AN: Welcome to my first fanfic of Red-X and Raven. Enjoy. I will try to post as much as I can.


Rachel's pov

I walked towards my locker quickly. Looking behind my back to make sure she doesn't follow me. Cassie or some people call her "kitten" for the way she sneaks up on people. As I open my locker I noticed that my geometry homework wasn't there anymore neither was my lunch. Awesome, good thing I have money in my pockets.

I raced to my world studies class trying not to bump into any people trying to step in my way. I made it in just in time. Everyone around me was talking as I sat in my designated seat. I take a book out and started to read. Mr. Soto came in clasping his hands together. "Alright freshman, take out your homework and we will begin today's class by discussing the Roman Empire."

I searched my bookbag for my homework but it wasn't there. I panicked. Just keep looking down maybe he won't call on me. I take out a random piece of paper and put it on my desk. Take my lucky stars that I sit in the back row. "Alright." He called out "Who wants to answer question number one?" Nobody raised there hands. This is high-school. Rarely anybody raises their hands unless a reward is offered. Mr. Soto takes out a basket with pieces of paper with our names on it. He dipped his hand in.

"Kori Anders. How about reading and answering question number one?" I sighed in relief. It just keep going on like that for a 50 minute class before the bell rang and all the students raced out of the room before he gave us more homework. Kori nudged my shoulder.

"Didn't do your homework huh? You looked like a rag doll sitting so still and hanging your head like that." I nodded my head. We walked back to our lockers which were next to each other to take her lunch. As we past the popular crowd, Kori's eyes landed on a boy. I smirked. "I thought that you've gotten over your feelings for him?"

She held her head high. "I did."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure." She smacked me lightly on the arm before trying to maneuver her combination lock. I look at the popular group again. Adults always tell us its okay not to be popular in school and they're right. But of course sometimes you can't help but wish. There were these guys that the girls call one direction part two. Roy Harper- the trouble-maker. But even he can make the female teachers swoon after putting a sharp tack on their seat. He has shiny red hair with green eyes that gossip says can hypnotize a girl with just a look; easily the most boyish out of all of them. Most people call him "Speedy" because of his record of out-running the principal and male teachers so many times.

Then there's Bruce and Richard Grayson- the hot twins. Both have light blue eyes in contrast with their midnight black hair. They both have a record in martial arts and the most valuable team members of the baseball team. Most people call them the "Bat and Robin duo" because of the way they work together and I heard when they got drunk they jumped off a two story building and still survived. Richard and Kori were best friends but eventually grew apart as groups started to form. Kori could have been popular but she stuck with me and for that I'm glad. I just can't live without her constant nagging of my clothing choices.

Last but not least is Jason Todd. Tallest out of all of them with muscles bulging out of his shirt. He has black spiky hair with hazel eyes. A lot of people call him X because he was the one that girls targeted if they needed a date or a "buddy".

Then there are the girls but I won't get to too much detail about them. All of them have long blond hair with blue eyes. They wear their short skirts with tight shirts and a hell of a lot of make-up. Names: Cassie "kitten", Erin, Nicole, and Ashley. They surrounded the boys.

Jason looked up for a moment and we locked eyes. I felt a shiver going down my spine. I turn away just as Kori took her lunch bag. I noticed Richard and how his eyes are locked on her. We walked down to lunch together. What just happened?