Foreword: Hi again, everyone! I'm not dead, just been busy with school and other story ideas. But here we are again, and I have my first multi-chapter story in a while. I hope everyone enjoys reading this; I had wanted to write a story with a Gwen/Eva pairing for a long, long time. And here it is, at last.

Also, the "Total Drama" series and all its characters are the property of Fresh TV Inc. and Teletoon, and the imaginations of Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis (if I owned any part of it, Gwen would have won TDI) and anything else that's not my creation belongs to their respective owners. Everything else here is mine.

Gwen grunted as the masseuse's fingers rubbed into her back as she lay on her stomach on the table and tried to ease out the tension that had been building up for some time now. It felt like she'd been waiting for this day forever: it was her wedding day. She had a reason to be all knotted up.

A part of her years ago thought this day would never come; she never thought she would marry, never thought she would wear a white dress, and even worried she'd never find her one true love.

Finally, she was going to marry the one person in the world able to give her the love and support she needed: Eva, her fellow contestant from the old reality "Total Drama" TV series.

So much had happened since she had trapped herself into participating on those shows. Her gothic appearance had changed a bit since then as well, matured. Her black hair was longer now; the teal streaks were gone, now a memory of her days as a teenager along with her blue lipstick. It was more common to find her wearing black blouses and slacks nowadays instead of the corsets and miniskirts. But her skin was still ivory pale and she had never given up her beloved black leather boots.

After the rehearsal dinner last night, both women had adjourned to their respective families' homes to prepare the next day. In the morning, her brother presented her with a trip to the spa. Gwen's giddiness and happiness outweighed her nervousness and tension, but a morning at the spa to relax sounded like a perfect idea.

As she continued to enjoy the sensation, her thoughts drifted back to the day she realized Eva's feelings for her.

Her black eyeliner mixed with her tears as they poured down her face and she sobbed into the pillow.

She had joined the other contestants at a Total Drama party for the show's competitors, hosted by "Revenge of the Island" winner Cameron at his house. Everything had been fine, catching up with the original contestants and mingling with the new ones; that is, up until a few minutes ago, when she had caught Duncan drunkenly making out with Blaineley. Gwen loudly and publicly broke up with him, then holed herself up in this room away from everyone else.

"Well, Gwen, I guess that's another failed romance you add to your list of accomplishments," came a snide voice from the doorway.

Gwen didn't need to look up to see who was talking to her: it was Heather, the bane of her life as a TD contestant. She collected herself for a moment before looking up; she refused to give Heather the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

A second later of calming herself down, she looked up to see Heather standing there with a satisfied smirk on her face. Sadie and Katie were standing behind her; it looked like they were trying to keep from bursting into laughter. "Come to see how much salt you can rub in, Heather," Gwen asked bitterly.

"Aww, Gwennie; I just wanted to see how you were doing," Heather replied, her voice so sugary-sweet it made Gwen sick and suspicious at once. "I wanted to see how you handle losing another boyfriend." Her tone lost its sweetness, becoming more maliciously smug. "I wanted to see how it feels for you to know that you'll always be alone, and that you can never really trust anyone."

Gwen felt another round of tears coming on, but fought not to let Heather and her cronies see. But she couldn't help but wonder to herself if this was how it would always be for her; Trent had cheated on her with Heather and then developed an weird obsession for her, Duncan had cheated on her with a TV host at least twice as old as either of them, and Cody had never really given up on trying to woo her. What if she was destined to only know heartbreak and disappointment? What if…

Suddenly a voice thundered, "What the hell is going on here?!"

Heather jumped at the voice and everyone turned to see Eva standing in the doorway, her massive frame blocking the light from the other room. And right now her eyes were dead-fixed on Heather, copper orbs smoldering with intense hatred.

Heather's eyes darted back and forth, frantically trying to come up with an explanation. "I was…um…well, I heard about what happened to Gwen and I…was trying to help her…"

"Liar!" Eva roared, and in one swift stride she crossed the room and grabbed Heather by the hair. Heather cried out in pain but was quickly silenced as Eva forced her to meet her fiery glare. "Everyone knows why you're really here and why you're talking to Gwen; stay away from her." With that, she grabbed Heather by the scruff of her neck and tossed her out.

Eva turned her attention to Katie and Sadie, who wilted under her wrathful gaze. All she said to them through her gritted teeth was, "Get. Out."

Both girls scrambled and fought to get out the door as fast as possible, and Eva slammed it shut behind them.

Gwen had stopped crying, eyes wide and jaw-dropped at what had just happened. "Eva…that was, wow, amazing…thank you."

"That bitch had it coming," Eva gruffly replied. Then a look of something else briefly crossed Eva's face; uncertainty? "Anyways, I…just came by to make sure you were okay."

Gwen smiled in spite of her own sadness. She had always liked Eva. When she stepped off the boat and onto the show, she knew everyone was put off by her aggressive attitude and angry expression; but not Gwen, she felt Eva was simply misunderstood. She was one of the few contestants to cheer for her during the final challenge of Total Drama Island; after that, they had time to catch up and hang out together at Playa des Losers and quickly became something resembling friends.

Eva stood there for a few seconds looking a bit awkward like she wasn't sure what to do next. Finally she sat down by Gwen and cleared her throat. "So…do you…want to talk about it?"

With a shaky sigh, Gwen let it all spill out. Eva awkwardly held out her arms for a hug and Gwen fell into them and buried her face in Eva's shoulder. She continued to vent all her frustration and worries. All the while, Eva held and gently rocked her.

Finally, Gwen stopped sobbing for a few seconds and lifted her face from Eva's shoulder and noticed the dark stain from her tears and eyeliner. "Oh no," she laughed and sobbed at once, "I've ruined your shirt!"

Eva then did something Gwen had never seen before: she gave Gwen a kind, gentle smile. "It's okay, it's washable," she said as she hugged Gwen to her again. As Gwen snuggled into the bigger girl's strong embrace, she began to feel better.

Then Eva did something very unexpected: she gently kissed Gwen on the forehead. Gwen slowly looked up at her in confusion and their eyes met. Finally she leaned in and softly kissed Gwen on the lips. When she didn't object, Eva deepened the kiss and cupped Gwen's face in the hands.

Gwen felt like her mind was a howling maw; all she wanted was more. She wanted more of Eva's lips on her's, she wanted to taste her, to melt into her.

Suddenly there was a surge of panic in her mind and she jumped out of Eva's embrace. "Eva, I'm sorry, I…I…I have to go," she stammered as she bolted out the door.

As she hurried out of the room, she could hear Eva calling behind her, "Gwen, wait! Please wait!"

Gwen ran out of the house, her mind a jumble as she tried to make sense of what happened. She had just broken up with Duncan, and was already on the rebound? Or because she really liked it?

"Wow, you're all knotted up," the masseuse said, interrupting her inner thoughts. "Been under a lot of stress lately?"

Gwen smiled as she looked up at her. "You could say that; I'm getting married today."

The masseuse's face brightened. "Well congratulations! You know, I've got something very special for you – this special cream that just soothes the muscles like never before. It's something I save for very special clients; you can think of it as a kind of a wedding day special."

Gwen briefly considered it. "Okay, go get it," Gwen said, reminding herself to leave a generous tip when this was over.

The masseuse left and Gwen mentally cringed as she recalled the party again as she laid her head back down; that really wasn't the best way to begin a relationship, and it took a while for Gwen to figure things out. But that was then, and this was today; the day she had always wanted yet hardly dared to believe it would ever come.

Gwen smiled, imagining Eva was as happy about today as she was.