Harry Potter – Dawn of Revelations

Pre-Info: Harry has met Voldemort; their bond has connected with base emotions. Harry also knows of the Order from Fake Moody.

Author: This is my first publish, I really suck with chapters on this one but I thought I'd publish it anyway, please tell me your opinion, likes/dislikes, anything. This is a Part 1, I'm not sure about part 2 yet. Rated M for a few lines near the end.

Chapter 1 – The Boy in the Garden

In the town of Little Winging, a boy could be seen lying lazily in the garden. He was waiting for something, he didn't know what it was, but he hoped with all his might it would come, it had to be, he had just seen the Dark Lord a few months ago. "Harry Potter!" roared his uncle Vernon, "Get in this house this instance!" Harry slowly got up and grudgingly walked into the kitchen where his cousin Dudley was eating Ice Cream while watching with glee of what was about to come. "What do you think you're doing Boy?" Vernon spat, "Lying in our garden for all our neighbours to see". Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, Vernon grunted, "After all our family has done for you, after everything you have put us through, you still disrespect us?!" Harry was getting angry; his aunt sensing what was going on, walked to her husband and looked at him with her pleading eyes. "Vernon plea-""I'll have no more of this Petunia" interjected Vernon, eyes still on Harry. "Every year he goes to that abomination of a school, every year he comes back. I've had it you hear me boy, I want you gone and out of this house or so help me I-". Vernon froze, Harry, piercing him with his Emerald eyes filled with fire, had his hand right against Vernon's through. "One more word and you never see your wife and son again" Harry threatened, he had had enough of this, all the abuse, he wanted out. With a wave of his hand, all his items came to him, his trunk, containing all his school items and wizard clothing, his wand, which helped him concentrate his magic, and lastly, Hedwig, his beautiful owl that cheered him up in the darkest of nights, Hedwig supported Harry with all her might. Before Harry could falter from her love, he left for the front door, "You can't leave boy" snarled Vernon. Harry stopped, Hatred running through him, Vernon laughed, "If you leave, you'll never be able to return to that freak school of you-"*THUMP!* Vernon had fallen to the floor, tightly bound by ropes that appeared from nowhere causing him to lose breath and eventually die. His aunt and cousin screaming, "Go to your rooms if you don't want the same fate!" Harry ordered. As they were about to move, two owls screeched above them, as Harry looked up, two letters fell onto the kitchen table, the owls left, fulfilling their job.

Chapter 2 – Sentencing

After seeing the owl leave, Harry went to inspect the letters, one was from the Ministry of Magic, and the other was from Dumbledore. Harry opened the letter and read its contents:

Dear Mr. Potter

We have received intelligence that you performed the Incarcerous Charm at fifteen minutes past one this afternoon in your place of residence and in the presence of a Muggle.

The severity of this breach of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery has resulted in your expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ministry representatives will be calling at your place of residence shortly to destroy your wand.

As you have already received an official warning for a previous offence under Section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks' Statue of Secrecy, we regret to inform you that you presence is required at a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Magic at 10 a.m. on the twentieth of August.

Hoping you are well,

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda Hopkirk

Improper use of Magic Office Ministry of Magic

Harry read it again to understand it all, after the third time through he noticed his family still in the room. He stated firmly "The ministry will be coming soon to try and take my wand, if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you leave and not come back for a while. I should be gone by the morning, try Marge's place," they left without a word. Harry, not wanting to read the letter again, went to read Dumbledore's:

Harry, remain calm, I am doing everything in my power to keep you there. Do not use any more magic under any circumstances.


On first glance it looked normal, then Harry started wandering, why would he want Harry here, nobody wanted him and he certainly didn't want to be here himself. As if Dumbledore knew he was going to question, Hermes, Harry's friend Ron's owl, swooped in. Hermes was holding two letters, one from Ron, and the other, from Hermione, Harry's other friend. He read through them both, both saying pretty much the same thing, stay home, trust Dumbledore, don't use any more magic. Harry was mad, why didn't they say anything, at that last thought, a knock came from the door.

Chapter 3 – The Betrayal

When Harry opened the door, he saw someone he had never seen before. He saw a beautiful witch with muddy blonde hair. "Good evening Mr. Potter" the witch said, breaking Harry from his concentration, "I am Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or DMLE for short". Immediately Harry stepped back and prepared his wand, but the Amelia did not, which surprised Harry, "I am not here to take your wand Harry, and I'm here to save you". Harry relaxed, someone was here to help him, "Come in" he said. Amelia, with a flick of her hair, entered the Muggle home. She followed Harry to the kitchen when he suddenly stopped, "What's wrong?" she asked worryingly, harry turned around with pleading eyes, not wanting to upset someone trying to help him, "The magic I used today was out of anger, I attacked my uncle and didn't release the magic until he was-" Harry stopped when Amelia started hugging him, "It's ok" she repeated, then, Harry cried, pouring all his sadness into her, and she accepted it without a second thought. When harry calmed down, he knew he was ready to talk, "They would always make me do chores, even if I was sick, and if I made one mistake, they would beat me and force me under the stairs, not letting me leave the stairs or eat for a weak". He paused, he wasn't used to talking about this, let alone to a person he just met, "Dudley, my cousin, would always use me as a punching bag, and his friends would laugh, and on the occasions I would plea to my Aunt and Uncle, they would lock me under the stairs until I apologised do Dudley and his friends". After another pause, he hugged Amelia, harder than before; "Thank you" was all he could get out. After a couple of minutes, an owl came in; it dropped its letter in Harry's lap and flew out. Harry ripped it open, "It's from Dumbledore" he explained to Amelia:

Harry, you are safe now, but you must not leave Little Winging. I will be arriving tonight to pick up your wand.


Harry was shocked; he turned to Amelia, "Why would he take my wand?" Amelia sighed, "Because he wants you helpless so he can control you more" she explained. Harry was even more confused, Amelia looked at him, tears in her eyes, "I am so sorry Harry, had I'd known earlier I would have come and got you ages ago. When You-Know-Who disappeared that night when you were just a baby, Dumbledore made a plan so that he could control "The Boy Who Lived" by making him feel bad and unloved that the slightest bit of affection would make him instantly trust him". Harry looked devastated, "What about Hermione, the Weasleys, and the Order?" he asked pleadingly. Amelia sighed "Hermione and the Weasley family knew all about it, as well as most of the Order". Harry felt his heart braking; Hermione and Ron were all in on this, his best friends. Harry looked up, "Who in the Order doesn't know?" he now asked, tears in his eye, "We will be meeting them at my house, Harry I'm sorry, I didn't want to put you through this, but you had to know. We have to go to my house now, Dumbledore will be arriving soon". Harry hadn't noticed until she said so, but it was becoming dark, he knew he had to go if he didn't want to see Dumbledore. He was about to get and stopped, "Wont the Ministry know I'm with you because of the trace?" he asked, thinking about all the things that could happen to her and everyone else. She smiled, already knew what would happen, "Tomorrow Harry" she explained, "We will be getting the trace removed, until then we won't be using magic, everything will be explained tomorrow". It was nearly six by the time they were ready to go, Amelia's car was much quicker and harder to see than most cars, a lot more roomy as well. Not much was said during the card ride, Harry was thinking about everyone, how they could do such a thing. Amelia on the other Hand was thinking only about Harry, what she would do to protect him, but she also thought about how attractive harry was getting, she moved those thoughts to the back of her mind as quickly as they appeared though, Harry was much too young, not even of age, ...yet.

Chapter 4 – The Night before the Storm

When they got to Amelia's mansion, the only word that came to Harry was "Beautiful", Amelia blushed, that was the first time someone said that about her home. They entered the hallway and were greeted by a House Elf, "Good Evening Mistress Bones, Good Evening Harry Potter", Harry was surprised at who the Elf was, "Dobby" he said as he hugged the House Elf, "Dobby it's so good to see you again. How did you end up here?" Harry asked looking at Dobby, "Dobby was taken in by Mistress Bones, Harry Potter, Dobby was cared for in a way he had never been, so Dobby stayed and card for Mistress Bones and her house". Harry was beaming, he then looked to Amelia, "Thank you for looking after Dobby", "It was my pleasure Harry, it was actually Dobby who told me about Dumbledore and his plan about you" she replied. He looked ad Dobby, "How did-""Dobby leaned of the Headmasters plan while he was in service to Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Dobby could not let such a bad thing happen to Harry Potter, so he went everywhere, looking for someone to who would help Harry Potter and he found Mistress Bones" Dobby gleamed at this last part, Harry couldn't judge him, he was gleaming too. After Harry was shown his room, they settled for dinner, "I hope you don't mind Harry?" she asked getting ready to pour some alcohol, "I normally have a few at dinner to relax, but if it bothers you-""It's ok Madam Bones" Harry interjected, Please harry she said moving towards him, "Call me Amelia". After a shower, Harry lied in bed, thinking about everything that had happened that night, he killed his Uncle, and he was expelled from Hogwarts, was betrayed by Dumbledore, and was saved by Amelia. Harry's thoughts lingered on to Amelia, and how attractive she was, Harry didn't want to upset her, but he couldn't deny his affection for her. He stood outside her door (which Dobby pointed out for him before going to bed) pondering what he should do, he decided it best to be childish, he knocked on her door, "Come in". Harry opened the door to see Amelia in her night gown, butterflies flew in his stomach, "What can I do for you Harry" she asked, looking concerned, "I was wondering if I could sleep in here?" he asked "I don't think I can be alone" he added for good measure. Amelia smiled, she knew what he was doing, she played along, "Of course you can harry" she smiled pulling him in for a hug, leading him to her bed, "You can sleep in here for as long as you want" she smiled, kissing him on the cheek. Harry knew then that she had feelings for him to, and he promised himself he would do everything he could to protect her.

When Harry woke up the next morning and saw Amelia undressing, "Good Morning" she said, Harry had to sit up as to not show his "front", "Good Morning" he said nervously getting up, "Can I go the bathroom?" he asked trying to hide the already seen lump in his pants, "Of course" she giggled. Harry chose to sit on the toilet as to not ruin the bathroom, while sitting there he thought about Amelia being so opened, "It's her room" he thought to himself, "She wasn't going to go out of her way to accommodate me". For the second surprise of the morning causing a *TAP* to be heard where Harry was, Amelia walking on holding nothing but a towel in her hand. "We have to be ready in the next hour Harry, we have a guest coming soon" she said while getting into the shower, "O-Okay" Harry stuttered, she was going out of her way to accommodate him. After an even more embarrassing breakfast, a doorbell rang, making Amelia happy, "He's here" she cried. After a minute or so, Amelia returned with a Goblin.

Chapter 5 – Harry's Inheritance

Harry realised the Goblin was here to help with his trace, he immediately stood up and bowed, "Good Morning, my name is Harry Potter, and it is an honour to meet you" he stated. The Goblin, a little taken back, said "It is nice to meet you too Mr. Potter, I am Fleetwing, and I am here about your inheritance that was supposed to be bestowed upon you 4 years ago but was refused to you by an "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore". If Harry was mad before, he would be insane, "And how was Dumbledore allowed to refuse MY Inheritance?" he asked trying to keep calm, Fleetwing pulled out a sheet of paper and recited "As Guardian of Harry James Potter I refuse Harry's Inheritance bestowed upon until a time when I deem approvable," Fleetwing looked up, "As there has been a dispute between you and Dumbledore, you inheritance can be bestowed upon you". Harry looked up, "Will there be an opportunity to stop Dumbledore being my Guardian" he asked, thinking about all possibilities. Fleetwing looked at Harry in a puzzlingly way, "As a matter of fact" he stated, deciding it better to tell him now, "One of your inheritance will wipe all Guardians you have, you will have the option later to add Guardians whom you see fit". Harry was happy, "Thank you Fleetwing", he bowed his head, "I apologise for the emotions I have shown today". Fleetwing shook his hand as a sign of "Think nothing of it". Amelia coughed to announce her input into the conversation, "Fleetwing" she said, looking at the Goblin, "Is there a manner of transportation we can use to get to the Bank that won't appear on the Trace?" she asked, having told Fleetwing most of the situation when she greeted him. Fleetwing thought for a moment, "Unfortunately no, even our magic comes up on the trace". Harry was sitting in the back of the car on their way to Diagon Alley, he didn't want to worry Amelia but he was still upset, he was hating Dumbledore so much now that his scar tingled in excitement, he assumed Tom was stitching himself over this, but he didn't care, Dumbledore and the people involved in his plan, especially Ron and Hermione, were the only people he were going to fight.

Harry got out of the car; he was wearing bulky clothing so no one would see who he is. As they got to the bank, Harry remembered the instructions Fleetwing gave them as he left, "When you get to a teller, any teller, say the word "Dragons Farewell", it means that Fleetwing sent you". Harry pondered why that was the password: he had heard there were dragons in the base vaults, but never got confirmation on it. They said the password to a teller and were immediately taken to Fleetwing to receive confirmation. "Now that you are here Mr. Potter, I shall read to you your inheritance by stating the people giving them to you, then the items:

Mr. & Mrs. Potter: 1 Trust Vault filled with Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, all given in the expectations that they be used for school. 1 Lordship of the Potter name to be relinquished when requested of Harry Potter. You will also receive a Main Vault when your turn 17 which is filled with the rest of your family's inheritance.

Mr. & Mrs. Malfoy: 1500 Galleons, 800 Sickles and 200 Knuts..."

As Harry heard the list, he noticed more and more Death Eaters; they used him as a way to get back on the "Good Side". He wasn't mad though, just surprised, they really went out of their way to look good. "...53 Sickles, there we are Mr. Potter, you have received your Inheritance, would you like anything else?" Harry knew that the request part of his lordship was stopping Fleetwing from asking about it, so he obliged "Yes Fleetwing, I would like to enquire about the Lordship that was given to me", Fleetwing was almost too happy to explain. "The Potter lineage has been royal for about 500 years now, when Gredgington Potter invented the "Qwickwalk Charm" I believe so. As your father was the last Potter in his family he had rights to line you up as the next Lord. Is there anything else Mr. Potter?" Harry thought for a moment, "I request my title as Lord as my Inheritance dictates". Fleetwing recited "Becoming a Lord under age removes the Trace off you and deems you as an adult, is that understood Mr. Potter?" Harry smiled, "That is understood". "Then please follow me Mr. Potter, Madam Bones" Fleetwing said as he showed them through a door. By the time Harry had exited Gringotts, it was past Midday, "Goodbye Lord Potter, I will see you next week, please send an owl prior to your arrival" Fleetwing yelled as Harry left. Harry was now free.