Disclaimer: I own nothing recognizable.

Author's Note: I'm sorry I took so long to update! Please review!

Sirius lounged on a chair in the common room, thinking deeply. What did James mean when he said he would love Sirius more that he would ever know? Sirius knew everything about James. Didn't he? Was James keeping something from him?

'Stop it, 're overanalyzing this.' He told himself. He checked the time. James had been gone for half an hour. He'd never taken so long to ask Lily out before. Maybe she finally realized how great James was and said yes. Maybe they were snogging right now. That thought should have made him happy. James had fancied Lily for years. Instead he felt...jealous. He suddenly imagined himself kissing James.

'Where the bloody hell did that come from? You don't fancy James!' Sirius thought. Then he imagined James face. He sure was a sexy bloke. Sirius shook his head. What was wrong with him? Why was he thinking about James? He wasn't gay! He was Sirius Black, the ladies man of Hogwarts! He shouldn't be thinking about James!

But he was. He couldn't stop. Sirius imagined James hands touching his face, his fingers running through Sirius's hair, his lips touching Sirius's...

Just then, James came through the portrait hole. Sirius blushed when his heart sped up and shook his head. James was his best mate. This was just a little crush. Nothing more.

Sirius picked himself up from his chair and walked over to the boy in question. "Hey Jamie, what did she..." he trails off. There are tears running down James face.

"Jamie, what happened?" Sirius says, concerned. James never cried. Sirius grabbed James's hands and led him to the large armchair by the fire. They could both fit in it, the scrawny boys they were. Sirius wrapped his arms aroumd James and he said, "Did she hurt you Prongs? I'll go hex her if you want."

James smiled a little at that. "Nah, it's not her mate."

Sirius was confused. What else could make James cry? "What is it?"

"Nothing, Sirius. I'm fine." James said, trying and failing to look happy.

"James, stop. You can't hide anything from me."

"You'd be surprised." James mumbled.

"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean? Does it have anything to do with what you said last night?" Sirius shouted.

James head snapped up. "What did I say?"

"What are you hiding?" Sirius countered.

"Sirius, tell me. What did I say?" James said, his voice becoming deadly serious.

"No. Tell me what you're hiding." Sirius said shouted.

"Black, you tell me right now!" James screamed, jumping up and drawing his wand.

Sirius drew his as well and sneered. "You'd never hex me, Potter. You don't have the- PROTEGO!"

James had sent a curse his way. Sirius deflected it and stared at James, shocked. James was white and looked terrified. "Sirius, I-"

"Save it, Potter. Leave me alone." Sirius said coldly. He turned and walked up to their dormitory.

"Sirius, I'm sorry! Please, wait!" James shouted, running after the other boy. He caught Sirius by the arm.

"What?" Sirius snapped.

"I'm sorry Sirius! Don't be mad at me!" James said, crying.

Sirius's face softened. He pulled James in for a hug. James sobbed into his shoulder.

"Jamie, tell me what's up." Sirius said gently.

"Please Sirius. Tell me what you heard." James begged.

Sirius decided to just tell him. Maybe James would open up to him. "You said you would love me more than I would ever know."

James face grew pale. "I just meant that as a brother." He said hurriedly.

"Oh." Sirius said, trying not to sound disappointed. He admitted that he wanted James to like him as more than a friend.

"Well..." James started to say, but was interrupted by Frank Longbottom and his girlfriend Alice. They walked through the portrait joke laughing and talking.

James gave Sirius a frightened look and walked out of the common room.

Sirius collapsed into his chair again. Something was seriously up with James and Sirius was determined to find out what it was by the end of the week. No matter what it took.

Author's Note: I know, it's short. I'm sorry! Please review and I'll update faster! Also, the reason for the title is coming in either the next chapter or the one after that!