Sometimes, I wonder if it's even possible for me to be this useless.

{I may be weak, but I'm never defeated.}

My head banged against the floor as I fell. Laxus sneered and poked my back.

"Small little bitch. You have no meat what so ever." He kicked my side and I cringed. He walked away. I rose up, shaking. I rubbed my side and sat there for a little while. This was the third time this week that I was tripped and kicked. It's one of his favorite things to do. I picked my books up and painfully walked to class. I entered the classroom and twenty six pairs of eyes fell on me. I ducked my head and hid my face in my hair.

"You're late, Miss Heartfilia." Mrs. Fringe stated coldly. I nodded.

"I'll let this one slide. Next one, though, you will receive a punishment." I nodded again.

"C'mon Fringe. She was tardy all last week and this week. Give the little slut what she deserves." A voice said from the back of the room. It was none other than Natsu Dragneel. I heard some laughter follow his statement. A crimson blush filled my cheeks. He's such a mean bas- Don't go there Lucy. It's not worth it.

"You shut your trap, Mr. Dragneel. Don't make me tell your father. Again." Mrs. Fringe snapped at him. He was slouched in his seat. He shrugged.

"Go ahead. He don't give a damn about me." He looked away from Mrs. Fringe, obviously bored of this conversation. I shuffled to my seat. I sat down and sighed softly. Mrs. Fringe wrote something on the board and I copied it down. Every few chances I had, I would sneak a peek at Natsu. He was just so...carefree. He had an attitude that could make you give him your money just by a glance in your direction. He was a scary dude.

"Mr. Fullbuster. Stop talking to Mr. Dragneel." Mrs. Fringe warned. I gulped and looked down at my notes. Erza scoffed. She slapped Gray and he scowled and looked the other way. He made eye contact with me and blew a kiss at me. I blushed and copied down my notes. I got to stop looking at them They're going to punch me for it or something. I shook my head and shut my eyes for a moment. Y eyes flitted towards Erza. She was staring straight at me. My eyes widened with terror. She shot me the finger and mouthed, F*ck you. I shivered and looked back down. Keep your head down. Keep your head down. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. The bell rang and everyone jumped up. I quickly collected my stuff and squirmed through all of the students. Mrs. Fringe was the first one out of the class. I burst through the door and moved along to my locker. I was shoved and pushed multiple times and I finally made it to my locker. I put my combination in and opened my locker. I switched my books and headed towards the library. I opened the doors and, like I expected, Levy was sitting in one of the tables, hovering over old textbooks and school work. I walked over to her and sat down in front of her. She looked up and smiled then she looked back down at her work. I sighed and picked out the books I needed.

"Levy, what pages were the homework in science?" I asked. She flipped through her planner and scanned the page.

"Pages 141-152." She stated. She went back to her work. Levy was my only friend and I wasn't looking for any new ones. The people at our school are just...too weird. I shouldn't be talking though. I spend most of my time sitting around doing nothing. But I'm a straight A student and the assignments are easy for me. I don't know why. I just do what I'm told and get it over with. Not that anyone would ask for my help. I'm as helpful as a picket fence. I only do what I'm needed to do. Just that. Nothing else. I coughed. Then it turned to hacking. Then it turned to choking on my guts.

"Lucy! Not again!" Levy said. I was on the floor, doubled over. I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air but my coughing interrupted my breathing. Levy was rubbing and hitting my back, doing what she's supposed to do. This happens once a week. It was just something with my lungs that I don't want to get into. After a while, I finally stopped coughing. I wiped away the water in my eyes. It wasn't tears. It was just excess water that came out of my eyes and- who am I kidding. I cry when I cough because of the pain. I shook my head and just laid down on the ground. Levy slowly tugged my onto a chair and I looked around. Everyone was staring at me. Most of them were ones of disgust. But one was sympathetic. It was Gray's gaze. Since when does Gray come to the library? I wondered. He saw me staring at him and he quickly put a finger to his lips. I nodded. He didn't want me to tell anyone. Who would I tell anyway? Levy? Levy actually had friends. And a boyfriend. His name's Gajeel and he's pretty hard core goth. I don't judge though. I, on the other hand, am a pathetic excuse of a friend to her. When none of her friends aren't around, she calls me. Not that I mind. It's better than nothing.

"Lucy?" I heard a voice behind me. It was Levy's so I quickly assumed it was another one of my daily bully treatments. I ducked my head and hid my head away with my arms. I leaned close to the table. I was expecting a punch or a smack or something like that but it never came. I peeked at my visitor and there stood Lisanna. Natsu's girlfriend.

Author's note:

PLOT TWIST. Bam. FYI I'm cool with all ships. Leave a review! And thanks for reading!