Hey guys like I said I'm going to try and finish this story like I always wanted to. I only have one midterm exam left at this point (I don't know what other college schedules are like, but mines pretty weird). So this chapter was easy to focus on.

Also huge thanks to Hypernova for the advice; it was simple, but happened to be just what I needed to get my gears turning again.

Also I'm thinking of taking this story down, but then reposting it as a rated T, and taking out the lemons. Because to be honest I don't see myself writing any more lemon scene. However the violence and cursing will still be present which is why I'm leaning more towards just leaving it up. Anyways whatever I decide to do; don't expect any more smut (unless for some reason you guys would like it to continue.)

I would also like to point out real quick that I have decided to ignore most of what had happened in the TV series. I like the series, but when I came up with the idea for this story I found it easier to go with how I envisioned it rather than back pedaling over specific details. So while I didn't ignore every fact from the series I am sticking to what the original plan was. So please don't bother pointing it out that something different happened in the TV series. Trust me. I know.

Regardless, I think we all can agree I've kept you all waiting long enough so here is the newest chapter.

Finn Hashman kept running as fast as his feet could carry him. The smoke was getting too thick for him to see as he made his way down stairs; he looked to the living room and saw all of his family's belongings going up in flames. He had looked for his sister Mara everywhere, but he hadn't seen any sign of her. Taking one more look at the burning room around he began to turn to the door that lead to safety, when he suddenly heard a crash followed by a scream. He ran to where the beam had fallen and found her there unconscious.

"Mara!" He was panicking now as he frantically tried to lift the burning beam from his sister's stomach. A trickle of blood flowed from her temple down the side of her soot covered face. He tried again to lift the beam but hissed in pain as his fingers were burned from the intense heat. As the flames continued to roar around him he heard another crash as the opposite wall came down. Suddenly he heard a voice from the outside.

"Finn! Mara! Can you hear me?!" Finn recognized it immediately.

"Dad! We're over here!" Before the words had left his mouth another crash blasted through the building. Where the front door once stood was now a tall beast of a man with a look of determination plainly evident on his face. He soon saw his children from across the room and quickly made his way to their side. Without a word he easily lifted the burning wood from his daughter's body and threw it off to the side. He carefully lifted his daughter, as soon as he was sure that he wouldn't drop her he began to run for the door.

"Come on son, we don't have much time!" As father and son made one last leap they dove out the front door and into the thin layer of snow; just as the rest of the structure came raining down in a fiery torrent of destruction. Finn panting from both exhaustion and fear gazed upon his village, or what was left of it. All around he saw more houses burning, giant boulders, and fireballs flew across the sky. He jerked his head again towards another voice that he recognized.

"Erik!" The sound of terror in his mother's voice put a nauseas feeling in his belly. "Oh thank the gods

you're alive. How is she?" She said as she swept her hand across her eldest child's forehead.

"I'm not sure Helga, but right now we need to get out of here." Erik replied as he readjusted his daughter's weight in his arms. "Come on. There's a boat on the north shore we can use to escape." The family moved as swiftly as possible. Finn did his best to keep up with his mother and father, but due to his rather small stature saying that he was struggling would have been an understatement.

"Dad, what's going on? What's causing all of this?" No sooner did the words leave his lips before his answer spring forth blocking him and his family from the shore that was still about a half-mile away. Three Berserkers stood weapons drawn stood ready to attack.

"Helga take Mara and Finn to the boat, I'll take care of them and meet you down there as soon as I can." The burly man said as he handed his daughter over to his wife.

"Oh will you now? I don't think the odds are necessarily in your favor, now do ya?" All three of the conscious Hashmans turned behind them. Finn could not believe what he was looking at. His father was the largest man he had ever seen, but the man he saw now was easily twice his size. He had a large unruly black beard with a scar under his right eye.

"Alvin! So you're the one behind this. What do you have to gain from attacking us? There is nothing for you here." Erik said as he drew his axe.

"You're right there isn't anything for me here, but my associate and I had come to an agreement. If we're going to rule the archipelago then we needed to make an example of someone. So that the other villages would simply surrender." He said as he gave the man a demonic grin. "And unfortunately for you Bashem happened to be the perfect place."

"Helga go now!" Erik ran towards the three Berserkers and knocked two to the ground clearing a path for his family to make a run for it.

"Come on Finn we need to hurry!" His mother tightened her grip on his older sister before the two of them sprinted through the opening together as fast as their legs would allow. With the now extra weight hat she was carrying Helga was slowly falling behind her fourteen year old son. As he gradually got further and further away from her he began to take notice and slowed down to wait for her. Finnius Anbor Hashman don't you dare slow down for a second! You keep running no matter what, understand!"

She had to force it out of her despite the loss of breath she was suffering from, but Finn could see the seriousness in her voice so he doubled his efforts and dashed as fast as he could, as he broke through the tree line. Reaching the small sandy beach he searched around until he found what he was looking for. A small row boat lay at the edge of the sand being beat upon by small sheets of ice and the low waves coming ashore.

"Mom! I found it! Come on, were almost there." He said as he made his way over to the small vessel. After much effort he was able to move it further out into the water to where it was no longer held to the land beneath it.

"Good work, love. Now help me get your sister in quickly." Helga gently laid the girl down while Finn supported her head and rested it on a pile of rope to give her some comfort. Finn was about to pull up the oars from underneath the seats when he heard a grunt from his mother. What Finn saw next; had to be one of the worst nightmares for any child.

His mother stood at the stern of the boat gripping tightly to the side. Her eyes wide with shock and pain. She looked down to her chest to see a blade stabbed cleanly protruding from her chest. She looked to her son once more, a trickle of blood escaping her lips as she spoke her last words. "Run."

The sword retreated from her body and she fell lifelessly to the shallows with a splash. Standing over her stood a tall and lean man with the most twisted smile Finn had ever laid eyes on. He had a blue tattoo across his left eye and wore a crossbow across his back. His smile grew larger as he broke into an evil cackle. From behind the man Finn could see the large man from before, Alvin, come onto the beach and made his way toward his little boat. He stood petrified as he saw his father's axe resting on Alvin's shoulder, stained with blood.

"Well what have we here, slaves? Or sport, eh Berserker?" Alvin spoke with the same grin as before. After his words, the lean man stood straight with his twisted smile again. He kicked the lifeless corpse at his feet off to the side and planted his foot on the aft of the boat.

"Oh no, neither my large friend. No they don't call me Dagur the Deranged for nothing, no. Not slaves, nor sport, no a much more noble of a title for this hero." He said gesturing to Finn. "A messenger! Gods be praised. A messenger for my dear brother Hiccup." His smile grew impossibly larger with insanity.

Dagur raised his sword to the Finns neck and pressed just lightly enough to draw blood from the boy who stood in absolute fear and shock. "Listen well my faithful messenger." Dagur removed the blade from the boy's throat and pointed to the east. "In that direction you will find the Isle of Berk. Where you will be fed and kept safe, for the time being. You will go there and find a man named Hiccup. And you will tell him that his brother is coming to see him. I am clear aren't I young one." He said in a sweet tone as he brought the sword back to Finn's neck.

Finn had slowly been coming back to reality, realizing that he and his sister's lives depended on it. But how could he know that this man was telling the truth? Did it even matter? He knew hardly anything about what lie beyond his home. He had heard of other islands notably Berk, for its peace with the dragons, but nothing more. If he stayed he would surely be killed, and he had no knowledge of where any other islands would be. His sister desperately needed medical attention, and at this point he had no other choice.

"I'm waiting for an answer sweet child." Dagur said in a kind tone before it turned dangerously violent once more.

Finn could only just stammer, still slightly unaware of the entire situation, "Ye…yes sir."

"Good boy. Now then… safe travels." Dagur said in his mock motherly tone once more. Before pushing the boat out to sea with his foot.


Cinëad stood over the desk needle in hand and large amount of frustration on his mind. It had been three months since they had found the Skrill, who Cinëad had rightfully named Gailleann Sealgair, after his war ship that he had been found in. However, after realizing that Hiccup and Astrid had no idea what he was saying and some convincing the name had been changed to Gallen. He and the dragon would butt heads often, but the two enjoyed it thoroughly. After two weeks Gallen was ready to fly and with that meant building a saddle. Hiccup had made the first saddle, but when the saddle had been damaged during some of their training the yesterday Cinëad insisted upon fixing it, and he was struggling, a lot.

Astrid had offered to keep him company at the forge while Hiccup had to go with Stoick for more of his "heirly" duties. She would help him whenever necessary, but the real reason Astrid was there was because she needed to talk to someone that wasn't Hiccup. "So remind me again why you's coming to me about you's and Hiccup." Cinëad was happy that she would come to him, but confused as to why not someone she had known longer.

"Ugh, because I don't trust anyone with this kind of stuff except you, Fish, Hiccup, and my mom. And if I tell my mom she'll freak out, and Fishlegs can't keep a secret." She said irritated.

"And Hiccup?" He said raising an eye brow while still focusing on sewing the leather in his hands.

Astrid let out a sigh and brushed her bangs from her face. "Well… I'm not sure how he's going to react to this." She was obviously nervous and what she said really caught Cinëad's attention causing him to turn away from the desk to look at her. Whatever was on her mind was obviously very important.

"Well then let's get to it then eh… what's troubling ya lass?" He said as he clapped his hands together and rubbing them together.

Astrid gave another sigh as she thought about how to say what she desperately needed to tell someone about. It was about the middle of winter, and Snoggletog was two weeks away; but more importantly, the wedding was set for the first day of spring. In the las three months she and Hiccup's relationship had gotten further along. They had been very careful of not getting caught, and Astrid had been able to get a hold of a contraceptive tea that she took every morning, well almost every morning.

"I'm pregnant," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry, say that again lass. I don't think I heard you right." Cinëad said scratching his ear.

"I'm pregnant!" She almost yelled, but quickly covered her mouth after finishing.

So that's some pretty big news, right! And yes this story will be taking a bit of a more dark turn, but I'm confident that most people will like it. So any questions, complaints, or approvals feel free to tell me in a review or two. I've already started on the next chapter so hopefully it will be up soon. See ya then.