I don't want to lose him the way I lost my mother… I don't want to see anyone else I love get killed because I wasn't strong enough to protect them." Zee's eyes teared up and she leaned in closer. "Promise me if you see him doing anything reckless you'll protect him."

"I promise." He gently tugged hair from her face and stroked a hand down her neck pulling her in…

Tarble snapped out of the flashback when Gohan joined them at the table with Tarble's sandwich. "Sorry I couldn't find the cheese… what did I miss?"

Tarble's face went beat red and he covered it letting out a slow breath. He'd forgotten about that part til he'd dug into his memory.

"Tarble was saying that future you made a promise to future me that you'd keep Tarble from doing anything reckless and protect him." Xena summed up sipping a cup of tea Mrs. Brief had brought along with some cakes and snacks.

"Oh okay… so what happened next?"

"Oh… um well Zee was bed ridden for awhile til her ribs could heal. That left just Gohan to put me through my training."


Tarble growled and shook, his hands clenched as Gohan's voice spoke to him strong and threatening. "The androids… they're killers Tarble. They killed your mother… our friends… innocent women and children… everything sacred is nothing but a piled of ash to them."

Tarble felt so close… he could picture it all… everything he'd seen, heard, felt began to surface on his face. his power raised and raised til he was afraid he might just snap. Just when he felt the bubble in his throat begin to form he lost it, his body trembling and he fell to his knees cursing.

"You're still too afraid…" Gohan explained and picked up his pack handing it to him. Tarble grabbed the bag reaching in for the water bottle and downing it thirstily. "Come on let's go find a perch to relax awhile."

They flew up a lil ways til they rested atop a tall perch looking over Ferris City. "Man, I can't believe myself. What a joke!" Tarble kicked a stone off the perch before sitting down and staring at the ground below.

"Relax, Tarble. Let's just forget about becoming a super saiyan for awhile, huh?" Gohan stretched out on the ground using his good arm to pillow his head.

"What am I doing wrong? You're my brother Gohan, but you're also my master. So tell me, why can't I do it?"

"You can…" Gohan said simply looking at his little brother with a smile. "You just need to find the right motivation that's all. For me it was easy… I just gotta think about how the androids killed Piccolo and Krillin."

"And Xena…" Tarble turned to his brother. "What was her motivation?"

"Your mom…" Gohan frowned. "We were on the battlefield the day it happened. Xena was injured and Vega had told me to keep her tucked away and safe while she challenged them. We had to watch from the dark corner as those androids brutally killed her and laughed while they did it."

He slowly sat up. "She was never the same after that… she was driven by such hurt and rage… she'd have constant nightmares screaming in her sleep… she went super saiyan every time and was picking for a fight when she did… but unlike me who was ready to fight the moment I became a super saiyan Xena controlled her anger…. she knew that even a super saiyan wouldn't be enough… it would take more training, she had the power but not the experience and she kept me on a tight leash. Every time I wanted to run out and help she'd knock me around telling me to wait. Wait until you're stronger, Gohan… wait until we can beat them together."

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden explosion. Tarble was on his feet instantly. "What you gotta be kidding me. Grrr DARN THOSE TWO!"

Gohan was on his feet two, rage building up in him as he heard the cries for mercy as the androids go on their spree. IN his head he could hear them laughing maniacally and smiling with those cold blue eyes of theirs.

"This is ridiculous… they never even had a chance… Grrr RAHHHH!" Gohan burst into super saiyan form and Tarble jolted realizing what was happening.

"Gohan… you can't."

"Tarble whatever happens I want you to stay here." Gohan's murderous eyes narrow on his little brother's face.

"What are you crazy? No way! I can't let you fight those two alone, not without Xena here!"

"Didn't you hear your sister? I'm a lot more vulnerable with you there with me."

"But I'm much stronger this time!" Tarble insisted staring up at his brother with eager and protective eyes. "Besides she said I should protect what's important to me and you're important! Please let me go with you!"

Gohan stared him down seeing the serious look on his face. He knew his little brother would go no matter what he said…. so he smiled. "Okay let's go then."

"Great!" All smiles Tarble turned his head to the city… and then all went black. He could barely hear Gohan's voice like an echo.

"I'm sorry Tarble… but I made a promise to Xena to keep you safe. This is my battle for now little brother, you're not quite ready yet. I'm sorry."

I'm Sorry… those two words were not enough to make up for what Gohan had sacrificed that night. He'd taken on both androids by himself and had gotten killed in the process. His own pain had been so fierce he'd finally reached super saiyan… and that's exactly how his sister had found him.

The rain just kept pouring and he held Gohan to him tears of anger pouring from his teal eyes and he looked over his shoulder to see his sister, still bandaged barely able to stand herself and staring at Gohan's broken form.

"He… he knocked me out… he wouldn't let me help and went to fight them alone."

"I know…" She answered meekly and she walked up. "Move…" When Tarble just stared blankly she snarled and powered up. "I SAID MOVE!"

She kicked him cringing slightly as the cast on it broke apart and she collapsed beside Gohan and cradled him in her arms. "Damn you, Gohan! DAMN YOU!" She weeped. "I told you to keep him from being reckless not to go off and be reckless for him."

Tarble had never heard his sister cry so much. She was sobbing and raging as she held Gohan. tears just streaming down her face, gohan's blood all over her but she didn't seem to care. She held on as if praying her tears would bring him back to life.

"It took her weeks to openly speak to me again… during that time even when she trained me it was a series of grunts and motions… she liked to speak with her fists." He eyed his chibi selves and he could tell from the way they were sitting they'd held hands underneath where he couldn't see.

"Gohan meant a lot to my sister, and she meant a lot to him. You two are just like them in that sense. You're closer than siblings, stronger together than you are apart. Don't ever forget that okay?"

"You talk too much." Zee told her brother as they walked together through the compound. She had heard Tarble spill his lil past story to the chibis and it left her with an uncomfortable hurt in her chest.

"She asked, and I didn't see the harm in telling her the truth."

"They don't need to know about a past that will never happen to them." She growled at him.

"Who says it won't… maybe it won't be the androids but there might be a threat in the future that-"

"Don't say it! Don't you dare say it!" She halted and pointed a finger at him. "If you do it'll make this entire endeavor of ours a waste!" She scowled when she saw him fighting for words to speak and she gave a heavy sigh. "They're their own people, Tarble. They share the same blood and name as Gohan and I but they will be raised without the bloodshed and loss. They'll become their own people with their own agendas and their own problems."

"Okay, I get it. Whatever happens after we leave it's on their own to make their own future."

"Yes," Zee nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. "As it should be. They've their future… and we have ours. With this new training and level of power beating the androids in our time will be a cinch. We can finally have peace now."

"Peace… sounds like a fairy tale to me." Tarble said with a joking smile.

"Sometimes life is a fairy tale…" She wrapped her arm around her little brother and pulled him out to the courtyard. "Sometimes it's a nightmare… the trick is to find the lesson in the nightmare… and the truth in a fairy tale."

"So what's our lesson and truth?"

"The lesson from our nightmare is to hold onto everything that's precious and fight to keep it safe." She dug her knuckles into his head and then let go. "And our truth is that even though we've found peace, we have to remember to be prepared for anything else that may come our way."

"listen to you being all respectful and wise…"

"Screw you I've always been respectful and wise!" She put her hands on her hips… and then shared a laugh with him since she couldn't keep her face straight.

Later that day everyone had gathered out by the time machine to wish their final goodbyes. Vega and Goku hugged their kids tight Zee holding on extra tight to her mother breathing in her scent and remembering it.

"You show those androids not to mess with the Princess of all Saiyans." Vega whispered to her making Zee laugh and cry a little inside.

"You bet, mom… mmm Kakarott you take care now okay?"

"You too Zee… send Bulma my love and tell her thanks for me." Goku took her hand in a shake then pulled her in for a hug of his own. It took her a bit by surprise but she hugged him back and lingered just a little longer than she deemed comfortable before pulling back and smirking.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Tarble close to tears fought for composure and gave a double thumbs up. "Be sure to tell my chibi self to stay cool."

"I'm sure he'll only resent it coming from us, but we'll do our part." Vega chuckled and returned the thumbs up. "Stay cool yourself, my son…. and stay strong. No true Prince of Saiyans will let a couple androids get the better of him."

When she said Prince of Saiyans his smile instantly brightened and he laughed happily and jumped up into the cockpit. Zee hesitated her eyes searching the crowd and she finally turned to Bulma.

"Where's Sixteen?"

"He said it would be better if he didn't come, he didn't want you having any second thoughts… but he told me to give this to you." Bulma handed her a small package. "He says you'll know what it is… and only to open it after you've returned."

"Oh… I see." She took the package stroking it and she gave a sad sigh and hugged Bulma. "Thanks Aunt B… you take care."

"You too… be safe."

Zee climbed up next to her brother pocketing the gift into her capsule corp jacket. She looked out at the complex one last time. Her heart twinged, and she quickly set the buttons to take off. Everyone waved and shouted goodbye as the machine rose high and then vanished from sight.

Very little had changed since they left.. thankfully. Xena had worried that their long extended absence would have the androids destroying more and more… or now that she thought about it, would give Cell the time he needed to grow and find them.

"I don't sense Cell's presence yet so that's a good thing… let's go say hi to Aunt B and then listen to the radio for any android attacks." Tarble jumped down and rushed inside.. but Zee didn't immediately follow. Instead her senses searched out trying to find any sign of Cell. Maybe she'd take a fly over to Gero's lab and see for sure if he'd…

"Xena!" Bulma ran out laughing and put her arms arond her. "Oh you're back thank goodness. I was beginning to get worried you two had gotten lost in a time flux or something."

"Sorry, Aunt B…" Xena gave a small smile. "I didn't mean to worry you… things just got away from us and we took longer than expected."

"I'll bet, why don't you tell me everything that's happened over a cup of tea." Bulma hurried Zee inside canceling any plans she had of escaping. If there was one person Zee had a hard time saying no to, it was Bulma.

The story was long but worth the tale. Bulma had soaked in every moment and thought of her old friends with a smile. "Wow so Goku and Vega really got married."

"You're the one who finally convinced her to go through with it." Zee explained and poured herself another cup. "You told her everything that Kakarott said, about wanting to be bound to her in every possible way, and she finally softened and accepted the proposal."

"I still find it hard to believe that Goku, Mr romance Oblivious went through all that trouble for her. This mating stuff sounds really potent."

Xena's eyes drifted off to a picture of her and Gohan when they were teenagers, the two of them holding hands and giving peace signs to the camera. What few good memories they had Bulma had wanted to capture so she made a point of taking pictures every chance she got.

"Yeah… potent." Her hand clasped the box in her pocket. The radio goes off announcing an attack on Rose city and Zee set her cup aside and got up looking to her brother. "Let's roll kid… if Cell is out there we can't let him get to them first."

"Right! Let's go!" He looks back at Bulma with a thumbs up. "No worries Aunt B, we'll be back by dinner!"

Dinner.. hell they were back by lunch. Xena couldn't believe just how much strength she had gained in the past. Her and Table each took an android on and within minutes had blown them apart.

"Man oh man, finally it's over! The nightmare is over!" Tarble did a dance in Super Saiyan form shouting out to the world happily. Xena wasn't as celebratory as she thought of the other threat that lingered out there.

"We're not out of the dark yet, Tarble. There's still one threat left… I know you're out there… Cell."

Tarble stopped dancing and he glanced over his sense picking up the energy and his eyes nearly slit like a cat when he spotted the scorpion cockroach looking thing slither from the dark.

"You killed them… how did you do that? How did you know who I was?" Cell asked raspily his mind still in shock from what he had witnessed.

"I know all about you Cell… I know you were created by Gero, and that you needed 17 and 18 to reach your supposed perfect form. well I got news for you. 17 and 18 are dead and you're next on the list."

"You filthy little saiyan… do you really think that just because you were able to beat them that you could defeat me?" He laughed and pumped up his energy. "we'll just see about that."

"Oh we will… and we will see that I will beat you just as I beat them." She pulled off her jacket tossing it at her brother. She went Super Saiyan and then punched it up the extra level. "Without breaking a sweat."

Cell screamed and launched right for her. She backed up floating calmly away and let his fist go through to the ground causing it to crack and rumble creating a small crater. Tarble floated down to the ground and crossed his arms letting her jacket lay folded over them and he enjoyed as Cell chased his sister around as if he was playing one of those old whack a mole arcade games.

"Hold still you little rodent!"

"Who you calling a rodent, you insect!" She halted and her fist met his and Cell cried out in pain as he felt the muscles in his arm tear and veins pop out bleeding. "News flash you're not perfect… no one is. So get over yourself and admit your defeat!"

He cradled his broken bleeding arm staring at her with absolute fury and he shouted. "NOOOOAAHHH!" he powered up and went full force she dodged easily swinging side to side and then she ducked pressing both her hands to his gut and releasing a powerful blast that overtook him and disintegrated him.

"You took your time with that one." Tarble called out and watched her descend and he held out her jacket. she grabbed it up and slung it over her shoulder.

"We're done here… let's go home squirt."

"What about the survivors?" Tarble looked behind her as some injured people come crawling out of the wreckage.

"Very well we'll help them. Let's try and be home by dinner so Bulma won't worry okay?"


It took them hours to pull people from the rubble along with the help of the fire and police department. By the time they got home they were covered in dirt and grime and were in desperate need of showers.

Tarble won the toss so he hurried into the hot steamy shower first and Xena plopped into her chair to relax. "Ugh… manual labor…"

She tossed her jacket on the table and the package slips out. She opened one eyes and stared at it. Looking around to make sure Bulma wasn't hovering she leaned over and snatched it up and started opening.

"Whatcha got there?" Bulma's voice came from behind her suddenly making her jolt.

"Where did you come from?" Zee looked at her pale and shock.

"You must be out of it." Bulma spoke honestly and set down her cup of coffee, and taking the box from her and looking at the card attached. "To Xena, may this little piece of me represent the memories we will always share. Awww how sweet. You found yourself a boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend, Bulma, you have to be in the same dimension at least for that to happen." She snatched it back pouting.

"Oh so he's from the past. You're right that is a shame. Oh well at least he gave a keepsake… huh what's this?" She peeked over Xena's head looking at the gift inside. "Looks like a computer chip."

"He didn't… oh kami…" Tears fell down Xena's cheeks and she jolted up from her chair and dumped out the contents of her bag scrambling through them to find a flash drive and she hurries to the computer… she pulls up Sixteen's schematics and the tears just spill over. "It's a memory chip... his memory chip."

"Whose…. an androids? What are you doing with an android's memory chip? What's this about Zee?" When she didn't get an answer she grabbed the girl by the shoulder and turned her around. "ZEE!"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed and pushed past her. She blasted into Super Saiyan mode and out the door nearly ripping it off the hinges. Tarble came scrambling in looking a little panicked.

"What happened? What did you say to Xena to make her so upset?"

"I… I have no idea."

She flew for hours, the pain still fresh and she couldn't stop imagining the last image she had of him in the early hours of dawn. He'd given her his memory chip… it was in essence everything he was everything she'd come to love. Without it he'd never be the same, he was like an empty machine now. In other words he was gone… dead… given up. She was so angry, and so upset, why would he just give up the life he loved for her? She didn't understand!

She collapsed on the ground unable to fly anymore and she fell to her knees. Her hands buried in her face weeping. It wasn't fair… the androids were gone, Cell was gone, why did she feel like the world was still ending? Was it because Gohan wasn't here to see it? Or was it really because she lost the only android she actually liked… maybe even loved?

Maybe she did love Sixteen, but they couldn't be together, he'd made that perfectly clear. They were of different times, different dimensions. He didn't even exist in her world.

...or did he?

Xena's tears stopped as her eyes widened in realization. She looked at her surroundings then pressed on her satelitte watch to see how far she was from North City. She got to her feet quickly wiping her tears away and she blasted off in a mad dash. It was a slim chance… very slim, but a ray of hope glowed and she could see it clear as day.

It took her several minutes to actually find the lab, even after being blasted open by the androids it was still tucked into a large mountain range and only Squirt had been there before. She landed inside the cave the door blasted off its hinges. Most of D. Gero's lab was tossed about, dried up blood and the skeleton of the old geezer lay on the ground making her stomach churn. She spotted the opened pods for 17 and 18 and admired them, they were like fancy technological coffins designed to preserve whatever was inside. She touched the panels to close them, and then pressed a button on the side to return them to their capsule size. She looked around the room, things tossed about, burnt and just flat out destroyed. Her eyes found the gaping hole that had held Cell and her nose wrinkled at the foul stench coming from underneath.

Her eyes caught a glint in the dark and she hesitated before moving toward it. She lifted the broken table up to see a small capsule pod and picking it up her eyes widen at the numbers "16" dusted the side.


She pocketed it and made her dash out of the dreary building. Her heart galloped the entire way home. She slammed the door to the lab refusing to come out. Bulma had only got glimpses of her face before Zee went right to work. The woman's face had been a mix of hope and panic.

"Well looks like I won't be using my lab for some time so… I guess I'll start making plans to rebuild the grounds." She looked to Tarble who sat at the table staring after his sister. "It's her decision, Tarble, let her find her own way."

"Right... " He gave up. Tarble decided on a heaving sigh. His sister had always been calm and collected even when dealing with the androids, but Sixteen had riled her up, made her cry and care just as Gohan had done. Who was he to take away this small chance of happiness? "Let's get to work."

It took her weeks to finish. She had wanted to be thorough because it was a task that was far too important to take lightly. Anxious she wiped her sweaty palm on her jeans staring down at her work. She'd finished the work, now all that was left was to activate him.

With her heart in her throat she flipped the switches on the panel and the wires connected to his temple and chest plate surge and generates the quick boost of power needed to boot his programming. Once she heard the gentle hum from this she removed the wires, and waited.

A minute passed, then two… her heart began to sink and she clung to his hand pressing it to her lips as a tear fell. "What's the point in having all this knowledge and not being able to use it for what you want most?" She choked on a sob and stood up kissing Sixteen's lips gently. "What's the point?"

His hand twitched, and so did her heart. Pulling back Zee stared down as Sixteen's eyes slowly open and stare up at her… blankly at first. She worried he didn't recognize her, but when the smile came to his lips her returned it.

"Hello Xena."

"Welcome Home, Sixteen."

FINALLY IM DONE! Took me forever, it's like Kami was against me continuing my fics. First with the move, then my computer frying, and all the extra hours I had to do at work. This concludes this portion of the Mis- series, I need a vote on whether or not to finish the Reborn and WHy Can't series first, or to go ahead and post the first chapter for Misguided Soul which is the continuation of this series. Tell me your thoughts! I'll be quick to respond this time.