Disclaimer: I own nothing or the Secret Circle would still be on air and Fayana would be happening in every other scene. Anyway, onward with the story.

Chapter One

The swings in the playground creaked back and forth at children from them. Cheerful cries filled the air as the other kids ran around and played at recess. All but one young Diana Meade, the quiet girl who would rather keep to herself and read than play with the other children. She was engrossed in her book, skimming through words and grinning at the pictures that came along with them. She was reading Beauty and the Beast for the one thousandth time; it was her favorite. She liked to imagine herself as Belle, being taken captive by a monster one moment and then being twirled around on a dance floor another. She dreamed that one day she would find her own prince to dance and fall in love with. But until that day came Diana would have to deal with one miss Faye Chamberlain who seemed to take joy in never letting Diana finished reading her book. "Diana, Diana, Diana! Come play!" She said gleefully as she snatched the book away from Diana's hands and threw it aside. She frowned at the girl's lack of concern for the object before moving to pick it up. "Oh no, no no no no. You have to come play with me." She insisted, stepping in between the other girl and the book. "Please?" She added, for good measure.

"Why?" Diana question, her frown staying firmly on her face as she eyed the troublemaker in front of her. It wasn't that she didn't like Faye, or didn't want to play with her, it was simple that she would much rather sit down and read her book.

"I wanna play with you!" She said, flashing Diana a wide grin. Diana huffed out a sigh.

It was clear as Diana took a look around the playground that everyone was too busy to take the hyperactive girl into their games. Melissa was playing dolls with a few other girls, not exactly Faye's scene. Nick was playing kickball on the far field and by the looks of it they had already made their teams. She didn't know where Adam was, not that it matter because he didn't get a long with Faye anyway. Which left her, and all she wanted to do was finish reading Beauty and the Beast. She glanced back at Faye who was looking down at her with a bright grin and hopeful eyes, how could she say no to her when she gave her that face?

"Fine, fine. I'll come play." Diana said, giving in to the other girl's wishes.

"Yay!" She cheered, thrusting her right fist into the air as if she had just won some great battle before grabbing Diana's hand and yacking her up and off to the play structure to play.

"So what are we playing." She watched as Faye paused in thought before breaking into yet another grin.

"Go up there!" She said, pointing to the top of the play structure. Diana did as she was told, turning to see the other girl run off for a moment. She returned with Nick, Melissa, Adam and a few other class mates and watched and they stationed themselves in front of the play structure, all facing Faye and each of them holding sticks. "Ready everyone?" Faye ask the ground. There were a few murmurers and nodded and the game began.

Faye charged straight at one little boy holding her stick high and ready to strike. She brought it down quickly and knocked the stick out of the boys hand. She then charged at Melissa who dropped to the ground and covered her head with her hands. Faye stopped and laughed for a moment before turning to the rest of what Diana had assumed were defenders. She got in a short duel with Nick until her threw his stick down to the ground.

"This is stupid." He said, walking off holding one of his fingers. Melissa was quick to follow him.

"Sorry!" Faye shouted after him.

Faye fought her way easily through the rest of the defenders until if was just her and Adam left. Now Diana was worried, whenever they played together things never ended well. Faye smirked at the boy while he held a steady glare. Faye was the first to attack and Adam easily defended himself. Despite his attempts Faye managed to knock the stick out of his hand and even pushed him down into the sand for good measure. She placed her foot onto his chest, pinning him down and thrust her stick into the air. "I am Faye and I conquer all evil!" She chanted before throwing her stick aside and climbing up the play structure.

Faye made her was up to the tallest parts of the structure, crossing the small bridge and climbing up the last few stairs. She grinned proudly at Diana when she finally stood in front of her. Faye stuck out her hand, waiting for her to take it. She glanced down at the sand pit and saw Adam sitting bitterly where he had been defeated, arms crossed over his chest and everything. She turned her gaze back to the girl in front of her and grinned before placing her hand in Faye's and letting her guide her to the slide. "Do I get my kiss?" She asked, standing between Diana and the slide.

"I can't kiss you because you're a girl." Diana said, chewing her lip.

"But I'm your prince." Faye countered, not fazed in the slightest by Diana's comment. She figured Faye had a point and lean in, pressing her lips softly against Faye's cheek.

"Thank you for rescuing me." She said, pretending to curtsy.

"Anytime!" Faye said happily before stooping into a deep bow. She then slide down the slide and composed herself at the bottom. "It's safe, come down now!" She called up. Diana laughed and did as she was instructed. Faye grabbed her hand again pulled her back to the tree and hand her the book before sitting down. Diana sat down next to her and gave her a confused glance.

"It's time for our happily ever after!" She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Now read." Diana smiled at the other girl before turning her gaze back too the book and began to read the story of the Beauty and the Beast.

I hope you enjoyed the story! Please leave a review of what you think! I plan to make this a multichapter story but if there is no interest I will leave it as a one shot.