Some things happen for a reason (Jack Frost x OC [ROTG love story]) Chapter 1

Name: Elliana Chronos

Mythical Chararcter: Daughter Time/ Baby New Year

Family: Father Time

Age: 16

Appearance: Chocolate Brown hair; emerald green eyes and peachy colored skin.

My chocolate brown hair bounced as I walked around Santa's Workshop; his place his huge! It's like maze; I turn my head and notice one of the Yetis's making the toys; my mind still couldn't grasp the thought that the elves didn't make the toys then again. My eyes then wandered to one of the elves eating away North's cookies and I sighed; those little guys are kind of a nut jobs.

I knocked on the Jolly man's door to his office and I heard a voice inside signaling me to come in. The burly man turned to me and smiled as I smiled back at him.

"Good morning Elliana" he smiled,

"Morning Mr. Clause" I replied back at him, he started to chuckle and let out a toothy grin.

"Elliana, don't call me Mr. Clause, North will be just fine"

I looked at him and nodded at his statement, "Okay North…" I trailed off, I looked at him and he looked at me and we had an awkward silence.

"So do you need anything North?" I asked with a questioningly facial expression and his face lit up. "Why yes Elliana, is it okay for you to help out the Yeti."

I looked at him in disbelief and I lean up against the wall and I crossed my arms, "North will this even help me become a Guardian?"

He looked at me and sigh, "Elliana you need to understand; just helping me will not get you to become one of the Guardians." He paused and turned to Man in Moon "Only Man in Moon will decide if you're a Guardian, Elliana" he trailed off.

I sighed at his nostalgia and stared at him; "Okay North, I understand" I turned toward the door and looked back at him as he looked at Man in Moon. "I'll go help out the Yeti" I yelled with a smiled as I closed the door behind me.

My back slumped down and I sighed in depression, I looked up and gave a sorrowful smile, "Guess helping out the Guardians is not going to help me become a Guardian myself…" I straighten my back and I headed towards the Yetis making the toys.

North's P.O.V.

I smiled that she understand, I went back to my train set, "I'm still waiting on my cookies!" I shouted at my elves as they started to scramble around. Everything was just fine until the Yeti burst into the door knocking my train out of the air.

"What now Yeti!" I groaned

"Ughhhhh AHHHH!" he growled as he pointed at the globe

"What is wrong with the globe?" I asked as head toward the globe.

Once I got to the globe it looked perfectly fine and everything, until the lights started to flicker off.

I turn my head towards the Globe and saw the dark sand covering every little blinking light on the Globe. I then stumble toward the guardian signal to call upon my fellow Guardians.

"Looks like Pitch is back…" I huffed as I waited for my fellow Guardians.

10 minutes had past and my fellow Guardians are here.

Sandy was just floating around while Tooth was talking to her baby tooth fairies as Bunnymund was painting his eggs.

"What is going on North?" Bunnymund ask as he looked up at me still painting his egg.

I looked at him and cleared my throat; "My fellow Guardians, Pitch Black was here, because he is here the children of the world is in danger. "

Everyone looked at me in disbelief and stop at what they were doing. Bunnymund was the first to clear the silence. "Wait Pitch was actually here?" he asked in concern.

I they stopped in my tracks and turn to him, "The globe was covered in black sand." i stammered. Bunnymund looked at me in disbelief, and groaned in agony.

"So you are telling me that Pitch isn't here… "He groaned and I looked at him seriously, "Pitch was here, I felt it, in my belly…" I stated as I rubbed my belly. Bunnymund looked at me and groaned again. "So you're telling me that we basically came here for nothing; 3 days before Easter, just because of a gut feeling?!" shouted Bunnymund, I then pouted and he continued. "I wouldn't do that to you; I wouldn't say Pitch is here 3 days before Christmas!"

"But Easter is not Christmas, now is it?" I smiled with a comeback, me and Bunnymund started to argue even more.

We didn't even know Man in Moon was trying to signal us and Sandy was trying to get our attention.

Tooth then got in our way,

"Tooth can't you see we are trying to argue here?" I asked and she pouted,

"Well sorry we all don't just work for one day and be done with it, am I right Sandy?" stated Tooth as she looked at Sandy.

Sandy nodded his head and an arrow formed above his head, but we ignored him.

Everyone was having their own conversation leading to something else.

Sandy finally got our attention when he jingled one of my elves and we all stared at him. He pointed at Manny and I looked up. "Man in Moon, what do you have to tell us today?"

Man in Moon's light then shines toward of the pedestal and my eyes widen… He has chosen another guardian.

Elliana's P.O.V.

I looked through the creak of the door hearing every word they were saying, my eyes widen as I saw that Man in Moon finally chosen a new Guardian. I closed the door and my smiled widen. I ran down to the toy factory; finally I'm going to be the new Guardian!

North P.O.V.

We watch as Manny showed us our new teammate.

"I wonder who is going to be our new Guardian!" smiled Tooth as she smiled in anticipation. Bunnymund chanted, "Not the Groundhog, not the Groundhog…"

We all looked at the pedestal and we saw the figure; Jack Frost

"Okay I take that back…" Bunnymund stated as he all of the Tooth Fairies were wooed over him.

"North you can be serious!? Jack Frost a Guardian, he is not all about the children, all he cares about is himself! Selfish, irresponsible-" shouted Bunnymund. Of course I didn't listen but all I did was smirked.


We then device a plan to get Jack even though Bunnymund refuses.

10 minutes later

The Yeti's threw the now full sake and I smiled my jolly self, "Well if it isn't Jack."

Jack looked up and saw the big four look at him. He then got up and started to walk around "So the Big Four is here… I must have done something to get you all in one place…" he started off as he strolled toward the fireplace. "Wait am I on the Naughty List?" he asked as he turned to us and I gave a chuckled.

"You hold the record" I stated as he looked us.

"So what did I do wrong now?" he asked as we all looked at him. I then smiled

"You didn't do anything wrong, in fact, you're our new guardian!" I smiled.

He looked at us in disbelief as we started the whole ceremony. The elves started to play their instruments, everything was lit up, and I got my book of Guardians.

Jack then gave out a gust of wind and made everyone stop what they were doing.

"Who says I want to be a guardian?" he asked in disbelief.

The door then creaked up and we all then heard a small voice;

"Hey North where do you want these present?"

It was Elliana.

Elliana's P.O.V.

I looked up and saw the Big Four and Jack Frost? I shrugged off Jack's presences and asked again. "North where do you want these presents?" I set the presents on his desk and I turn to them. "Oh Elliana you know Jack Frost right?" asked North, I looked at Jack Frost and sigh, "Pleasure meeting Jack Frost…" I stated as I rolled my eyes at him. I looked around and notice the room was covered in the blood red banners with the letter "G" on it. I also notice how the elves were playing instruments and the Yeti was carrying lit up torches. My mouth formed a smile knowing what was going on.

"So are we having a new Guardian?!" I asked in excitement and everyone nodded at me. I couldn't contain my excitement, "So does this mean this is the real deal!?" I asked, everyone looked at me in confusion and I continued. "Am I really going to be the next Guardian!" I smiled.

Everyone looked at me confused at my statement; I just stared back at them.

"What is it? Are you guys not going to state me Guardian?" I asked; my excitement level went down.

"Elliana, I don't think you understand…" started North and I cut him off,

"I perfectly understand, you guys are going to make me a new guardian!" I smiled,

Everyone gave me dissappointing sigh,

North put a hand on my shoulder and bends down to my level.

"Elliana, you're not going to be the new Guardian… Jack is…" he stated.

My eyes flood with tears but I held them back, every word he spoke sound like venom. I looked at Jack who didn't look back at me.

"N-North, what are you talking about…" I croaked and North sighed.

"I'm sorry Elliana but you were not chosen…" my throat dried up and I pushed his hand off my shoulder.

"Jack Frost is the new Guardian!? Why the hell is he the new Guardian? He doesn't even care about children; all he cares about is, himself! No one even believes in him" I shouted

Jack looked at me furiously and pointed his staff at me, "Hey that was uncalled for, no one believes in you either!" he shouted back.

"I know no one believes in me, I admit it at least, reason why no one believes in me is because I stop time and take away their feeling of being a grown up to keep their imagination, what do you do huh? Make snow storms and mess everything up!" I shouted matching his tone.

He looked at me and gave me a huge glare, "At least I can give joy to kids…" Jack glared.

Bunnymund pulled us apart, "Jack that was going too far…" he stated

"Get off me Easter Kangaroo…" Jack groaned, adding venom to every word.

Bunnymund looked at him in shock, "What did you call me?!" he asked

Bunnymund and Jack gave eachother glares, "I'm not a Kangaroo…" he stated

Jack looked at him and spoke with a venomous tone, "If you are not a Kangaroo then what are you?" he asked.

Bunnymund looked at him with the same intensity, "At least people believe in me…" he stated and Jack finally backed off.

There was a lot of tension in the room, Sandy grabbed a hold of North and motion him toward Jack. North and Jack went to his office and I watch them leave. Once he left I finally let out my tears and I ran out the globe room.

I slammed the door of my room and I slid down onto the wooden floor. I sobbed and cry with tears of betrayal. I looked up from my knees and saw Man in Moon shinning towards me. I glared at him and ran toward my window, I then open my window and glared at Man in Moon.

"What am I doing wrong!" I screamed.

All I heard was silence.

I groaned knowing he wont answer back,

"Why did you choose him;of all people to become a Guardian." I cried. I then slumped down on my window sill ignoring every croak and noise everywhere.