Naruto Namikaze walked through the streets of Konoha annoyed. He ignored the glares aimed at him, it happened every time he left the house. For a seven year old boy to be used to so much hate was just wrong. He made his way through the streets walking to the ninja academy behind his parents and his sisters. Hikari and Madoka were both also going to the academy, the triplets, Hikari being the oldest, and then Naruto with Madoka being the youngest were all entering the academy today. Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage and his wife Kushina smiled at Hikari and Madoka who were both bouncing excitedly in front of them.

Seven years ago the Kyubi attacked, controlled by some man in an orange mask after it was released from his mother. Anybody else would have died but being an Uzumaki his mother survived. Not being able to seal the full Kyubi into one vessel seeing how it was too strong his dad had another plan. He sealed the Yang chakra in Hikari, the Yin chakra in Madoka and the Kyubi's soul into him.

It was a smart plan, without the soul Hikari and Madoka were free to use Kyubi's unrestrained power with training. Both their parents started their training when they were five, but only Hikari and Madoka. When Naruto asked if they could train him they told him no. They told him he could wait for the academy, that his sisters were special and needed the training now.

That was when Naruto started to realise how more focused on his sisters their parents were.

Over the next two years Naruto noticed his parents focused more on his sisters then him. It got to the point where he was always in the background, never being noticed by them. They only had eyes for Hikari and Madoka.

He supposed he could have made more of an effort. Force his way into the family more and he did try, but after the first few times he gave up. If they weren't going to care about him then he wasn't going to care about them. So he decided to stay out of the way as much as possible, but he was still a seven year old boy so he would try and get his parents attention at some points, even if he didn't realise it. His sisters were also distant, not cruel but distant following their parent's example like any child would.

They walked past a shop that captured Naruto's attention; its windows were filled with unusual items. It had a sign over head naming it 'Valiant's Magic Craft.'

For some reason Naruto seemed drawn to the store. He would need to check it out when he was next free.

Naruto's instincts were wrong, the academy sucked even worse than he thought it would. Most of the teachers hated him but were careful in showing it so not bring up suspicion, and all the other children. Anyone that tried to approach him only wanted to use him as a friend to get close to his sisters. They weren't exactly subtle about it, and with all the hate and anger thrown at him he had learn to pick up things quickly.

It was later that evening after dinner that Naruto had a chance to visit that shop again. His parents were training his sisters leaving him with nothing to do. Walking into the brightly lit shop he couldn't help but look around at everything wide eyed.

"Can I help you?"

Turning he looked at the counter where someone had just walked out of a backdoor. Naruto's jaw dropped, standing in front of him was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Long white, sky blue and purple hair was tied in a ponytail with long bangs framing the face. The person was tall with pale skin and ruby eyes that shined in the light. The person was wearing a black tank top with a white off the shoulder shirt and black pants. Pouty and shiny pink lips were smiling at Naruto and the person stepped from behind the counter approaching Naruto who blushed.

"Now how can I help a cute little thing like you, are you interested in magic by any chance? My name is Valiant Horizon it's a pleasure to meet you…."

Naruto tried to fight down his blush but failed "Naruto, Naruto Namikaze."

"Well then Naruto, you wandered into my humble little store so I take it you're interested in magic?" Valiant asked leaning down slightly.

Naruto was confused "Magic? Don't you mean chakra?"

"No, you see magic and chakra are two different things. While everyone is capable of using chakra not everybody is capable of being to use magic, you have to be born with it." Valiant explained.

"Like a bloodline?" Naruto asked having read a book about bloodlines not long ago.

"Yes like a bloodline, but one that has no relation to chakra. You see chakra is from the mental and physical energies that a body produces but magic comes from the soul itself. Anybody can be born with magic so it is pretty much random." Valiant said standing up straight.

"But how do you know if someone has magic?" Naruto asked looking confused, it was an adorable expression and made Valiant chuckle slightly. "If anyone can be born with it how can you tell if someone has it?"

"You're a smart little boy aren't you? The fact is that you standing here proves that you have magic, only those who have magic or the ability to use magic can enter or even see my humble little shop." Valiant told him with a wink. "So Naruto are you interested in learning about magic."

Walking behind the counter Valiant pulled out a book and dropped it onto the counter. Naruto simply stared for a moment, his young mind working over everything he was told.

"What can magic do, just how is it different from chakra?" he asked Valiant.

Valiant's smile grew, happiness simply radiating off the beautiful man. "Naruto how about you sit down and let me explain just what magic is capable of."