On the Seventh day of Christmas Kitty gave to you! A case in Vegas Part ONE

This is gonna be a two-shot about a case in Vegas and is based on the Katy Perry song Waking up in Vegas. Tomorrow will be part two for now this is more of a prologue.

Mai Taniyama had been working with SPR for years and enjoyed every minute of it…though the awkward moment when she confessed about 3 years ago still plagues her today. That's right Mai Taniyama is now 19 years old and still working for her narcissistic boss-Naru/Kazuya Shibuya/ Oliver Davis. What a slap in the face that was when Mai and the gang found out…except Masako who was just upset her blackmail wouldn't work anymore. Monk was most affected and asked Naru to sign an autograph for him while Ayako face palmed in the background.

Naru had left after finding his twin brothers body…and returned about 6 months later with some random excuse about more spiritual activity. Everyone could tell that was a lie because people die everywhere in the world all the time so spirits are everywhere, the only person that bought his bogus excuse was Mai…poor, dense, little Mai.

Mai herself couldn't care less why he was back just that he was back. Even if he didn't realise she loved him not Gene that didn't stop her from loving him from afar like the good old days. She still worked as his assistant but over the years she had been given the status of investigator in her own right. This allowed her to decide about cases should Naru not be present, of course Naru still had the power to overrule any decision made by Mai.

Mai was enjoying a normal day in the office. Naru had been on the phone for about half an hour and was speaking in hushed English. Mai now knew the English language quite well due to study sessions with Yasu. She could speak it as well with only a small trace of her accent, Naru didn't know she could understand what he was saying and Mai liked it that way because it meant that when he and Lin had secret conversations in front of her she could understand them, this was how she found out that Naru had a weird obsession with the Lord of the Rings.

She was busy working at her desk when the call rang out for her to make him some tea. This was the only indicator she was given that he was finished on the phone with the mysterious foreign person. Mai huffed a little as she got up to go make the tea for Naru.

Just as she had finished the tea an evil idea came to mind. She walked over to his office door and knocked before entering without hearing anything.

"Mai, you should wait for an answer before entering," Naru said while quickly flipping over a notepad on his desk.

"Sorry Naru, it's not like you have anything to hide though, you don't keep any secrets do you…well not since you told everyone your big secret," Mai said cheerfully as she made her way to his desk.

"Yes, of course I don't have anything as childish as secrets Mai," Naru said in a tone that clearly implied that Mai did have childish secrets.

"Right well here you go, your precious," Mai said handing Naru the tea while imitating a character he would know very well from his secret obsession. Mai enjoyed the look on his face as she left the room, if she had to pick a word to describe his face it would be…stupefied.

"Mai!" Naru apparently snapped out of it " call the team together we have a new case…make sure they have passports aswell."

"Why do we need passports?" Mai asked him

"We are heading to Las Vegas USA," Naru said shocking Mai as she head out the door.

That's all for today! Sorry it's so short but I have a bad headache and cant focus to finish this as a one-shot. Tomorrow will be better I promise!