On the tenth day of Christmas Kitty gave to you! The final chapter of Vegas!

This is the grand finale of Vegas guys and I hope you like it. If you have any comments please review and tell me because I would love to know what you think. On to the story now!

Mai and Naru began to wander the casino floor, Naru told Mai to keep an eye out for anything unusual and to try and sense something with her powers.

Masako was with John and Yasu wearing ridiculous party hats with Yasu wearing a sash and badge that both read 'BIRTHDAY BOY'. Yasu was enjoying himself while Masako was pouting and complaining, when John asked her if she sensed anything all she said was "I don't know, I think I would sense stuff better if I was acting as Naru's girlfriend."

"Masako that doesn't even make sense," Yasu pointed out.

"I don't care!" Masako shouted before storming off back to the room.

John and Yasu just shrugged and wandered off to play some of the games.

Meanwhile Ayako was taking her role very seriously by acting lovey dovey with her new husband who seemed to be enjoying the attention a little too much.

Naru made his way to the bar and ordered 2 vodka lemonades, one for him if he was to put up with Mai's chattering all night, and one for Mai in hopes it might shut her up.

Naru made his way over to Mai and handed her the drink. She took one sip before looking at Naru and complaining.

"Naru, this has alcohol in it! I can't drink it!" Mai said trying to hand the drink back to him.

"Don't worry about it, you are also technically underage to stay on the casino floor but you have permission as you are part of the ghost hunting group here to help, think of the drink as a prop," Naru said taking a sip of his own drink. "Besides so long as you only drink sips everything will be fine."

"Okay then," Mai said slightly unsure but taking a sip none the less. She started finding the taste quite nice and sipped a little more.

"Hey Naru! This is quite nice!" Mai said smiling up at Naru.

Over the night more drinks were bought and nothing supernatural seemed to happen. Naru and Mai continued to drink until the night became nothing but a blur of bright lights and people is weird costume. She was sure she saw Naru smile at one point but she couldn't be sure as everything was blurry and weird.

Mai woke up groggily the next day. She noticed she was snuggled up against something warm…something warm that has a heartbeat. Oh crap she was in bed with someone. She cracked open her eyes and was immediately abused by the afternoon sunlight.

Once her eyes adjusted to the light she looked at who she was currently cuddled up against and who had their arm around her waist. She noticed the pale skin first and the messy black hair second, she knew if the man had his eyes open they would be a shocking shade of blue. It was Naru.

Mai's mind went into panic mode and she jumped out of the bed. It was only once Naru groaned did she calm down and try to make as little noise as possible.

Mai silently checked herself over only to realise both she and Naru, from what she could see under the covers, were both fully clothed although Naru's shirt was unbuttoned making her wonder what they got up to last night.

Mai noticed that there was something on her left hand…on the marriage finger. She was wearing a beautiful ring that had to be made of silver or white gold and it had one large diamond on the middle surrounded by smaller sapphires. Over all it was a very gorgeous wedding ring but the question was why it was on her hand?

She peeked over at Naru's left hand and saw a simpler band on his finger, she could only come to one solution and the only thing she could think to do was to…run and get Ayako.

Mai ran down the corridors to the base room and searched for Ayako she found her drinking coffee and talking with Monk.

"Ayako come out side please," Mai said looking at her mother figure.

"Sure Mai," Ayako said as she followed the frantic girl out of the room to the hall. "What's up?" Ayako asked once they were in the corridor with the door to base closed.

"Ayako I have a big problem!" Mai shouted holding up her hand with the ring to show her.

"WOW! Look at the size of that rock!" Ayako exclaimed while inspecting the ring closer.

"So not the point Ayako!" Mai shouted quickly gaining panic again "Look I married…"

"Yasu?" Ayako cut in "Please don't tell me it's Yasu because he is so…"

"No! It's worse!" Mai cut Ayako off from her strange ramblings about Yasu.

"Oh my god, it's not Masako right?" Ayako said.

"NO! It's…" Mai tried again.

"That fat security guard that was watching you for about an hour?" Ayako tried another guess.

"Oh my god Ayako shut up and let me finish! It's…" Mai tried but Ayako interrupted again.

"Oh, hey Naru!" Ayako said looking behind Mai.

"Yeah him!" Mai said pointing a thumb to Naru who stood and looked at Mai.

"Mai, come with me," Naru said in a calm voice.

"Someone's in trouble," Ayako sang as Naru dragged Mai down the hall to their room.

Mai and Naru got to the room and Naru immediately turned around to face the rather scared looking Mai.

"Mai do you know what happened last night?" Naru asked not looking Mai directly in the face.

"Well to start with I thought I killed you, then I thought something that would make my mama very unhappy if she were alive but then I saw this ring and guessed we went to church," Mai said holding up her ring finger.

"Wait you got married yesterday? To who?" Naru said looking slightly shocked.

"Look at your finger dumbass," Mai said with a little bit more attitude than normal.

Naru looked down at his hand and saw the simple white gold band on his ring finger.

"We didn't?" Naru questioned.

"Hmm, depends on what you're asking," Mai said back with as much sarcasm as possible.

"We didn't get married right? Oh god we didn't…you know either," Naru said looking slightly awkward at the thought.

"Yes, no and yes," Mai answered.

"What was the second yes for?" Naru asked.

"I was thinking you're a twa- Oh hi Mr Sanders!" Mai started with her insult but quickly changed to greeting the man who had just entered the room.

"Oh, hello I was informed I would find Mr Shibuya here," Mr Sanders said while looking between Mai and Naru. "Well I am sorry to tell you that I found that the culprits for the odd goings on were nothing more than human pranksters who felt they were cheated out of money here and wanted to get revenge. I am sorry for wasting your time and I would like to tell you I have already booked you a flight for this evening back to Japan, the cost of the flight is on me." Mr Sanders then left the newlyweds to carry on their fight.

"Great I got married to the world's biggest narcissist for nothing," Mai said in frustration.

"Well, at least you got a very attractive husband," said the narcissist in question.

Mai just threw her hands up in the air and made a sound of frustration.

"I'm going to pack up!" Mai shouted before heading over to her suitcase.

Later on the flight back home Mai ended up being the one dragged down to save Naru form the clingy annoying Masako.

"Why am I next to you?" Mai asked as she pouted slightly.

"Shouldn't my wife stop annoying women from sitting next to me," Naru said putting emphasis on the word wife.

"I hate you," Mai said before sitting down to watch the film being shown, it was called kick-ass.

"You love me really," Naru said to Mai in a childish retaliation.

"Maybe I do but you don't believe me," Mai said back referring to her confession from years ago.

"I have to say I believe you more now you are my wife," Naru said.

"Well then I guess we are going to get a divorce when we get to Japan since you don't love your wife," Mai said in a light playful way.

"Well I don't mind, my mother will be happy I finally got married and I suppose I don't hate you so it's good really and stuff," Naru said feeling very awkward.

"So are you trying to say, in a very weird way, that you love me and that you want to be married to me really?" Mai asked with a sly grin on her face.

"I guess," Naru said.

"I love you too," Mai said before giving Naru a quick kiss. "Now shut up and watch the film."

The team got back to the office together and decided to have a cup of tea before heading back to their homes.

Mai had made everyone some tea and then fell asleep with her head on Naru's shoulder who was sat on the sofa while he was waiting for Mai to give him tea and then got trapped. Naru decided to try and wake Mai so she could go home and sleep.

"Mai, wake up. You can't sleep in the office," Naru said while shaking Mai's shoulder.

"Ahhh!" Mai shouted while shooting up and punching Naru on the chin.

"Oww, is that how you treat your husband?" Naru said while rubbing his chin.

"Husband? Am I missing something?" Monk asked looking slightly panicked.

"Oh, right, me and Naru sorta got married in Vegas," Mai said showing the group the ring.

"WHAT? Mai you stole my boyfriend! Naru you love me why marry this harlot?" Masako shouted looking a little deranged.

"Miss Hara I was never dating you and the rings say different to your claim of me loving you," Naru said before pulling Mai to her feet. "Now if you excuse me I will be taking the new Mrs Davis home, see you all tomorrow! Lin lock up for me!" Naru said dragging Mai out with him who through a "bye guys" over her shoulder to the stunned group and fuming Masako.

"So Masako if Naru married Mai then who gave you your ring in Vegas since it was clearly a lie that Naru gave it to you," Monk said bringing attention to the ring on Masako's left hand that she had bragged to the group belonged to Naru before they left Vegas.

"Fine! It actually belongs to Yasu," Masako said sitting back down on the sofa.

"DAMN IT!" Monk yelled throwing some money on the coffee table along with Lin. Ayako scooped up all the money and laughed.

"I'm never betting against you again," Monk said talking to Ayako.

"Please, you are the idiot who bet that the ring did belong to Naru. Don't blame me for being a genius who bet that Naru married Mai," Ayako said as she counted out her winnings.

Meanwhile Mai and Naru were heading to Naru's apartment where Mai would move in the next day. They could tell Naru's mother about being married later.

That's the final for this short story and tomorrow should be a new one-shot up so look out for it. See ya all laters guys! Bye Bye please review!