"Parallel universe I'm telling ya B," Santana commented when they walked through the front door to find Quinn and Rachel kissing.

"If they built a machine to put us in alternate universe… then do you think they have a time machine?" Brittany asked and looked to Santana who looked back at her and smiled.

"Maybe, I wouldn't doubt anything now," Santana replied. Quinn and Rachel were oblivious to their company… well that was until Santana made her presence known.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS HOW 'BOUT A FOURSOME!" Santana called at them, they broke apart startled. Quinn registered the words and gave Santana a hard glare while Rachel blushed furiously.

"Seriously Santana?" Quinn growled Santana put her hands up it mock surrender.

"I wasn't serious Fabgay, I wouldn't share Brittany with anyone, she is off limits to anyone and everyone except me," Santana said grabbing Brittany's hand and giving it a light kiss before looking up to Brittany who just beamed at her brightly. They walked over to the couch and took a seat while Rachel and Quinn walked over to the love seat and took their seats. They all cuddled to their respectful partners. Rachel grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on some reality TV show.

"Seriously Berry must we watch this shit?" Santana asked.

"Of course, it's so intriguing," Rachel replied with a smiled, Santana rolled her eyes and pushed herself even more into Brittany who responded with a tighter hold. After a few hours they all had fallen asleep.

Next Morning

"Britt… Britt sweety," Santana mumbled into Brittany's ear. Brittany shivered from the breath and smiled.

"Hmmm?" Brittany hummed sleepily. Santana giggled and brushed some of Brittany's hair out of her face.

"It's time to get ready for school," Santana said, "it's Monday," she continued. Brittany's brow furrowed with annoyance.

"Noooo, don't wanna go to school," Brittany whined out.

"I know, but you have to, me, Quinn, and Rachel are gonna join you though, I'll walk you to every class and take you out to lunch, and then join you in Glee," Santana said, Brittany's eyes popped open and they sparkled brightly.

"Really?" Brittany asked, Santana chuckled and nodded. Brittany threw her arms around Santana's neck and pulled her down onto the couch in a bear tight hug. Santana laughed and brought her hands up to the back of the couch to help her keep her balance and to keep her from falling onto Brittany. After a few moments Santana pulled back and gave Brittany a peck on the lips before pulling away completely. Brittany pouted at the distance.

"Come one senior, I have your cheerios uniform all clean and ready, just how Sue likes it. And there is wonderful breakfast ready in the kitchen and Rachel made," Santana said taking Brittany's hands and pulling her up from the couch. Santana told Brittany where her stuff was and left Brittany to go and get ready, she walked into the kitchen to see Quinn and Rachel talking about New York.

"So how are you two doing?" Santana asked getting two plates ready for breakfast.

"Santana what happened with your college?" Rachel asked. Santana froze and looked at them.

"Uh, nothing why?" Santana answered.

"Well we were just speaking about our colleges and realized that you left Louisville with any… school hesitation I mean is everything alright there, when you answered the phone-"

"RACHEL!" Quinn snapped and Rachel closed her mouth realizing what she let out. Santana narrowed her eyes and looked between the two.

"When I answered the phone… what were you listening in on the conversation?" Santana asked her anger building up.

"NO! Of course not, Quinn told me about it after she called you. I wanted to know if you were coming and Quinn told me that you said yes. I am only curious," Rachel covered up nicely.

"Right, well I dropped out if that's what you wanted to know, everyone there thought I was a bitch when really I was just being brutally honest with most of them, others just annoyed me so I couldn't help that Snix would come out and put them in their place. Most of those people happen to be homophobes," Santana answered and shrugged.

"Oh," was all Rachel said.

"Yup, besides we are going with Britt to school and hang out there for a while," well all day, but they don't need to know that. Santana smiled to herself. Brittany came strolling in a placed a quick peck on Santana's lips before sitting down. Santana smiled at the contact and sat down also, linking her pinkie with Brittany's. Quinn and Rachel smiled at them and sat down.


"Here we are, back at this Hell hole," Santana commented walking through the doors with her friends and girlfriend.

"Actually my Hell hole, your guy's prowling grounds," Rachel corrected.

"Right sorry," Santana said. Quinn squeezed Rachel's hand and Rachel just smiled at her, as if to say not to feel guilty about the past.

"Guys! I wasn't expecting you returning," Tina exclaimed rolling Artie with her.

"It was either we come here or Britt skipping, and wanting her to graduate I decided to come with her and drag these two along," Santana said pointing at Rachel and Quinn.

Sandbags! Long time no see amigo," Santana rolled her eyes at the familiar racist voice.

"Coach Sylvester," Santana turned to face the older woman.

"May I speak with you in my office?" Sue asked. Santana looked at her skeptically.

"What for?" Santana asked.

"Future plans of mine, come see me when you're done," Sue explained vaguely before walking away.

"Well I'm not looking forward to this at all," Santana muttered. Brittany went up to her and gave her a tight hug. Santana, confused, hugged back. "What was that for?" Santana asked smiling when Brittany pulled back.

"That was so you would stop worrying, come on or I'll be late to class," Brittany replied grabbing Santana's hand. Quinn and Rachel closely followed aweing at the two couple till a shut up was heard.

Sue's Office

"What did you need to see me about?" Santana asked walking in; she eyes a baby crib in the room before sitting down.

"As you've noticed my time is restricted because I have a child to take care of and I can't keep making a my cheerios take care of here while teaching other girls," Sue started.

"I have no idea how this relates to me at all," Santana cut in.

"Well, simple, I'm going to need an assistant coach who knows what she's doing to help me win another championship, while I take care of my daughter and you're the one who comes to mind. And don't even start saying you have other things because I know for one thing that you dropped out about a month ago from college, I had your coach keep me updated on your status, so tell me will you take my place?" Sue said.

"Alright you have a deal… but I have a few conditions," Santana said.

"I would be surprised if you didn't you are like me," Sue sighed and locked her hands.

"Alright, I expect to be paid, minimum wage, whether that comes from your pay or the school I don't care, I expect you to let me teach them the way I want to, and finally you can't tell my family I dropped out," Santana conditioned.

"I can't I don't speak Spanish, on the other conditions, done have fun with your new job you start today with practice, and let me tell you, other than Brittany the girls are quite rusty," Sue said grabbing her stuff.

"Of course Brittany dances for a living, she can never be bad at anything," Santana said standing up and walking out. Sue watched her and shook her head, hopefully Santana will beable to give the other cheerios attention and not just Brittany.

Glee Club

"So after this you're going to go coach the cheerios?" Quinn asked.

"Yup, fun ain't it," Santana said smiling.

"I'm sorry did you just say 'ain't'?" Rachel asked smiling. Santana paused in her walking an hung her head.

"God damn Kentucky," Santana muttered while they walked into the choir room.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sam asked looking at them.

"Brittany wanted us to join today," Quinn said.

"That's great guys, welcome back," Will said clapping, Finn just glared at them.

"Where's Brody?" Tina asked.

"Oh he had to go back to New York for something," Rachel answered.

"Figures," Finn murmured, Santana rolled her eyes.

"You guys should totally sing something for us, it's be great to hear your voices again," Wade said smiling.

"Us three?" Santana gestured to herself, Quinn and Rachel.

"Yup," Wade agreed; she looked at them and they smiled at her.

"Do it San I haven't heard you sing in a long time," Brittany agreed, Santana looked at her and smiled before allowing Brittany to sit down. (A/N this would be a good time to put on Love Song Glee version)

Brad started to play a few notes when Santana told him which song, band followed suit.


Head under water

And they tell me to breathe easy for a while

The breathing gets harder, even I know that

Made room for me but it's too soon to see

If I'm happy in your hands

I'm unusually hard to hold on to

Blank stares at blank pages

No easy way to say this

You mean well, but you make this hard on me


I'm not gonna write you a love song

'cause you asked for it

'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song

'cause you tell me it's

Make or break in this

If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better

Reason to write you a love song today, today


I learned the hard way

That they all say things you want to hear

And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you



Your twisted words,

Your help just hurts

You are not what I thought you were

Hello to high and dry

[Rachel and Santana]

Convinced me to please you

Made me think that I need this too

I'm trying to let you hear me as


I am


I'm not gonna write you a love song


'cause you asked for it

'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song

'cause you tell me it's

Make or break in this

If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better

Reason to write you a love song today


Promise me that you'll leave the light on

To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone


'cause I believe there's a way you can love me

Because I say


I won't write you a love song

'cause you asked for it

'cause you need one,


you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song

'cause you tell me it's make or break in this


Is that why you wanted a love song

'cause you asked for it

'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song

'cause you tell me it's make or break in this

If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

If your heart is nowhere in it

I don't want it for a minute

[Santana and Rachel]

Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that

There's a reason to

Write you a love song today

Everyone stood and clapped for the trio and they took their respectful bows.

"Well isn't that just sweet," Finn muttered again.

"Alright Frankinteen what the hell is your problem?" Santana asked crossing her arms.

"Them! It's not right they aren't gay, you must have done something! I mean seriously… we all know you and Quinn slept together," Finn exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Rachel asked.

"Oh come one Rachel at Mr. Schue's party, everyone hooked up, me and you, Marley and Jake, Blaine and Kurt, that one chick and Artie, and then Santana and Quinn everyone knows," Finn said.

"Of so what if I did sleep with Quinn and Rachel, if I turned them gay then I must have been way better than you in the sack, and don't deny it cause I totally am," Santana said giving her best bitch smirk.

"Wait, you slept with Rachel?" Quinn asked slightly angered, Santana turned her head towards her and rolled her eyes.

"OF course not, it was an example, and besides," she turned back to Finn, "you can't turn people gay, not by kissing them, or sneezing on them, or having sex with them, it's who they are it just takes other people longer to realize it," Santana shrugged.

"Oh please you could totally be with a guy if you wanted," Ryder pitched in, Santana looked at him and narrowed her eyes.

"And who the hell are you?" Santana asked.

"Um Ryder Flynn," he answered.

"Okay, let me educate you here, yes if we wanted to be with a guy, we totally could the only problem is when gay people try to be straight they get no pleasure or feeling out of it, it would be constant fake orgasms and gross kissing; everything you don't want to have in a relationship. I don't know about you but I actually like having pleasure in a relationship. But let me see it from your side, tell me you can be with a guy if you wanted to, but would you enjoy it?" Santana asked he hesitated.

"Um, no," he answered.

"And why is that?" Santana asked.

"Because I like girls and I'm straight," he replied.

"Exactly that's how we see it, I like girls and I'm gay so being with a guy would be no fun, same with Quinn and Rachel here understand? Some however, get the better side of life and enjoy both sexes, like Britt, but often than not bi-sexual people enjoy being with girls more than guys, why cause we are wonderful, soft and caring and we don't only care about sex like guys do understand?" Santana finalized, Ryder nodded.

"Please you get more benefits in being in a straight relationship, like biological kids, you can get married anywhere and you never get disgraced for being together, tell me Santana how long has it been since your grandmother talked to you?" Finn asked Santana glared at him.

"Okay Finn, that's enough, you're right there are benefits in being in a straight relationship I'm not going to deny that, but what you get out of being in a homosexual relationship is one: planned pregnancy you never have to worry about accidentally get knocked up, you actually plan it so you can take care of a child when you get one, two: you have ten times more in common with the same sex than you do the opposite and three: this isn't really a benefit but what does it matter about getting married, let's be real, just because we can't get a little piece of paper saying we're married doesn't stop us gay folk from buying one another rings, saying we're married, kissing in public, having sex and doing whatever else a couple does, hell we can still have a wedding ceremony if we really wanted," Quinn said.

"Whatever, what I know is that Rachel is going to be with me, she will marry me and we'll have our own biological children," Finn said making his word final.

"Oh please Finn, you know that night when we hooked up at the party. I came home and a few weeks later I had a scare a pregnancy scare. I thought I was pregnant with your child and you want to know that I did? I cried and was scared that I was pregnant cause I didn't want to be, not then and not with yours. I cried in Kurt's arms all night," Rachel growled.

"Wait, you're pregnant with my baby?" Finn asked smiling brightly, Quinn looked at her in question.

"No, of course not, I said scare, Kurt took me to the hospital to check and I wasn't pregnant, you want to know what I felt, relieved that wasn't pregnant, so pleased do not talk to me about having your children," Rachel breathed out in one long breath.

"But, Rachel we're in love," Finn begged.

"No Finn I believed I was in love with you, I really did, but did you ever notice that I went after you only when you and Quinn were hooking up, I really think I was trying to keep Quinn single or something to that affect, but I know I wasn't really going after you, it was and always will be Quinn," Rachel said leaving now room for argument.

"Sam, Artie help me out, you've been victimized to this, by Santana she stole your girlfriend," Finn asked looked to them.

"Well me and Brittany breaking was part of Santana's fault but mostly mine, I said something I shouldn't have and it bit me on the ass," Artie shrugged.

"Yeah, and dude me I can't deny that they belong with one another, I mean I tried but in the end you can't deny it," Sam said.

"Yeah and technically Santana didn't ever steal Brittany, if you think about it Brittany was always Santana's and Santana was always Brittany's so technically Artie and Sam stole Brittany away and you, Puck, and Sam all stole Santana away from Brittany," Tina added. Everyone nodded at the logic.

"It's true, I was always Santana's," Brittany shrugged and smiled up at Santana who smiled brightly back.

"And I was always Britt's," Santana said smiling.

"If this is all true then why did Brittany choose Artie over you and marry Sam, she had to love them more than you on some level for her to choose them over you," Finn tried once again, but bringing out a trump card on Santana. Santana looked ta him speechless, she never understood that, she knew Brittany didn't like hurting people intentionally but that didn't stop Brittany from breaking her heart twice. Santana opened her mouth to bring out a remark but nothing came out. She closed it and then opened it again to try to say something. Soon she was like a fish on land.

"Because I wasn't thinking, the first time was because I didn't want to hurt Artie but I never thought about what it would do to Santana cause she's always strong. The second time was because she broke up with me and I thought she didn't want me anymore, but I was wrong and she did and we talked about it. I love Santana more than anything else in the world and from now on I'll only think about what will hurt her, not someone else, like you saying these things are actually getting to Santana but she won't admit it," Brittany answered.

"You know what whatever, do what pleases you then," Finn huffed and left the room.

"Well, that used up all of Glee time, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow," Will said walking out.

"Jesus he's stubborn," Blaine shook his head.

"San you okay?" Brittany asked sanding up and grabbing her hands. Santana looked at her and smiled.

"As long as you're with me, everything is fine."

And block… I don't know where to go from here so if anyone would like to give me some ideas, please feel free! I would end it there, but it seems too short and this is supposed to be about relationships and we just got into them and haven't even explored other relationships, like who should Marley be with, Artie? Klaine? So yeah help would be much appreciated.