They'd met once before. Before she got into hospital. Before she knew about the mafia. Before she became she person she'd wished to be.

She was sitting on her own, as usual, reading her book in the park.

He was doing what he usually did; ridding Namimori of what he deemed was 'disrupting the peace'.

Their eyes met; once, twice, three times- then he was gone. His job was done.

She fell in love immediately. She loved the way he protected his territory so boldly. It was only once, and she knew she'd never meet him again.

A spark flew when their eyes met. He found something interesting. He liked the way he didn't bother others, the way how she sat and stared at him while he so viciously defended in pride and joy with mild interest. It was only once, and he knew he'd never see her again.

Neither of them knew that they'd meet again.

They were both people of little words.

He hated crowding.

She secluded herself.

They were similar. Almost too similar. But it was the differences that were big; too big.

Mukuro didn't let her anywhere near him.

And he never bothered to go near her.

The two that were most unlikely to get together were brought together by an entity by the name of fate.

They met again, almost three years later.

But she was no longer the person that he had met before. She had become Chrome.

She instantly recognized him the second he stepped foot in Kokuyo Land, but he didn't recognize her.

It was only later that he realized who she was.

But he showed no interest. He wasn't particularly interested in the female race in general. And neither was she. All she wanted was to support her "Mukuro-sama". They led separate lives, met every now and again for purposes that they were both required.

But eventually, something in him longed to see her, though the yearns were quite faint.

And eventually, something in her sparked the slightest interest in him.

At first, she didn't understand. But once she saw her Boss with Kyoko and Haru with her Boss... everything went clear as day.

And she freaked out.

She'd always been scared of him; he liked to threaten people, and wasn't as gentle as he looked - although he did give of some sort of predator-ous vibe that, and truth behold, scared her to bits. But that wasn't what she was worried about.

She was worried about what were the possible outcomes, should he ever find out...

He always stayed away from her, because her master kept him away. He saw her as another version of the Mukuro he hated so much. He was always alone, and he liked it that way. But when that weakling of a herbivore, Sawada Tsunayoshi, dragged him into his 'mafia' business, it all died away. He saw it as his fate that he would be alone. Forever alone. But his sights started to falter when he got to know the only female of the Guardians.

They weren't a normal couple, no. They communicated and understood each other through the littlest of gestures.

And that was all they needed to know that they loved each other.

A little drabble about 1896, or as you non-fans call it: Hibari x Chrome.

No names spoken. I think it's a new way of writing 8D

It's my next fav Hibari pairing other than 1891 :3 91 is mah OC :DD

Circus Monster ~ 30/12/2012