Thank you for reading the next chapter of The Klaine Archives! Send in prompts to keep the story going! I will do them all!

This one is from GarethGlee14: 'Blaine is a music teacher who is unsure about his sexuality but then he meets art teacher Kurt and he realises he is gay. But how will the school headmistress, Rachel, react seeing that she has a crush on Blaine?'

Unfortunately I do not own Glee.


"Okay, see you next lesson guys." Blaine said as the bell at McKinley High rang out, signalling the lesson's end. He was relieved, however, as it marked the end of his first ever lesson at the school. Being a music teacher was hard work, but he was determined to try it and was happy to have survived his first lesson, which had gone very well.

"Thanks Mr Anderson!" A young girl shouted and waved as she walked out, making Blaine smile. At that moment his phone buzzed and he looked at the text he had received.

'Had a great time last night. Hope to see you again xx –A'

Oh, Angela.

Angela had been the first woman Blaine had dated in a long time. He had never been that interested in dating but met Angela in a library and he thought she seemed nice. She WAS nice, but that didn't stop her conversations being BORING. Blaine knew dating wasn't his thing, but it was more than that. He wasn't sure if dating WOMEN was his thing.

He had never had a boyfriend, but he did have a girlfriend back in the day and they had sex and everything, but Blaine never felt comfortable with any girl he was with and had recently started wondering if he was bisexual or maybe just gay. He had never enjoyed sex with women as much as other men seemed to. He liked girls, of course he did, but he'd never LOVED any. He wasn't sure he ever would.


"Mr Anderson! Blaine!" Rachel Berry, the headmistress, exclaimed as she saw Blaine walking towards the staff room during lunch break.

"Oh, hi Miss Berry. What can I do for you?" Blaine asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering how your first lesson went."

"REALLY well, thanks. I'm settled in already."

"That's great news! And great for the school too. I'm a huge fan of the arts myself, and I'm sure that a new, fresh, handsome teacher will encourage everyone to get more involved." Rachel said suggestively. Blaine didn't like how she had said 'handsome'.

Is she...flirting with me?

"I'm also interested in getting healthy, which is why I'm starting a new campaign that'll get students and staff alike to eat well and exercise. Although it seems like you certainly have the exercising covered, Mr Anderson, if you don't mind me saying." Rachel said as they walked in and Blaine sat down.

Yep, flirting. Crap.

"Well, enjoy your lunch! Good day, everyone!" Rachel said and walked out, taking one last glance at Blaine as she left. Blaine sighed into his food as he tried to come up with reasons not to date Rachel should she ask, because he certainly never would.

"Can I sit here?" A gentle voice asked. Blaine looked up from his food and felt his heart start beating fast. Stood before him was a man with perfect skin and spiked up brown hair. His face looked as though it had been carved by the finest of craftsmen and his voice was angelic. Blaine was shocked; he'd never been so taken back by the mere sight of anyone before.

"Uh...yeah, go ahead." Blaine said. The man smiled and sat down next to him.

"I'm Kurt." The man said and shook Blaine's hand.

"I'm Blaine. The new music teacher."

"Oh, right! I've heard good things about you already. I'm the art teacher." Kurt said as he started eating the grapes he pulled out of his bag.

"So, has Rachel flirted with you yet?" Kurt asked. Blaine laughed out of shock.

"How did you know?"

"She flirts with all the good looking guys who work here. I'd get used to it if I were you." Kurt said.

"Okay. And thank you." Blaine said slyly.

"For what?"

"For calling me good looking." Blaine replied and Kurt went bright red.

"I, uh...well, you know...I'm, I'm gay. I'm allowed." Kurt mumbled. Blaine sat up further in his seat, his heart lifted.

"...You are?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded.

"Yeah. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Couldn't hide it if I wanted to." Kurt said and Blaine watched as he popped another grape into his mouth. He watched Kurt's lips surround the grape as he gently chewed it. Blaine felt something as he looked at Kurt, and he was pretty certain that Kurt was turning him on.

Am I gay?

The thought seemed to make sense to Blaine for the first time ever. He didn't know for certain, he'd never been with a man before, but something about Kurt was appealing to Blaine. Very much.

"What about you? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" Kurt asked.


"But you're straight?"

"...Honestly, I dunno. I'm starting to think I might be gay." Blaine admitted. Kurt looked shocked.

"Possibly gay and handsome? I'm having a field day." Kurt joked. Blaine smiled.

"How long have you assumed you might be gay?" Kurt asked.

"Since the second I saw you." Blaine whispered. Kurt's eyes lit up.

"Oh. Good." Kurt said.


That night, Blaine flew off the top of Kurt and landed next to him on his bed.

"Wow. Like, WOW." Blaine said, out of breath. Kurt was smiling.

"Oh god, yeah." Kurt agreed, looking at Blaine.

"Yeah. Gay. It's good to be gay." Blaine said and kissed Kurt passionately. They started making out, Kurt running his fingers through Blaine's hair.

"I hope you know this isn't what I do with every guy I meet; say hello then hop into bed with them on the same day. Normally I actually go on at least four dates. Congrats, you've set a new record." Kurt said with a laugh as they men continued making out. Blaine heard a vibration coming from his jeans which were on the floor. He got out of bed, put on his boxers and pulled his phone out of the jeans' pocket before sitting back on the bed. Kurt sat up and started kissing Blaine's neck, wrapping his arms around Blaine's chest.

"What is it?" Kurt asked.

"Oh no."


"Rachel just asked me out."

Kurt started laughing as he read the text over Blaine's shoulder.

"What should I do?" Blaine asked.

"I have an idea." Kurt replied with a smirk.


"You're a genius, you know." Blaine said as he started putting his clothes back on.

"I know." Kurt said happily, doing the same.

"So, you wanna go out sometime?" Blaine asked.

"I thought you'd never ask. So, definitely gay?" Kurt asked.

"Gay. I've never enjoyed sex like that as much as I ever have with a girl. Yep, I'm gay, I'm happy...and I'm yours." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. Kurt looked at him with pure lust and desire in his eyes.

"Oh, so said that on purpose."

"Yes I did. Did it work?"

"Yes it did." Kurt said, taking his clothes off again immediately after putting them back on and pushing Blaine back onto the bed with a giggle.


At home, Rachel opened the text that Blaine had sent her and saw a picture of Blaine. In bed. With Kurt.

"Damn. Always the handsome ones." Rachel said, raising her glass of wine in the air.

"Good luck, boys."


Keep prompting and reviewing guys :D