I am so horribly sorry for not updating any time soon guys. Seriously, I don't even know how to explain myself. I was just too busy with my other stories, I guess and I know that this chapter is way too short but I needed to get this out there before any of you could think that I ended this already.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO

I fell on my bed in complete exhaustion, massaging my tense and overused muscles. Silena definitely has a talent if she survived that shopping spree without feeling at least sore. Not to mention the fact that whatever Rachel said is still in stuck in my thoughts.

How the hell does she know about our road trip? She couldn't possibly have followed us the entire time. No way could she be that obsessed.

My lips let out a groan of frustration, turning so that my face was buried on my soft pillow. Three bags were sitting patiently at the end of my bed, waiting to be opened and put inside my closet. I'm not wearing that any time soon. I don't have any reason in the first place. Plus, just to stop Lena's nagging, I might as well use the top on her birthday.

"You should really stop worrying about Rachel, Wise Girl." An extremely familiar voice mused from the doors. I sighed, looking at the direction of my boyfriend and managed a tiny smile.

He approached the bed, sitting right beside my lying figure. His fingers started tracing circles on my spine, making me shiver at the pleasurable feeling. He looked content somehow, as if he didn't have any real problems anymore. It was either because he never really cared or that he finds that it's not worth the trouble and lets it be. The latter was more probable, of course.

"Where are the others?" I asked him, sitting up and leaning against his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Have they left yet?"

"Some of them. Jason and Thalia are unpacking already. Piper and Nico stayed behind to help. The rest left to spend time with their families or something like that. I never really paid attention." He smirked, "I was just thankful that Silena's finally gone."

I nodded in agreement, laughing. I was rather grateful that she's not breathing down my neck once again. Sure she's as good a friend as any but she can be so annoying when it comes to making me look pretty. Until now I can barely survive the make-overs she just so happens to drag me into.

He started playing with my hair, tangling them on his fingers and tugging them from the roots. It didn't hurt at all, and it made me moan more than anything. I buried my face at the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of him like I usually do. I came to acknowledge the smell of the ocean as my home. It comforted me, kept me calm and relaxed with everything I have to worry about.

My lips met his shoulders, sucking them until a good sized purplish mark was visible. Percy shook his head, chuckling slightly. "How am I going to explain this the next time I go swimming?"

I felt my face turn hot. That has never occurred to me at all. His look told me that he didn't really mind much. "Sorry. I never really thought of that."

Seaweed Brain let out a laugh, pulling me closer. "Don't worry about it, baby girl. No harm done." He tugged at the hem of my shirt, saying how beautiful I looked even when I'm in sweatpants. His eyes were filled with obvious adoration that it would make every single girl in the world jealous. Percy is the perfect boyfriend, hands down. I'm so lucky to have him.

We snuggled together the entire day, keeping each other warm and relaxing after such a strenuous exercise- or in other words, shopping. There was comfortable silence, seeing that there was nothing to talk about really. I still had to figure out the entire Rachel thing so I just can't start ranting about her to him. I did that before and I learned that I'll just humiliate myself in front of the man I love. Then again, he would just say that my ranting is adorable and it'd make me blush like a maniac.

Ugh, I'm rambling again.

He continued drawing on my skin, simple shapes and intricate patterns and short proclamations of love. His feather light touch gave me goosebumps, something that didn't surprise me now that it has happened so many times in the past. Whenever we would talk, it would be those cheesy romantic conversations a person would normally see in movies but we didn't care at the very least. He and I are together. That's all that matters.

The door to my bedroom creaked open to reveal Percy's younger sister. She looked as if she just woke up, which wasn't really a surprise because she went to the mall with us, but she's still adorable. Good thing we weren't making-out or anything when she came. That would be a little awkward to explain. "Hey, kiddo. What is it?"

Bella stumbled over to her brother but eventually landed on his lap. I smiled at the sight, snuggling closer to the two of them. My boyfriend wrapped his other arm- the one that wasn't cradling the girl- back around me. She looked at him with big blue eyes. "Percy, where are mommy and daddy?"

The man beside me chuckled. "Well, mommy's in her study while daddy's at the backyard. Want to go there?"

She nodded sleepily, clinging to his neck. "Yes please." She muttered.

He would have fallen to the ground if it wasn't for his hand grabbing the headboard in time. I laughed. It wasn't his fault, really. His legs fell asleep because of him not using them for a really long time. Plus the fact that I took Bella's place on his lap for a good four hours. Percy glared at me but smiled a little, "Not funny, Wise Girl." He mused.

I followed him outside where their father was. I didn't really know how he knew since we spent most of the afternoon locked up but I didn't ask. He might not show it but he knows what he's doing. I'm just glad that we're not going to spend another thirty minutes searching.

Bella ran to her father the moment her feet touched the floor. After tripping once or twice, she eventually landed very close to his feet unscarred. "Hey dad," Percy greeted, sitting on the grass and gesturing me to follow.

We kept our silence and watched the sun set in the distance. My mother would never allow me this much relaxation and I'm glad that he and his family introduced me to a life that isn't always filled with books and studying and grades.

Mrs. Jackson called us for dinner an hour later. About time, too, because I was starving. I barely ate anything for lunch since my thoughts overwhelmed me and this was the only time I actually realized how empty my stomach really was. In this state, I didn't care what Sally cooked. My only worry is that I probably won't leave anything for them.

Then again, there's still Percy to worry about.

After dinner- and I didn't embarrass myself, thank goodness, the adults ordered for us all to be in the movie room after we wash up. Bella looked absolutely excited for whatever's going to happen and my boyfriend is even happier than usual. Thalia and Jason, though, were as confused as I am.

After changing into my pajamas, Percy and I walked to the movie room where my favorite little girl was waiting impatiently. The Grace Siblings were nowhere to be seen which means that they must be getting ready still.

Meanwhile, I started interrogating my boyfriend and his family on what was about to happen. No one said a word. They kept on shaking their heads and gesturing for me to keep quiet, which I didn't follow at all. My curiosity was overwhelming me once again and I just couldn't stop talking.

Finally! They're here!

Once they were settled, Sally clapped her hands. Bella squealed happily. I still was very clueless, which angered me a lot. Percy was laughing again. "Come on, kiddo. You've seen it a million times before." He commented, picking his sister up and placing her on his lap.

"Yeah but I want to again! Daddy! Please!" She was begging now.

Poseidon laughed and grabbed a remote from the table, pressing a button and directing it to the wall. A panel opened to reveal a doll that reached up to my knees. What surprised me was that it was walking and talking and acting like a toddler. Sure there are plenty of toys like that but this was different in an entirely different way. Without moving anything, the doll waddled over to Bella and started playing with her.

"Where did you get that?" Jason asked, amused.

"Well, Beck's dad made it for Bella on her first birthday. We only bring her out during certain days because she kind of gets a little obsessed."

Well, this really did satisfy my curiosity. And seeing her so happy was always a plus. "How come I only found out about this now?" I demanded, suddenly feeling left out.

Percy wrapped an arm around me. "Well, you do tend to take more interest than you should. If I showed you that before, you wouldn't have let it go."

Well, that is true. I would have even stolen it from Bella if I got the chance.

"It's rather interesting." I commented, "I'm going to ask Heaphy how to make one of those." Yeah, it's about time for me to pay him a visit. He was rather fond of teaching me how to make things.

The robot made its way to me, taking me hand and telling me to play with them. I can't really refuse them now even if there was a side of me that was creeped out by it. I was never really afraid of those kinds of toys but I guess it is part of human nature to get goosebumps whenever they're near. It surprises me that Bella isn't quite affected as I am. Then again, she's a brave one.

She's always been a brave one.

Please Review! Share your opinions and questions but please be nice about it since I'm a little sensitive. Thanks for the support!