
"I'll take you there," Piccolo offered.

"No need," Usagi whispered, already homing in on Makoto's life force. She shifted to Cosmos without a thought as she grabbed both men, and was standing in a well-kept, sweet-smelling kitchen within moments.

"Piccolo, did Goku IT you—" The chestnut haired woman turned and stopped dead the moment she laid eyes on Sailor Cosmos, and the plate full of food she was holding crashed to the floor.

"Huh. I don't think I've ever seen her drop food before," Piccolo rumbled.

Usagi shifted to her mortal form and caught the princess of Jupiter before she could fall to the floor, hugging her tightly as they both burst into tears. "Mako-chan!"

"Usa…" she breathed in response, still filtering through a flood of memories that had rushed through her upon seeing the Queen of the Stars. "Usa, how are—how did you—"

"I didn't, Mako-chan," Usagi whispered. "I… I've been wandering the universe and multiple dimensions for centuries… something like eighteen hundred years. I think. I don't really keep count anymore. Our Earth was destroyed after I…" Usagi cried harder at the memory and buried her face in the taller woman's shoulder. "After I killed you all. Then… I sealed Chaos and… just existed."

"But… our starseeds…"

"I don't know," she sobbed, "I don't know… but I'm so happy that you were all brought back… you all deserved it so much… Mako-chan… please… please forgive me… I tried! I really tried!"

Makoto pulled away at that and used her apron to wipe her queen's face. "Usagi-chan… it couldn't be helped. I know you tried, and if the other girls were here, they'd say it too. We told you to kill us, and it was the only way. I know that, and you know that. Kami… how we went all this time," she whispered in wonder. "We gravitated towards each other without even knowing it, but we still didn't remember… even when…"

"When what?" Usagi asked softly.

"Rei-chan. She did this fire reading—no surprise, she was a priestess in this life, go figure—and… it was so weird. She told us that something was missing, that she'd felt it for years. And it was so funny, we'd felt it, too." Mako smiled sadly and hugged Usagi again. "It was you, Usa. You were what was missing all this time."

"Mako… the others? The Outers?"

"Yup, reborn, too. Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru were a few grades above us at Orange Star High School, and Hotaru ten below. Mamoru, though, he—"

"Mamo-chan!?" Usagi asked tearfully, followed by a wave of guilt over the fact that she was mated to Vegeta. "He… I…"

"It's alright, Usa." Mako grinned and shook her head. "Kami, all these memories… and now so much makes sense that it's scary. Mamoru and Setsuna got married soon after college, and they had Sere… er… Serenity. Chibi-Usa to you. Yes, she was reborn, too."

"My baby…" Usagi took the offered dishtowel from someone behind her and wiped at the tears that just wouldn't stop coming.

"Sere and Hotaru were only a few years apart and grew up together. And they wound up getting married to each other, too. No," she added gently, when Usagi looked up at her hopefully. "They… it was hard on us all… they were killed in a car accident when they were in their forties. Mamo and Sets… they were devastated. They both passed less than a year later. It… it was a very hard year for us all."

"So they're all dead," Usagi whispered sadly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Mako sighed. "All but me, and it's only because the green bean here conned me into that damned blood thing."

"You went through the blood ritual with a human woman?" Vegeta piped up, staring at Piccolo in shock.

"Shut up," he huffed.

Mako stood at that and kissed Piccolo full on the lips before giving him a playful shove. "You shut up. Yes," she confirmed, turning to Vegeta. "Piccolo and I did that partial fusing thing decades ago. I was his student for years, and we… well, green bean gets all purple in the face and embarrassed as hell about it, but basically, we're mated. Without the mating. I'm not going into detail on that one."

"The hell you aren't," Usagi snorted, still wiping at her tears. "Whatever happened to full disclosure about the bedroom?"

"Fuckin' seriously, Usa? After two thousand years? You're really going to hold me to that?"

"I told you about Mamo-chan and the car. Getting caught parking by the cops."

"You're gonna be 'that guy' about this, aren't you? Even after I told you about Toki and the kitchen at the arcade. I thought that made us even for the cop story."

"Mamo got arrested!"

"I nearly lost all my hair to a grease fire!"

"Ladies," Piccolo rumbled. "Seriously?"

"Oh, don't get jealous, green bean. It was two thousand years ago. And if you recall, I'm still a virgin," Mako added with a saucy wink, laughing at the sight of her mate's purple face. "So," she added, pulling Usagi up as she stood, "who's this? He looks an awful lot like Trunks's boy."

"This is Vegeta. My mate," Usagi said, not missing Mako's look of shock.

"That Vegeta!? The one that blew himself up!? The one that pretty much killed Cooler!? The guy that was responsible for Gohan getting the chance to take out Cell!? Trunks's father!? But Goku—Piccolo—they searched…"

"You too, Namek?" Vegeta rumbled in surprise.

"For two decades, after Goku gave up. I told him you were too fucking stubborn to die."

"He'd go off a month at a time, once Goku taught him how to IT, and he finally gave up…" Mako sighed and looked away in shame. "Kami… it's all my fault, too. I convinced him to give up and stay home."

"Doesn't matter," Vegeta grunted. "Usagi found me."

"I'll tell the story later," she offered. "Vegeta's been through enough of that for one day."

"Sure," Mako said. "Come on, I want to show you something anyway. Piccolo, would you clean up my mess, please? Sorry. And make some tea, perhaps?"

"You owe me, Koto," he chuckled as he picked up a broom and swept up the pieces of plate and the ruined food.

"The soapy game and the lake?" She giggled, pecking him on the mouth. "Yeah, that's what I thought," she said when he blushed and nodded.

"Vegeta… will you—"

"I'll be fine, Usa. I'll have the Namek take me back to my boy. Come find me when you're done here and we'll get settled in," Vegeta said, shivering at such a long statement.

"It'll be ok," Usagi whispered in his ear and she pulled him close. "If you need me, I'll be right here," she reminded him with a kiss to his forehead.

Vegeta dipped his lips to hers and sighed, feeling better and safer from the contact as he kissed her deeply. "Go on," he finally urged. "Your homecoming, too."

"I'm beginning to realize that," she whispered in wonder.

Mako led Usagi into the living room and sat her down on the couch before pulling out a mass of albums from a nearby bookshelf and sitting them all in front of her. "Mina took most of the pictures as we got older, so she's not in all of them. But I never threw anything out, and whenever one of them passed, a mate or a child would give me all their photos to add to the collection. It got really huge after Rei-chan died." Mako sighed at that and shook her head. "Goten… poor thing. If it weren't for Riss, I think he'd kill himself. He took it hard… harder than any of the guys did. He and Rei… they loved each other so much that it was a little scary."

"Rei was always intense with everything she did," Usagi said with a sad smile, opening an album full of pictures of her friends as children. All of the photos were faded and old, but still more than clear enough to make out. "Did she scream at him a lot?"

"Kami, yes! In high school, anyway, right before they started dating. She was sixteen when they felt the pull, and Goten made her batshit crazy for months until she finally gave in and agreed to date him. Just to shut him up. But things calmed down after they mated, and they were so deeply in love with each other that it was crazy to see Rei like that with a guy. Happy, you know?"

"I'm so glad she was happy," Usagi whispered, opening another album full of high school photos that gave way to wedding pictures. "What about you, Mako?"

"Ah… I knew you wouldn't wait before bringing that up. Simply put, Piccolo is Namekian. And they're asexual… he doesn't have anything downstairs. But we love each other anyway."

"But then… how!?" Usagi asked incredulously.

"He takes care of my needs when I'm in the mood, and I… well, I give a lot of back massages. We've tried different stuff to get him off, but we gave up on that after a few years. We're content."

Usagi thought about that and shook her head slowly. "Wow. If you're content, that's awesome… but I wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least offer, Mako-chan… you know the silver crystal can do a lot of things."

Mako licked her lips slowly and stared ahead blankly. "I'd fuck his brains out. But no… no no no. I'd need to ask him first, Usa, he may not be interested in that sort of thing."

"Of course. Just discuss it with him and let me know."

"Now…" Mako snagged an album from Usa's hand and set it down. "Later. Some of these… they still make me cry looking at them. But I want to know about where Vegeta's been all these years. I never met him of course—he disappeared when Trunks was only a teenager—but he's like… a fucking legend."

"He's quite the warrior," Usagi agreed, "so it's understandable that everyone already knows all about him."

"Except for you," Jupiter said knowingly.

"Or him." Usagi nodded and licked her lips when Mako made a face. "He's still piecing it all together… I'll start at the beginning."

Throughout the whole tale, Makoto remained silent, pale throughout the entire beginning and the descriptions of Vegeta's condition. But as the story progressed she found herself smiling on occasion and even giggling, especially during the part when Vegeta had first pinned Usagi to the wall.

"He's still funny about talking and physical contact," Usagi finished, "but he's getting better… and a lot faster than any normal person would after so long in captivity. I originally expected him to remain wild as hell for at least a few months, but… he's very resilient. He's so strong," she whispered in wonder. She felt a wave of nerves through the bond and sighed. "Mako-chan, I have to go. Vegeta's really starting to climb the walls without me there."

"Well, you've been gone two hours, sugar. No wonder. I'm amazed he lasted this long. Here," Mako offered, smoothing out her skirt and removing her apron. "Take me with you and I'll ask Piccolo about—"

"Awfully eager to get your freak on, huh, Mako?" Usagi snickered.

"You haven't seen that man in the nude or had him kissing the shit out of you, pinning you down, so you simply don't understand," she replied seriously. "I've dreamed of making love to that man for a very long time," she sighed.

"Well, come on then," Usagi giggled, grabbing Mako's arm just before she teleported back to the lawn of Capsule Corp. She immediately rushed over to Vegeta, who was visibly trembling slightly, sitting next to Goku. The taller Saiyan was speaking to him softly, and gave her a look of naked gratitude when she knelt in front of the prince and kissed him gently. "Geta?" She whispered.

"I'm alright," he growled. "Just… too many people at once."

"A lot of people were asking him lots of questions," Goku explained. "Sorry about that, I should have nipped it in the bud when they started in on him."

"It's alright, Kakarot," Vegeta said dismissively, relaxing into Usagi's embrace and drawing in her scent. "Thank you for keeping me company until she got here."

Mako rushed up then and grinned down at all three of them, practically jumping in place. "Usa!? Please make with the crystal magic! And fast!"

Usagi grinned and nodded into Vegeta's chest, shifted to Cosmos, and a loud yell was heard from across the lawn. "Aaaaaand… he has a dick."

"Huh?" Vegeta and Goku asked at once.

"Go fuck his brains out, Mako," Usagi giggled as she turned her head to see Piccolo standing next to a tree a dozen yards away, holding his pants out a little as he gazed down, every inch of visible skin bright purple and only getting darker.

"You gave Piccolo a…" Goku shook his head, grinning slowly, and he suddenly erupted into hysterical laughter, falling back onto the grass and rolling around on it like a little kid.

"Now I've seen everything," Vegeta snickered. "A Namekian with a cock. Hey, Namek!" He shouted. "Are you going to keep staring at it or put it to good use!? Your woman's over here and I can already smell how wet she is for that massive cucumber!"

"SHUT UP!" Piccolo barked out, baring his teeth at the prince. "You can not!"

"Actually," Goku chimed in, "I can smell it too, Piccolo! She's pretty aroused!"

Mako just blushed and shrugged and waited patiently for Piccolo to get over his shock before he strode over to her and pecked her on the mouth, daring the Saiyans with a silent glare to comment on it. "I'd really like to get out of here, Piccolo," Mako whispered.

"Damn, Koto. You are in a hurry."

"What do you expect?" Vegeta snorted. "She's been waiting seventy-five years for a piece of you, Namek. Now go claim your mate and stop acting like a nervous teenage brat!"

"Shut up, Vegeta," Piccolo rumbled, teleporting out just as he kissed the princess of Jupiter passionately.

"Well," Usagi coughed. "I don't think we'll see them again for a few days. And Geta, I know it's still kind of early, but if you wanted to get settled in…?"

"Yes, definitely," he grunted, having had his fill of so many people around him at once.

"Grandfather?" Vegeta's lookalike asked respectfully as he slowly approached, mindful of the way the crown prince's ki was wavering in uncertainty and nervousness.

"Yeah, boy," Vegeta asked wearily. He already had taken a liking to his grandson; he was a lot like himself if Vegeta had been allowed to grow up with a normal childhood, but the boy still retained that quiet thoughtfulness that Vegeta had always possessed.

"I was wondering if you were hungry? Rissi and Pan went inside to prepare enough food for everyone and well…" He shrugged in conclusion.

Sensing that her mate was trying to think of a polite way to refuse the hopefulness in his grandson's eyes, Usagi smiled up at him and chimed in. "You know, wild man? I definitely could eat something right now. All of the teleporting and the creation of a Namekian penis has drained me a bit."

Trunks, Geta and Goku all gave her grateful smiles when Vegeta immediately nodded, obviously concerned for her well-being. He agreed to stick around until Usagi's appetite was satisfied, but when the food was brought out and laid on a blanket picnic-style, he froze, completely unable to even touch it. It wasn't safe; it hadn't come from Usagi's hand or his own and… thoughts of poison and aphrodisiacs went through his mind and he trembled at the thought of eating any of the delectable tidbits before him.

"Here," Usagi offered, taking a bite of a sushi roll before offering it to him. "Geta… r'sha… it's ok. I took a bite of it and the food is clean, I swear it. Here, honey. Drink a little sake; it'll help relax you." She took a sip from his cup first and held it to his lips, and there was a collective sigh of relief around the table when he grasped the bottom of it and upended it into his mouth, then ate the remainder of the sushi she still had in her hand.

Rissi looked ready to comment on Vegeta's rudeness in assuming that the food that they'd prepared was tainted in some fashion, but Goku, Goten and Trunks all elbowed her simultaneously just as the younger Geta seemed to be speaking with her through their mating bond and she calmed down after a few moments.

From then on, Usagi discreetly nibbled on bits of food before setting them before her mate, and the prince ate without complaint until she finally declared herself stuffed and thanked Pan and Rissi for such a wonderful meal before stating that she was exhausted.

Trunks led them into Capsule Corp, and Vegeta blinked at the sight of everything. Almost nothing had changed at all, and he wandered ahead of his son, up the stairs, and stared blankly at the room he'd called his own for the two decades before he'd been captured. It even still smelled very faintly of himself… and a lot stronger of Bulma's light, floral scent. "I don't think I can sleep in here," he admitted softly to both Trunks and Usagi.

The lavender-haired demi nodded down the hall a little ways. "I thought as much and took the liberty of moving all of your things into the old room you said you used when you first moved in here. Is… that ok, Dad?" He asked softly.

"That's fine, boy. And …thank you," he added after a few moments. "I don't know if I could breathe in her scent and Usagi's at the same time. It… it would seem strange." They walked silently to Vegeta's old quarters and he eyed the closet after a few moments. "You said my things are in here?"

"Mom never threw anything out. Not even that ugly-ass pink Badman shirt you hated so much," Trunks snickered. "She kept it all in capsules, still on the hangers and closet poles. All I had to do was hang them up, which I did a couple hours ago."

Tears pricked the corners of Vegeta's eyes as he slid open the closet door and surveyed the contents. Training clothes, jeans, shorts, muscle shirts… even his boots and gloves and a few pairs of tennis shoes. They'd all been perfectly preserved, as if he'd never even left. "Your mother was a good woman, Trunks. And I know I never said it…" Vegeta's voice cracked at that, and Usagi bit down on her lower lip as she squeezed his shoulder and sent him a wave of comfort through the bond. "…but I want you to know how much I loved her. And how I love you."

"I know, Dad," Trunks whispered, stepped over to hug his father tightly. "Mom told me. She said that the last time she spoke with you, you'd said to tell me." When they separated, Trunks sighed and shook his head. "Please, Father… would you please tell me what happened?"

Vegeta nodded wearily. "Usagi… if you would give us a minute?"

"Yeah. Call me when you're done. I'll go downstairs and help the girls clean up the kitchen."

Trunks came downstairs over and hour later and simply hugged Usagi from behind, holding her so tightly that she would have worried a bit if not for her empathy. "Is he alright?" She asked softly, setting the last dish to the side to dry.

"No, he's not. It… it took a lot out of him, telling the whole story. I wish to Kami that I'd never asked him," he admitted shakily.

The Queen of the Stars turned in his arms and used her healing light to calm him a little before pulling back. "I'm sure it goes without saying but… don't you dare ever forget the sacrifice your father made for your safety. I've been in his thoughts, and while he's never really told me… I know why he went without a fight."

The tears in Trunks's eyes started to spill over for what seemed like the hundredth time that day and he nodded. "I'll never forget it, and I'll be eternally grateful for what he's done. Death… it would have been kinder than what he's endured."

"Yes, it would have," Usagi agreed flatly. "I'll go to him now and use my light to make him sleep without dreaming."

"Thank you, Usagi. And… thank you for all you've done for Father. He told me how wonderful you've been to him."

She blushed a little at that and nodded. "He's been pretty wonderful to me as well, Trunks. Your father is a very good mate to me."

Usagi found him curled up on the floor in front of the lit fireplace, stripped of his armor but still wearing the blue spandex that went beneath it. "Geta?" She asked softly, kneeling at his side. When he didn't reply, she simply laid down face him and pulled him to her, running her fingers through his hair as she murmured words of comfort in a dead language. "Come on," she eventually urged, "let's go to bed, sweetheart." When he shook his head a little, she reached into her subspace and made them a bed right there in front of the fireplace, just like the one they'd had at the cabin, and she felt him relax into her when he climbed in and she covered them up with the fur. "Is that better?"

Vegeta nodded into her chest when she tugged him tightly to her and he drew in her scent, snuggling into her like a small, scared child.


"Better?" Usagi whispered.

Vegeta shivered as she kissed his mark and nodded as he cracked his eyes open to see the dark circles under hers. "Woman? The hell?"

"I made sure you didn't dream," she replied, "but you kept… well, it's not important. I stayed up and held you, I didn't want you to get scared," she finished.

"Go to sleep, woman," Vegeta ordered firmly, running his fingers through her hair.

"Hang on," she yawned, sitting up. She removed all of her clothes then and sighed in satisfaction as she laid back down, enjoying the feel of fur against her bare skin. "Snuggle with me a little bit?" She asked with a hint of shyness, not sure if he would be ok with that. She smirked though when Vegeta began to slide off his spandex, and giggled when he cocked a questioning eyebrow. "I thought I was going to get to peel it all off with my teeth?"

"Heh… tonight, woman. For now, you sleep. I'll bring you something to eat in a few hours. And yes," he added after a moment in her thoughts, "I'm fine. Going over everything I remembered with Trunks… it took a lot out of me. But I think I'm going to be just fine from now on."

Smiling up at him gently, she kissed him as he began to purr softly and he pulled her flush against his bare body. "Mmm… Geta?"


"I'm not very interested in sleeping right now," Usagi confided sexily, licking her lips at the sight of his partial arousal.

"When you wake up," he growled affectionately. "Then you can have as much beastly Saiyan cock as your little heart desires."

"Heart? I don't want it there, silly," she teased. "I want it in my pussy."

"Well, there too. Now go the fuck to sleep, woman," Vegeta chuckled.

"Yes, dear."

THE END! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't worry, I have a Team Watermelon oneshot planned… eventually. But I also have a bit of a sequel in the works! It'll be up soon, I just have to write the intro!