Chapter 1: Meeting…

I do not own Soul Eater and it belongs to its rightful owners and anything else outside of the manga/anime belongs to NighshadeRoses13.

"Evelyn eh?" Lord Death puts down my files and glances at me. I nod and try not to look at him directly. "And you're from the Shard clan correct? The Shard clan has been known to be Meisters and weapons correct?" I nod again I must look so stupid to him and he's letting me into the DWMA? "Kid! Come and take Ms. Shard to your class with Professor Stein!" he hollers and a boy with jet black hair with three white streaks on his right side of his head but his eyes are so amazing; honey colored but with tints of amber walks in. I follow him out and we walk down the DWMA's hallways in silence.

"I'm Death the Kid but I go by Kid; and you?" he glances at me.

"Evelyn Shard. Are you a Meister?" I try to get him to keep talking.

"Yeah, to Patty and Liz; what about you?"

"Well Shards can be both so I don't know and that's why I'm here." He mumbles something. "What?"

"It's just that… you're not… SYMETRICAL!"

"Um excuse me?" what the hell?

"It's just that things that aren't symmetrical aren't beautiful and ugly so I have an obsession with symmetry."

"Well you're not exactly the most symmetrical thing here." I blurt out. He's saying I'm not pretty because I'm not symmetrical? We stop in front of a door and I'm glad that we walk in and it's a classroom. I pass the teacher who I'm guessing is Professor Stein and he turns to knob in his head as he looks at me.

"You're Soul Wave Lengths are blended with Meister and Weapon lengths so I'm assuming you're a Shard then." I nod and introduce myself. "Take a seat next to Soul and Maka. Raise your hands!" a blonde girl with green eyes and a boy with white hair and red eyes raise their hands. I climb up the stairs and slid in next to them.

"I'm Soul Eater, a weapon." The boy introduces himself acting cool.

"Evelyn Shard and 'unclassified.'' I wink and he laughs. The girl leans over and waves towards me.

"Maka Albarn and I am Soul's Meister." I wave back and get one of my curls out of my face and back into my black cascade of hair. I look down and try to pay attention to the lesson Stein's teaching but my eyes look for Kid. C'mon Evelyn, he's just a student like you no need to be treating him like a golden boy. School ends and Maka and Soul walk me back to my house in Death City.

"How long have you been living here?" Soul questions me.

"I moved here last night and had to get to the DWMA this morning because if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to attend."

"Who do you live?" Maka asks next.

"With my parents and sister and the dogs. We're pretty average family." I say goodbye, fish for my keys to the house and walk in.

"Hello sweetheart how was today?" my mom asks.

"Interesting…" I grin and retreat back to my room.