I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES! Enjoy chapter 13 Okay so Willow's will be in 3rd person, the others in first for their POV. ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITIVE COMMENTS! I REALLY ENJOY READING THEM!

Epilogue part 2 (Peeta)

Wow. In a few days, Katniss is going to give birth to our second child. I can tell she hates it. She is always grumpy and uncomfortable, and I'm trying my best to make her happy, but nothing works. She is insatiable right now. It's just her hormones talking to me when she snaps not really Katniss. I feel awful just looking at her constant scowl. She smiles when Willow comes into the room, but that's about it. I feel completely shunned. She won't even let me touch her except when she sleeps, but that is only about 3 hours.

I go around to her backside and put my arms around our baby. She wriggles out of my grip and continues to get a large amount of carrots and frosting. "Don't touch me right now," she commands. I let go of her the second she starts her sentence. Instead I sit behind next to her and rub her arms and shoulders. "I'm sorry about being mean," she says. "I feel fat and ugly and hungry." Then she eats a carrot topped with a generous amount of frosting and looks at me.

"I think that you are beautiful," I say and rest my head on her shoulder. She gets up and then it happens. A small river of water runs down her leg and a puddle forms under her.

"Uh oh," she says. I get her mother immediately and carry her to our room. Then Effie and Haymitch take Willow to Finnick and Annie's for today. I am so scared, I have never so scared in my life. All I want is a healthy baby.

Mrs. Everdeen says that Katniss is two centimeters dilated and won't be giving birth any time soon. I sit next to her and she squeezes my hand as another contraction hits. I hate seeing her in pain. She starts to bite on a towel and almost breaks my hand when a really bad one hits her hard. Katniss almost starts to cry, but I reassure that I will be here the whole time. It has been hours since her water broke and she is miserable.

Her mother suggests that she stands up and walks around to speed up the labor which she does in a heartbeat. "I just want it out of here!" she screams.

"I know you do," I say calmly. She just gives me the death glare and continues to pace around the room. She gets tired after another 10 minutes and waits for her mom to come check on her.

"Just hang in there baby," she says. "It won't be too long until this baby's here." She walks out of the room. Katniss just looks around and tries to keep herself busy. An hour passes and her mom says that she is ready to push.

"Come on Katniss keep going," Mrs. Everdeen says.

"I hate you so much Peeta!" she screams. "You did this to me, you caused me pain, oh my God I hate this." She has a death grip on my hand. I seriously think that she is going to break it.

After 1 last push our baby is out. Katniss has a sigh of relief as Mrs. Everdeen lifts him up. "You guys have a healthy boy," she says. She wiped the baby clean and wraps him in a blanket. Katniss looked our baby for a second before her mom gave her a shot to make her sleep. I hold my baby boy in my arms. He has blonde curly hair like mine but gray eyes like Katniss. He was so cute and didn't cry a bit. "Hi baby," I say. "You're finally here." I start to cry and tears stream down my face. I place my finger in his tiny hand and he grabs it. He has a really strong grip and doesn't let go.

"I think he knows who you are Peeta," Mrs. Everdeen says. I cradle the baby in my arms and I don't let go. Willow comes in an hour later when both Katniss and I are awake.

"Lemme see him Mama," she asks. I lift her and put her next to Katniss as she feeds him. We decided to name him Ryelance Haymitch Mellark, but Rye for short. We named him after our fathers and Haymitch. He is the sweetest boy in the world and Willow seems to like him a lot.

2 years later

I watch Katniss as she plays with our 2 year old son and 5 year old daughter. They are the cutest kids you can find. Rye was always calm and rarely cried. He would only cry when he was hungry, but other than that he was a very easy baby. Now he likes to grab things he finds and hides them where no one can find it. He hid my binder for the office and I couldn't find it for weeks until Willow saw it from under his crib. Annie and Finnick had a boy as well. They named him Kai-Finnick Odair. He looks just like his father, but acts calm and sweet like his mother. I think back to the first time I met Katniss. Her hair was free flowing as she sang to the Mockingjays my dad loved and she vanished before I could propose. I can't believe that 5 years ago I found out about my daughter and finally got Katniss back. I watch as the 3 of them sing under the willow tree overlooking the lake. I can't help but think how lucky I am to have them in my life. It only took 1 day to change my life forever and I am happy that it did. That day I fell in love under the willow.