AN: So this is my first chapter story and I am going to try and update as much as I possibly can. Please be patient with me. I am going to do my best here, but I'm still very new at this whole thing. I do not own Glee or Rent but they are both important to my story so I am borrowing them. Please read and review.

The ringing cell phone woke Santana up. Groaning, she rolled over slapping her end table looking for her phone. Finally finding it, she answered it before it rolled over to voicemail. "This is Lopez," she said as she tried to wake herself up enough to engage in a conversation. "Santana. This is Billy. How are you?" At this Santana sat straight up, fully awake. "Billy! I'm great! It's great to hear from you!" Santana held her breath. She was hoping this was the call she was waiting for. "It's great to be calling you Santana. I wanted to know what your week looked like. I would love to get together with you for lunch one of these days to give you your script. The director and I have talked and we would love to cast you as our Maureen." Santana tried to hold in her excitement, but she was already on her feet dancing around. "Billy. That is the best way to wake up like ever. I'm free whenever you need me. Except Thursday. I have a shift at the coffee shop," she replied. Billy laughed on the other side of the phone. "Well how about Wednesday. We can meet at noon at the small café on the corner of 54th and 3rd. CK's I believe it's called. Do you know where I'm talking about?" Santana nodded even though she couldn't be seen. "Yeah I know the place. I eat there all the time," she said smiling to herself." Great then I will see you there. I'm excited to be working with you Santana and I can't wait to get the show on the road." "Me neither Billy. It was great hearing from you. And thanks. I'll see you Wednesday." After she disconnected the call, Santana let out a loud squeal while jumping up and down and dancing around her room. She had done it. She was going to be on Broadway.

On the other side of town, Rachel was finishing her elliptical routine when her phone rang. She jumped off the machine and swiped up her phone answering it after two rings. "Rachel Berry speaking." she said. She hears a chuckle on the other side of the phone. "Rachel. It's Billy. You would think you would have my number saved by now." Rachel smiles as she giggles to herself. "I'm sorry Billy. I was just finishing my elliptical routine and wanted to make sure I answered the phone before it rolled over into voice mail so I was unable to check the caller ID before answering. My apologies. What can I do for you this morning Billy." Again Rachel hears a chuckle before Billy answers. "Still as wordy as I remember. But I digress. We want you. As our Joanne. The producers asked for you specifically. They decided to go with a newbie and a veteran and once we found our newbie they knew you would be perfect to play beside her. So what do you say. You in?" Rachel smiled to herself before replying, "Billy. Rent is an iconic show that changed the face of Broadway when it came out. When Fredi Walker and Idina Menzel originated the roles of Joanne and Maureen they set a bar for everyone to follow and I personally would love to follow in their footsteps as well as assist a, as you call them, 'newbie' into the wonders of Broadway. So yes Billy. I would love to accept the role as Joanne, following in the wonderful footsteps of Fredi Walker." This time Billy let out a full on belly laugh. "I'm glad to hear it Rachel. Listen are you free on Wednesday? The cast is meeting at CK's on 54th and 3rd to receive scripts and meet one another. I made sure it has vegan options for you. If you're unavailable I understand and can get you your script another time but it would be great to see you there." It was time for Rachel to chuckle. "Billy. It sounds like I'm rubbing off on you. Nevertheless. I am free this week seeing how Sunday was my last show with Evita. So I will see you on Wednesday. What time are we meeting?" "Noon. Although knowing you, you'll be there at least 20 minutes early." Rachel smiled. "Just because you said that, I'll make sure I'm late. Thank you for this opportunity Billy. I will see you Wednesday." "I can't wait Rach." As they disconnected the call, Rachel smiled to herself. Rent would be her fourth Broadway show. Her first was Chicago where she played Velma followed by The Phantom of the Opera where she played Christine. She had just wrapped up her role as Eva Duarte Peron in Evita the past Sunday. She had loved the stage and when she found out Rent was doing a revival; she made sure she got an audition. She couldn't wait to meet her cast mates that Wednesday.

As soon as Santana got off the phone Monday morning, and got some coffee in her system, she called her parents. They were so proud of her and they told her they would make sure they had the whole family there on opening night. She was so happy she didn't even want to argue with them. After she got off the phone with her parents, the rest of the week just seemed to fly by for her. It was like she blinked and the next thing she knew, it was Wednesday. She woke up at 7, nervous to meet the rest of her cast mates for her very first Broadway role. She knew she was the newbie but she couldn't seem to care. She knew she was good, she knew she could sing, and she knew she was ready for the chance to show everyone that. She showed up to the café at 11:50 because she didn't want to be late and make a bad impression. Billy was already there and spotted her as soon as she walked in the door. "Santana! It's good to see you! I'm glad you could make it today." She smiled. "I'm glad I was given the opportunity to come. You have no idea how excited I am to be in this play." Billy threw his arm around her and led her to the table. "Well you should be. The producers decided to have you play next to a Broadway veteran. This will be her fourth Broadway role since she graduated college back in 2016. You two are actually exactly the same age so it's going to be perfect. I can't wait for you to meet her." Santana smiled but was nervous on the inside. Hearing that she would be playing along side someone who was exactly the same age as her but had already been in 3 other shows freaked her out a little bit. But she wouldn't let it show. "Well hopefully she can teach me everything she knows and I can follow in her footsteps." Billy smiled at her as he handed her a menu. "I honestly believe she will. I've worked with her before and she's wonderful. Now look over the menu. I'll make sure to introduce you to everyone once they get here." She smiled at him before ordering a Diet Coke from the waiter.

Over the next fifteen minutes she met Chris, who was playing Mark, Taylor, who was playing Roger, Emily, who was playing Mimi, Aaron, who was playing Tom, Tim who was playing Angel, and Robert who was playing Benjamin. She was getting nervous because whoever was playing Joanne hadn't shown up yet. She found Billy talking to Chris and stood by patiently until they were finished talking. Once Billy turned to her she asked, "Hey was whoever is playing Joanne coming today? I'm just really excited to meet her." Billy looked at his watched and chuckled. "I never should have said anything. I told her that I knew she would be early and she said because I said that she would be late. It's only been five minutes so she should be here soon." As soon as the last word left his mouth, Santana heard a voice she would never forget. "Sorry I'm late, guys. I could not find a cab to save my life. And then the traffic on the way over here was horrible. I'm so sorry. " Santana stood stock still while Billy went over to greet her. "Rachel. I was just messing with you on the phone. Ah nevertheless. You're here now. Please allow me to introduce you to your partner." As Rachel followed Billy, she noticed a taller woman who looked like she was frozen out of fear. She giggled in her head and hoped she wouldn't scare away this newbie. "Rachel. This is the woman I have been raving about. Rachel I would like you to meet Santana Lopez, your Maureen." Rachel froze in her place as Santana turned around to look Rachel in the eye. "Well Berry," Santana said with a smile on her face. "You haven't grown one bit."