I stepped inside the music room. The walls were decorated with instruments such as: violin, oboe, flute, guitars, piccolos, triangles, and so much more. In the corner was a grand piano and in the other, drums. Music sheets and pencils were scattered all around the room. I told my parents that I wanted to study in another school. They've asked why and I told them that I just wanted to get away for a while. So they gave me three choices: military school, prep school, or music school. Military school is way too much exercising. Prep school- too much studying. Music school seems like the best option. Plus I've had other training with the violin.

"The school's to your liking?" Mr. Punk asked. He's the teacher. Pale, tall, and bald were best to describe him. It's too soon to judge his personality. For just a teacher, he's able to afford a huge mansion and all of these instruments.

I nodded.

"Good, lesson starts tomorrow. We've got another student coming in." Again I nodded.

"Where's my room?" I asked looking down the long hallways.

He pointed his chin up. "Go upstairs. It's first one to your left. " With suitcase in hand, I followed his directions. I came to another long hallway. I opened the first door to my left. It creaked open. I gaped.

This is a room people might get at a Las Vegas hotel. A huge bed was at the center with a lamp and mini fridge right next to it. A walk in closet was at the left next to a bathroom that had a Jacuzzi. On the right of the bed was a balcony that had a wooden table and two chairs. My room was a fourth of this paradise.

On the bed lay an information sheet...

, I hope the room is to your liking. Music lessons start at noon every day. Your parents have informed me about your past training with the violin. If you so choose, we may continue that. We have several practice rooms. There's about six on every floor. Not all of them have violins I'm afraid. There's only three that have that.

Other lessons such as English and Math start right after music lessons. If you wish to change the schedule please inform me immediately.


Mr. Punk

This shouldn't be too hard. I carefully laid all my clothes out and placed them in the walk in closet. There was a tentative knock on the door. A girl came in. About 50 yrs old in age and wearing a maid's outfit. She bowed. "Mr. Todd, your dinner is ready. Please proceed to the dining area." I nodded my head and she closed the door.

I quickly changed into sweat pants and a white t-shirt. No need to be formal right? Now where is the dining area. I walked out and just started aimlessly walking. I started on the bottom floor. Nothing there but the living room and kitchen. Tried the second floor. Nothing but more music rooms and normal bedrooms. I tried the third floor. By now my stomach grumbled and my vision swayed. I open and close doors. Each one making a creak noise every time one was opened. I opened the last door to the left.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A girl screamed. I muttered "Well if you didn't leave your door opened this wouldn't have happened." I said before closing the door with haste.

"Well at least knocked." she remarked before stepping outside.

Oh she's the goth chick from my old school. What was her name? Rapunzel or something. A shout came from the end of the hall.

"Hey you two. Time to eat. I'm starving."