Sup peoples, have been busy so haven't gotten around to updating so here's the next chapter.

Disclaimer: Don't own MD:TAS

Ch 4


Duck's Suite-Noon

Duke and Mallory were sitting in the living room area while Tanya went with Grin to check and see if everything was alright in Anaheim through friends while Wildwing was out with Phil. The rest of the group was down at the pool and exercise room. When Tanya and grin came back Wildwing had just returned with Phil he immediately went to check on Nosedive then returned to the living room area.

"How's he doing?" asked Mallory

"Still asleep" responded Wildwing "Can't say that I blame him."

"Yeah considering all that he went through yesterday. Did he tell you much after he took a shower?" said Duke

"Not really, only that he found the little girl after the first tower collapsed and brought her to her neighbor's home on Staten Island. I have a feeling that whatever else happened he'll open up about it in time, I rather not push it or him."

Tanya had gotten off the phone with the front desk and came in sat down with the rest of the team.

"I called the dance team upstairs."

"Good cause Phil and I have a few things we need to discuss with everyone."

A few minutes later everyone minus Nosedive was in the suite's living room as Wildwing and Phil waited for everyone to settle down.

"Phil and I have been in a meeting with the managers and team captains of both the Islanders and The Rangers. The Islanders have decided to postpone the game till a later date possibly next month. The Rangers however still want to play us"

"When, Tonight?" asked Tanya

"No, Friday night. When I told them about Nosedive going missing yesterday at first they wanted to cancel the game. I said to them that Nosedive would be disappointed if it was canceled because of him. So they are leaving the decision of wither we play or not up to us."

"Up to us?" asked Mallory

"Yeah, I know that some of you would probably want to hold off until Nosedive is feeling up to playing and some want to continue with the game as scheduled so I'm leaving it up to you."

"Let's do it."

Everyone turned around to see Nosedive standing in the doorway completely refreshed.


"Hey Kid, How are ya?"

"Nice to see you"

"Welcome back"

"Thanks everyone."

Nosedive walks in is about to sit on the floor but feels a tap on his shoulder, he looks over to see Duke offering his seat which Nosedive accepted.

"Are you sure dive?"

"These people have been through hell yesterday, we've been through hell. We need something to get our minds off of this and on to something positive, give these people something to cheer about. We can't let fear keep us from doing what we love."

Everyone in the room listened to his words and they had to admit, they rang a certain truth to it. Never had anyone heard Nosedive speak with such wisdom, they weren't sure if it was Nosedive at first.

"So what do you guys think? All those in favor of playing in Friday night's game raise your hands." said Wildwing

Nosedive's hand went up first, followed by Mallory's, then Duke's, soon enough everyone in the room had raised his or her hand in agreement. Wildwing smiled and nodded to Phil to contact the team's manager, the game was on and they had 3 days to practice to be at their peak.


Madison Square Garden 5:30pm

The migrator arrived at the team entrance and it was covered by security, national guardsmen and NYPD who carriedM-16 assault rifles and walked with bomb sniffing K-9's. The dancers vans were behind them and stopped behind the Migrator.

"Man it's like were going into a military base." said Tyson one of the dancers

"Well as long as we have these badges and stay to the designated areas we'll be fine." said Cheyenne

All three vehicles were waved through and led to the parking garage. A security team lead the ducks to the visitors locker room along the way explaining security protocol.

When they arrived and was left alone in the locker room they put their gear in the lockers and started to change. The dancers were lead to a different room so they could change into their outfits for the game.

In the ducks locker room all the ducks were just finished getting their gear on when the manager of the rangers knocked on the door and entered.

"I just gotta say, thank you for playing in tonight's game. It really means a lot to us."

"No thanks are necessary." said Wildwing

"Yeah it was our top scorer who convinced us to play tonight." said Duke

Nosedive had just gotten done lacing up his skates when the manager came up to him.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, been able to sleep at night."

"I gotta say, when your brother told us Wednesday that you went missing on the day before we nearly cancelled."

"Yeah wing did mention something about that."

"I just came here to wish you all the best of luck tonight."

"Thank you"

The manager had left, then the team came together for a group hug drawing energy and strength from each other they left the locker room and headed out to the arena.

On the ice both teams were assembled on both sides of center ice as the lights were dimmed. The mayor and the governor of New York stepped on to the ice and made their way to the center. The crowd went silent as the mayor spoke.

"My fellow New Yorkers, we have been through a tragedy. Something that has not only changed our city, but our country. Many lives were lost on Tuesday, some were hero's. some were family, colleges , co-workers and friends. But we must not dwell on their loss, we must not fall apart. Now is the time we come together as friends, New Yorkers, Americans and show the world that we will not let terrorism beat us. That we will not let this define who we are, that we will become stronger as a whole and rise again from the ashes and start anew."

The crowd cheers the mayors words as the governor steps us to the mic.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Please stand for the National Anthem, sung by Olivia Housley. A teenage girl steps forward with a microphone and starts to sing the national anthem

"Oh say, can you see

By the dawns early light?

What so proudly we hailed,

At the twilights last gleaming.

Who's broad strips and bright stars,

Through the perilous fight.

Or'e the ramparts we watched,

Were so gallantly streaming.

And the rockets red glare,

The bombs bursting in air.

Gave proof through the night,

That our flag was still there.

Oh say does that star-spangled

Banner yet wave.

Or'e the land of the free,

And the home of the brave"

As the young lady hit the last note the crowd erupted in a roar and chanted "USA" for a good 5 mins before the game began. The first and second periods of the game were a complete nail biter. Both teams were putting out their best and the score kept teeter-tottering between both teams. During half time there was a knock on the teams locker room door, Wildwing went to answer and came in with Karen and her parents.

"Hey dive, look who's here."

"Karen, how are you?"

"I'm great, how you've been?"

"I doing fine and now that you're here, I'm doing that much better."

"Nosedive, I just want to say thank you in person for helping our daughter." said Rachel

"No problem, I just wanted to make sure that she was ok."

"We're grateful that you did that." said Karen's father

"I've seen you before." said Nosedive

"Yeah you wandered into ground zero asking if you could help. But you looked to shell shocked to do much. I'm Warren Peterson, I escorted you to the police cruiser."

"Oh well thank you."

"Not a problem."

The siren sounded signaling the start of the third period.

"We better get back to our seats. Good luck all of you."


The third period was just as intense as the first and second period, sadly the ducks lost in overtime but they didn't seem to care too much. It was a hard fought game and they played their hearts out. Nosedive looked to the stands and saw Karen jumping up and down cheering them on the loudest which made him smile. As the teams skated past each other shaking each others hands the crowd started chanting "USA" which seemed to echo through out the entire island of Manhattan.


The Migrator and the rental vans were heading back to Boston, Ma to pick up the Aerowing to head back to Anaheim. the team had once again checked into the hotel to rest up before the flight back. Nosedive was on the computer in the lounge area writing an email to Lexington. After he was done he was heading down the hall back to the room when a familiar bang sounded he jerked around and it was a suitcase hitting the marble floor.

Nosedive held his hand to his chest trying to calm down.

Wildwing walked up to him and guides him out to the hotels court yard so they could talk.

"Dive, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just got startled that's all."

"Nosedive you looked like you were about to have a heart attack."

"I heard a sound that reminded me of a…"

"A what?"Nosedive started telling him more about that day and what he saw, Wildwing could only stand there as Nosedive relived some of the details. Wildwing stopped him and just held him close, tears rolling down his face.

"Stars dive, no wonder you held all of that in, you didn't want to scare her."

"She was a lot calmer than I was on the inside. It seemed like her composure kept me calm. Then when I came back, without her everything just fell apart."

"Everything will be alright, she's safe and so are you." Wildwing

Nosedive rests his head on Wildwing's shoulder as a leaf fell from the tree and lands on the small pond. They walk back to their room and Nosedive lays down for a nap, knowing that soon they will be back in Anaheim playing 4 home games in post 9/11.

So what do ya think? Good, bad, somewhere in between. Just let me know but no flameage please cause I have an extinguisher locked and loaded. l8ter