"I didn't know you were such a great cook." Fitz said as he took the last bite of lasagna on his plate.

"Well, it's one of the few things I actually like to cook. I'm more of a popcorn girl, but this little one won't go for that." Olivia laughed as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"Good. Popcorn is hardly a balance meal. And us Grants like to eat." Fitz smiled and reached across the table to grab Liv's free hand. "Thank you for letting me share this meal with you."

"No problem, even though I will be talking to Cyrus about this little stunt. I mean since you were here no need to let the food go to waste. You have to eat." Liv moved her hand from Fitz's and took a sip of water. Him in her home eating dinner had her emotions going haywire. This is what life could be like for them. And that was something she couldn't allow herself to fantasize about right now.

"Liv, are you alright?" Fitz asked slightly worried. He knew what she was thinking because he was thinking it too. This is what like would be like if they were together. Coming home to each other and discussing their day over dinner like a normal couple.

Olivia blinked away the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine. Damn pregnancy hormones, that's all." She gave him a weak smile trying to reassure him that she was fine but they both knew she wasn't.

"If you want me to go I will. The last thing I want to do is upset you or the baby."

"No, it's not that. This is…this is nice. Us just talking about whatever. It's been so long since we've actually done this. Since we were able to talk as friends. I've missed that most. Above anything else, we were friends first." Olivia got up and put her plate in the sink. She had to do something to busy herself.

"You're right. You are my best friend. You've always had my back. I should have never thought anything less." Fitz got up with his plate and stood next to Liv at the sink. "I'm so sorry for hurting you Livvie."

"Lets not do this Fitz. I think we can move past this and at the least be friends. I forgive you for whatever you've done."

"This isn't what I had imagined our lives to be." Fitz leaned on the counter and sighed. "I painted this picture in my mind of our life together but every time I feel I'm so close to it becoming a reality, life throws me a curve ball."

"I know. I wish things could be different. Maybe in another life we could have been, but in this one, fate had other ideas."

"I don't believe that. I just think that we need to focus on what's important to us and strive for that. Sometimes you have to take fate into your own hands." Fitz wrapped his arms around Liv's waist, pulling her body flush against his. "I love you Olivia Carolyn Pope. Nothing on this earth will ever change that." He gave her a smile as he swept a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"I know you do Fitz. And I love you too but we can't." Olivia looked into his grey orbs and could see him silently pleading with her.

"We can. Just give us the chance. I've been wracking my brain about this and I don't know what's wrong or right but what I do know it that you and this baby are what I want in my life and I love you both so much. I want to rub your belly and put your shoes on when you can't. I want out baby girl or baby boy to know the sound of my voice and I want to feel them kick and see them grow. I don't want to miss out on the things I'd never be able to get back."

"If it was just you and I involved, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but we have children to think about. And while divorcing Mellie may eventually be an afterthought to the public, you having an affair and a love child will not. And that Fitz, I can't deal with. I won't allow my child to be labeled "American's First Bastard" or any variation of that." Olivia pulled away from Fitz and padded down the hall to the living room, sitting on the couch and running her hands through her hair.

Fitz was right behind her and sat beside her, taking one of her tiny hands in both of his. "I will do whatever and battle whoever I have to in order to make sure you and our child are protected. I mean it Livvie, I'd move heaven and earth to be with you. Will it be easy? No. Will we face some challenges and hard times? Yes. But we can get though it together. We've always been stronger as we stood together. We can fight this together and win."

"You make it sound so simple." Olivia chuckled. "But it's not."

"It doesn't have to be ask complicated as you think it would. Sometimes you over think things Olivia. First thing in the morning, I'm doing something I've wanted to do for months now. I've already had papers drawn up. I'm giving them to Mellie tomorrow, signed. I'm tired of living this lie."

"And then what? You're going to divorce Mellie, who by the way, you know won't go quietly, and move me into the residence? Please I know you're not that delusional. And by some chance Mellie does sign the papers, how are you going to explain this to the kids? Karen and Gerry will be crushed."

Fitz tugged his dark curls. Everything Liv had just said was valid. "The kids see the tension between their mother and I. And I'll go for full custody of them because we both know Mellie didn't have kids because she wanted to. She did it for political reasons only."

"It's getting late. I think you should be heading back to the White House." Liv wanted to end this conversation yesterday.

"No, not until you agree to at least think about the possibility of us. I want this Olivia. More than I've ever wanted anything before. If you told me to, I'd resign tomorrow. You don't even have to wait for me because I'm yours. As of right now, I belong to you and only you Liv. If Mellie fights me on the divorce, I'll go after her guns blazing. She has a few secrets that she doesn't think I know about. I'd use whatever I have to, to be free of her so I can openly be yours."

"God there is no fighting you on this is there?" Liv took a deep breath and rubbed her stomach. "Damn why did you have to make me fall in love with you? From that moment, my heart hasn't belonged to me since."

"So…" Fitz looked at Olivia waiting to hear her say the words.

"We're in this together."

"We're in this together." Fitz smiled as he pulled Liv into his lap and kissed her softly.

It was 4 am before Fitz made it back to the White House. He and Olivia spent the rest of the night talking and cuddling in her bed. It felt so good to just lay with her and wrap his arms around her, rubbing her growing baby bump. He smiled remembering peppering her stomach with kisses and talking it until they both fell asleep.

"Where have you been all night?" Fitz heard as soon as he walked into the residence's master bedroom.

"I had something really important to tend to." Was all the response Fitz gave as he headed for the closet.

"So that could only mean one thing. You went to see Olivia." Mellie's voice was low but it was dripping with venom.

"Mellie, it's late. Or early depending on how you look at it. I just want to take a shower and them spend a little time with my children at breakfast. I don't have time to hear what you have to say."

"Too bad! I thought you had finally gotten her out of your system. Jesus I just don't know what the hell is so special about that woman that you can't function without her!" Mellie shouted.

"It's too long of a list to begin to explain why I love Olivia. But I'll give you the bullet points. She's kind and compassionate and loving. She actually does things for people because it's nice to be nice sometimes instead of doing it to gain something or be owed a favor."

"So I'm the monster and she's the saint? Please! She can get just as down and dirty as I can." Mellie snorted.

"Look, I was going to wait to do this but I don't see any reason in delaying the inevitable." Fitz went into the closet and pulled out a lock box way in the back. Opening it, he took out a folder and handed it to Mellie.

"You have got to be kidding me! Are your out of your brain damaged mind?! You know good and damn well I won't sign this!"

"Oh yes you will! Because my dear wife, if you don't, I'll ruin you." Fitz almost smirked at the look of pure shock on Mellie's face. "And if you try to fight me on this, you won't like how dirty I'll fight back. Let's be amiable about this and I'll endorse you for Congress or Senate. Hell run for Governor if you want. But your days as First Lady are numbered."

"You're bluffing. You'll lose this job and your children will hate you."

"I forgot to add that I'll be filing for full custody of the kids. We both know you're a mother in name only. And they won't hate the only parent that's given a damn about them their whole lives. I don't use them as photo ops and send them off to boarding school or with the nanny the first time they're of no use to me looking like the loving parent I'm not." Fitz casually walked back into the closet, grabbed his suit for the day and went into the bathroom.

Mellie immediately grabbed her cell phone and called her chief of staff. "Sarah, I need you to clear my schedule for today and set up a meeting with Olivia Pope."

A/N: So Liv and Fitz finally are "in this together". And he's given Mellie divorce papers. Mellie is such a desperate idiot that she'll fight to keep her position and status as FLOTUS. Will Olivia come to the meeting with Mellie? And if so, will Mellie notice Olivia's growing baby bump?