Chapter 19

I know that I have taken a long time to update but I was left with out a working computer so I have to write little by little at the library. Heres the next chapter, warning lemon.

Percy's (POV)

Percy was surprised when Artemis proposed her idea to him but he had been waiting for this moment for six years now. So when they reappeared in her palace he launched himself at Artemis kissing her, his hands traveling up and down her body feeling her curves that were covered by a silver dress. He lifted her by her ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist making her dress go further up her thighs.

"Percy, make me your again," Artemis said between kisses and moans of pleasure as Percy kissed her neck. Percy's hand drifted down her thigh and came up again under her dress stopping at her ass that was now covered by the thin layer of her panties. Percy quickly pulled her dress higher up revealing her flat stomach.

Percy let her back on her feet and quickly pulled her dress completely off revealing her very sexy and athletic body. Her boobs were big, perky and round, but they were still on constricted by her silver bra. Percy quickly broke through the fabric of her bra and threw the remains over his shoulder, before assaulting her left breast with his hands and mouth.

"Artemis you have held up well," Percy said switching to her right breast, twirling his tongue around her nipple making gasp in pleasure. Percy picked her up bridal style and dumped her on the bed and jumped after her.

"Percy you still have too much clothes on!" Artemis complained from the bed. Percy snapped his fingers and both their clothes disappeared and Percy could see Artemis soft and pink pussy. Making his mouth water. He got in between he legs and used his hands to massage her clit making her squirm in pleasure, after a minute of teasing her Percy slid a finger inside her wet pussy making Artemis gasp, he made quick circles inside of her, before inserting a second finger drawing many moans of pleasure from Artemis. Percy sped up his finger movement as he felt her walls clench and more fluids to pour out, and her breading to become irregular and faster.

"Yes, Yes YES.. Percy!" Artemis screamed as she rode her orgasm squirming in pleasure. Percy quickly pulled his fingers free and used his tongue to continue to pleasure Artemis who seconds latter came all over his mouth. Percy lapped all her juices and crawled on top of Artemis his eleven inch dick rubbing against the insides of he legs, until his tip brushed against her pussy lips. Percy leaned down slowly his lips connecting with hers, their lips moving as one, he lowered himself down sliding his dick inside of her. Artemis broke the kiss to gasp as his dick spread her lips, as Percy's dick kept going deeper inside of her she was starting to feel pain.

Artemis was squirming trying her best to accommodate for his dicks size, but to no avail as her vaginal walls were stretched to their limits. Percy did not stop inserting his dick until all but one inch of his dick was buried deep inside of her. Percy looked into Artemis eyes asking a silent question. Which she responded with a nod.

Percy slowly slid his dick half way out slowly, and then slowly slid it all the way in again, causing Artemis to gasp in pain and pleasure. Percy slid out of her faster this time, and reinserted his dick back in, he started to speed up causing Artemis yelp in pain and pleasure. Percy started to ram inside of her faster with each trust of his hips causing yells of ecstasy to escape Artemis mouth.

"Yes Percy, Yes, yes YYEESS," Artemis moaned loudly "Show me how the ruler of Olympus fucks, YYEESSS!" Artemis screamed as she reached her orgasm, going limp on the bed. But Percy was not done yet and he kept pounding her, making her yelp and shriek every time he pounded her.

"Artemis I'm coming," Percy yelled before releasing his load inside of her, "I love you Artemis."

Percy said kissing her and releasing his dick from Artemis tight pussy, allowing both their juices to leak into the bed soaking the sheets. Pulling Artemis on top of him, letting her head rest on his chest, her breading slowing down while Percy ran his hands through her silky auburn hair.

"I love you Percy," Artemis said softly, her eyes closing as she fell asleep on his chest snoring lightly. Percy smiled at his new wife and queen and rubbed his hand down her back feeling her soft bare skin, ending at her waist before closing his eyes, and drifting to a dreamless sleep.

"Baby wake up," Percy said bringing the platter of food to the bed for Artemis to eat "I have breakfast ready."

Artemis eyes fluttered open, and her beautiful silver eyes filled with love stared into his, making him smile. Artemis sat up holding the sheets to her chest and kissed him lightly.

"How you feeling my queen?" Percy asked kissing her again.

"I'm sore," Artemis said laughing lightly taking the platter of food drinking the nectar and getting a bite on some ambrosia. Artemis smiled brightly at Percy causing him to smile.

"Come on babe we have a very important day today," Percy said remembering that today they had to see what would be done to the gods that had betrayed Olympus. Artemis got up letting the sheets fall to the ground revealing her sexy naked body casing him to grow hard.

"Shall I help you get dressed?" Artemis said seductively, causing him to shiver. Artemis smiled talking a steep forward pacing a hand on his chest. Before Percy could be seduced he smiled maliciously and snapped his fingers making jeans and a sea green shirt appear on him.

"No, I can handle," Percy said pecking Artemis in the lips before teleporting to the throne room where few gods had already assembled. Hestia who was sitting by the hearth poking the flames in her nine year old form, she smiled and waved. The other gods that were waiting for him were the sons of Kronos, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades. Zeus and Hades looked at him with grudging respect, but Poseidon embraced him in a tight hug.

"My son the new king of Olympus!" Poseidon exclaimed "who would have though, that the one to replace, Zeus would be one of my sons." Poseidon smiled smugly at his brothers.

"Well he is a very powerful demigod and he won three hard wars for us," Zeus said trying to look better about losing his position than he really was "now we need to teach you on how to act on the council meetings, but you have been to enough to know how to act."

"Well on most of the meetings the only thing you do is decide weather to kill me, give me a price or just ignore me, or you would just praise yourself," Percy said "what am I really supposed to do."

"I will tell your how to rule," the ancient and powerful voice of Chaos made all the gods on the throne room turn and bow to the primordial. Percy could see the powerful entity smile under his dark hood. He was flanked by Nyx and Erebus.

"Lord Chaos I accept the knowledge you wish to give me," Percy said standing up from his bow.

"There is not much I can teach you, you have lead the gods to three victories I am sure you can lead the gods to many years of peace and success," Chaos said steeping forward, the power coming from his made Percy's skin itch "I just came to give you the rest of your gift as new king of Olympus, your armor has been re-maid, but now is stronger than any other, because it has been maid of all the metals that exist in this universe, but it weights just as much as the leather armor you're used to."

"Thank you lord Chaos I will use it to lead the gods and be the guardian of my domain," Percy said grabbing the armor and making it appear on his body along with all the weapons that he had gained while training with Nyx and his hand picked army.

"Now it is time for us to go and you to lead Olympus, the other gods will be arriving shortly." Nyx said before all three of the Primordials disappeared. A flash of silver light drew Percy's attention, causing him to turn to see Artemis appear on her throne next to his.

"We must start this meeting because we also need to speak to the humans about our sudden appearance and about our involvement in their lives," Percy said sending a silent message to all the gods, telling them to hurry. Which was responded quickly as many flashes of light appeared on the throne room including all the Olympian gods, and many other minor gods, along with the captured enemies of Olympus which were not many as they were mostly killed of.

"We will begin this meeting by congratulating the gods, demigods, and any other creature that helped on this war, for their performance," Percy said standing from his throne clapping loudly for everyone to know that he was being sincere.

"But we must also punish those who opposed us," Percy said "Most of our enemies have already been sent to Tartarus but, you who survived and were captured must be punished for your treason." Everything was silent as Percy though on how to punish them with out looking like a ruthless leader.

"I say we send them to Tartarus," Ares said standing up.

"They have all had a reason for turning against Olympus, and sending them to Tartarus would just unite them with others who want to bring us down which can cause another war," Percy said "but I thank you for your contribution, anybody else wishes to express their opinion on this matter."

"How about forcing them to do service as teachers to the demigods allowing them to show their contribution to Olympus," Athena said "Many of these gods are very wise but choose the wrong paths."

"That is a good idea but if they were to be teachers their powers would have to be restricted and they must be accounted for so they do not attempt anything against us," Percy said "we would have to take their domains away until they prove worthy of our thrust, where we would restore their power. If no one else has an opinion I would like to put a vote on Athena's idea."

"Many of these gods are also really old and many would not like to stay immortal, what if we were to allow them the chance of a mortal life," Hestia said, looking sadly at the gods assembled.

"Which of would like a mortal life? Stand on the right, while those who wish to be able to prove their worth stand on the left." Percy ordered and they all assembled in the place they wished to be judged.

Tethys, Theia, Koios, Phoebe, lined to the left something that Percy saw fitting them being peace full titans. Deimus, Eris, Keres which seemed obvious because due to their domains they had no choice to be evil so they would most likely want to be free of their domains.

"It comes to no surprise that you four peaceful titans would want the opportunity of forgiveness, but I must ask why you joined with Ouranus this time while you were neutral during the last two wars."

"We were tiered of Lord Zeus reign so we wanted things to change, and if we believed that Ouranus would allow us to live free," Tethys said.

"We are truly sorry for our mistake," Theia said.

"We must vote upon this, who sees their punishment appropriate?" Percy asked.

All but few gods raised their hands, Ares who just wanted to send them to Tartarus, Zeus who also seemed to believe complete punishment was fair.

"I here by decreed that you will be allowed to teach your knowledge to campers and new gods alike, while I hold a fraction of your power without using it, and I swear by the river Styx that I will return it to you once I see that you have proved yourself."

Thunder rumbled sealing the sincerity of his deal.

"Thank you for your kindness lord Perseus," they all said.

"Now come, all of you must grab this sphere that will retain the fraction of your power till you prove your worth," Percy said handing them a silver sphere "now our other prisoners who wish to be turned mortal, who approves." Same votes were given with only Zeus and Ares wanting to send them to Tartarus.

"Would you like to take a dip in the Lethe?"

"No," all three of them said.

"Your power is quite dark so I will dispel it so it can't fall into the wrong hands causing evil." Percy trusts his hand forward and tried to control their power and absorbing it, and he felt the pain and suffering their powers had caused, he could feel the evil in them slowly vanishing until it all left them, along with their immortality until they were mortal men.

"Enjoy your time as mortals and if you live a good enough life you will be allowed into Elysium," Percy said. The now ex-gods left the throne room walking to the gates of Olympus down the empire state building.

"Now we need to arrange a meeting with the humans to tell them about our existence and why we are still alive," Zeus said.

"Yes we must go to the white house first letting them know why we decided to use their country as a home base," Percy said "and how we have managed to stay alive through all this millennia."

"I have united you here today to speak about the current event that happened two days ago," Percy said nervously to the representatives of the UN "As my predecessor Zeus has already informed you, we the Greek gods are real."

The voices of all the people rose as they fought to be heard and answered, but this just caused confusion, and Percy could not take it anymore.

"Silence," Percy ordered causing everyone to fall silent "as I was saying this world along the rest of the universe was created by Chaos, the deity associated with emptiness and an endless void".

"Sir, are you saying that there is no god, as the bible describes," a man said from the crowd.

"I know that it must be hard to learn that the world is not what it was laid out to be, and that the god that most people believed in is not real," Percy said making the people in the room to start to ask questions, but silenced when he started speaking again "the god you grew up knowing was invented to help unify the population."

"After Chaos created the worlds he created immortal deities that would help run the earth, as time passed they procreated creating more immortal beings," Percy said with more confidence now that everyone was listening "after the titans were born they overthrew their father Ouranus, sending him to the darkest parts of Tartarus, and the Olympian gods later overthrew them and have ruled the earth ever since, silently affecting human history."

"If I recall correctly Lord Zeus was the king of Olympus, who are you?"

"I am the new king of Olympus," Percy said, causing everyone to gasp in disbelieve. "Before the final battle, I spent six years with a powerful ally who prefers to stay anonymous. And after we defeated the enemy, my powerful ally decided it would be fitting for me too lead the gods."

"But who has the power to grant such wishes?"

"That is information that I cannot bestow upon you, however you must know that we the gods are alive, and we will help guide you mortals," Percy said "however you must know that although we are gods we cannot always help on human affairs, and know that we have made your lives more dangerous."

"What do you mean?"

"We have weakened the mystical layer that hides the magic in this world allowing you to not only see our weapons, but it also allows you to see monsters," Athena said "this means that monsters might not ignore you."

"So you're saying that they will attack us more often," A reporter said.

"Yes," Athena responded, causing many people speak up in protest.

"How are we supposed defend ourselves from the monsters if our weapons are useless against them and they can still kill us." A reporter managed to ask over the noise, silencing everyone.

"That is a great question, and the subject has been the reason for us to delay revealing the truth for so long," Percy said, choosing his next words correctly "we will allow a small amount of celestial to be distributed among the leaders of humanity to allow them to with it as they please."

"A small amount might not be enough, will you not give us the means to find such metal."

"Humans are not yet ready to learn the secrets of the world filled with gods and legends," Athena said "It is better to ease you into the world, once you have made your peace with the godly world then we will reveal more of our secrets. We have risked your minds already by revealing our secrets."

"And what of the heroes that fought in this war, the kids?"

"They are demigods, trained in a secret facility to defeat the monsters that roam this earth," Percy said "we will also create monster training facilities for you to learn about the monsters, and how to defeat them."

"How is it that you chose to use America as your home base?"

"Our power moves with the heart of the west," Athena explained, earning many confused looks from the crowd "The heart of the west, is where ever the strongest country is."

"This information is not to be taken lightly as many people will think that by starting wars they will gain our favor," Percy said "But pay heed, we will not tolerate wars to be started in our names."

"I wouldn't mind," Ares muttered next to him, making a couple of the gods chuckle.

"If you're a king, who's your queen?"

"My queen, and the mother of my daughter, is the goddess of Artemis." Causing many looks of confusion.

"Wasn't Artemis a maiden goddess?"

"Yes but everything changes," Artemis said hugging Percy "and my new live, is not that bad."

"Now that were done with all the serious talk, we must return to our duties and so do you."

- Time skip-

It has been four years after the last Olympian war and the world has prospered and grown, humanity had found out about the other secrets about the godly world. World leaders have grown closer and fewer conflicts have risen, a cure for cancer has been found, and flying cars have been invented. But no matter how good the world on the surface can be, evil is always lurking in the shadows but don't worry the armies of Olympus are always ready to answer the call and defend the citizens of planet earth.

Finally I finished. I know you all hate me but I just couldn't find a good way to finish it, and it was still not as good as my other chapters. I will be continuing on my other story and will be working a little faster to finish the chapters. Hope you enjoyed not only the last chapter but the story.

David Out.