Naruto x Sasuke

Let me know if you have a preference for pairings, and I'll take a look at them!

"Snow is falling, all around me…" Naruto was humming along to the Christmas jingle on the radio as he and Sakura put his tree up… well, Naruto put it up and mainly left Sakura to decorate.

Sakura was wearing a festive hat, with a matching fluffy scarf. For once, it was snowing in time for Christmas and it brought out the inner child in Naruto, making him extra excited for the holiday season. He usually wasn't that bothered about his own decorations, spending most of his time at other's houses anyway – there was something so wrong about being alone on Christmas.

He and Sasuke used to spend Christmas together, but the missing nin had not returned since the day he left years ago; though Naruto's mind was for once, not on his ex-best friend. He hated thinking about what things could have been like if Sasuke had stayed, the endless possibilities nothing more than daydreams in his head.

"Hey Naruto, I think I'm done, what do you think?" The blonde stopped what he was doing and sauntered into the living room, grinning at his teammate, slinging an arm affectionately around her shoulders.

"I think that this looks awesome, thanks so much Sakura-chan!" She smiled and leaned into his shoulder, looking at the brightly lit tree in front of them.

"Well I best go see Lee before he comes hunting for me" Sakura had finally accepted Lee's offer of a whirlwind romance and they had been going strong for almost a year now. "Come by later for food?" Naruto cheered jokingly and followed her to his front door, watching the snow fall as she waved, walking down the street.

As he shut the door all sounds from the kitchen stopped, making him jump slightly. His radio had never played up before, odd. Frowning and walking slower this time, the blonde headed back towards the kitchen. He glanced around quickly, before snorting and shaking his head, he was too paranoid these days.

Flicking the switch, 'Last Christmas' came on and he blissfully went back to tidying his kitchen until a floorboard creaking directly above him. Naruto froze, slowly raising his head to look at the ceiling, placing the cup in his hands silently down. He grabbed his kunai from his jacket, and with style that Tsunade would be proud of, he ascended the stairs, adrenaline starting to pulse through his veins.

The noises were coming from his bedroom; taking a calming breath he rested his hand on the handle and quickly threw the door open in hope of catching his intruder off-guard.

There was nothing. Nothing.

Naruto's eyes darted around every inch of his room, taking in the moved picture of his younger self with the complete team; it was now on his bed. He stepped inside, holding the picture in his hands before placing it back on his bedside table. He went to turn around and leave but walked straight into someone.

His eyes widened when the front of his shirt was grabbed and he was backed into the wall next to his bed. Before he could even think about struggling, he froze; the man pressed against him was no other than Sasuke.

Sasuke smirked arrogantly at his friend, leaning in so that there was only an inch between them. "Merry Christmas, Dobe" With that Sasuke slammed their lips together, trying to stop Naruto from squirming his way out. "Hold still" Naruto reluctantly felt his resolve leaving him the more the Uchiha pressed into him and pretty soon he was a puddle in his hands.

"This is rape" Naruto managed to get the sentence out in the mass of kisses being given to him, but Sasuke only laughed and stepped back.

"Fine then, I'll just leave and go find some prostitute for Christmas then" Sasuke hadn't even taken three steps when Naruto grasped onto him, tan arms wrapping tightly around his torso.

"Are you saying I can be replaced by a prostitute?" He didn't know whether to be offended, or delighted that he was the first choice, before Sakura, before anyone else. This was what Naruto missed, the playful banter that he couldn't truly have with any of his other friends.

He could wait to beat the Uchiha up for leaving him, but right now he was more excited that he was actually here with him like the old days. Sasuke swivelled around in Naruto's arms, that signature smug smirk on his face as he nibbled the pouting bottom lip, tugging with his teeth gently, before brushing their mouths together in a chaste kiss.

"Hn" They stopped, both just staring at the other as the distant sounds of Christmas songs floated up from downstairs, as if this moment was going to vanish if they blinked. Naruto leaned forward, embracing the other male in a tight hug; the moment was too surreal for him to let go just yet. Sasuke slowly responded, arms tangling in thick blonde hair and they stood in eachother's arms.

"I missed you teme, so much" Sasuke just sighed, knowing that he had hurt Naruto more than he had ever meant to, but to him it was inevitable. He needed the reprieve from his torment that he could gain through the death of his brother – and the only way to have done that was to leave.

"I'm sorry" Naruto pulled back, a slightly confused look on his face. "For everything, Dobe" Naruto just grinned, his eyes shinier than normal, and pulled Sasuke towards him by his rope belt.

"We can talk later, I need you now" Sasuke shook his head in amusement, but let Naruto lead him to the bed, both rolling around, hands finding something to grab onto. Naruto groaned when Sasuke's cold hands ran up under his shirt, tweaking hidden nipples as he kissed his companion with everything he had.

Both had taken a select few to their beds before, but only as a form of release. No one had ever scratched the surface of what they needed, that could only be provided by eachother.

Shirts were thrown to the other side of the room, and the room only got hotter with the tension in the air. Lips latched onto tan skin and little hickeys littered Naruto's neck, his eyes closed in content as his hand blindly kneaded Sasuke's back.

Naruto bucked when he felt nimble hands undoing his pants, and his hands mimicked the paler ones, making quick work of the black pants Sasuke was wearing. Now was not the time for haste, or prolonged foreplay, this had been too long in the making for either to care for the sentiments of sex.

Soon they were as bare as the days they were born, skin brushing and hand exploring. Sasuke grunted when a large hand wrapped around both his and Naruto's erections, pumping them in perfect unison. The blonde leaned up and captured bruised lips, as the man above him moved into his motions, creating a sort of dance atop the sheets.

Hips began thrusting together, and soon both of Naruto's hands were resting on toned cheeks, pulling the Uchiha closer with every thrust. The blonde may have been reckless, but he didn't have a death wish; Naruto wasn't sure whether to submit or try to dominate the missing nin. Deciding it was worth the attempt, Naruto ran his hands up Sasuke spine once, and then back down, slipping between the cheeks.

A finger teased Sasuke's entrance, pressing on it slightly then retreating, taunting the man above him. Sasuke surprisingly pushed back on it, but Naruto was not stupid enough to take his best friend dry, so he reluctantly stilled their hips and reached over to grab an unopened bottle of lube.

Sasuke was gently rolled onto his back, eyes locking as Naruto lathered his fingers hastily, before probing the entrance once again. One finger easily slid in, and only brought a slight frown to the stoic face.

Two, then three fingers entered, plunging further in with each thrust; the usually silent male was more vocal than Naruto had expected, and every groan or grunt went straight to his own erection. Naruto was growing slightly impatient and removed his fingers, hastily covering himself with lube and lining himself up to the flushed Uchiha.

"Take me" Naruto groaned and thrust in until he was fully sheathed in the heavenly heat. Sasuke's face remained void of much emotion and Naruto was worried that even if he was hurting, the other man wouldn't let him know. Just as he was about to as if Sasuke was alright, the other man hissed at him to move.

Nodding, Naruto started off slow, with shallow thrusts, testing the waters before he gave in fully to the animal inside of him. When a hand grasped the back of his neck and forced him to rest his forehead against Sasuke's, he glanced into onyx eyes and knew that gentle, just wasn't going to cut it.

He pulled back until only his tip remained, and slammed back in rocking the bed slightly with the force. Naruto was surprised after a few minutes of brutal thrusting Sasuke rolled them over, still impaled on Naruto's member.

They shared a heated glance, before Sasuke rolled his hips forward, forcing Naruto to brush against his prostate. A loud moan was torn from Naruto and a soft groan from Sasuke, as Naruto took in the sight of Sasuke riding him. Pretty soon, Sasuke was lifting himself and slamming down so hard that Naruto was sure that his hips would be bruised the next day. But he couldn't bring himself to care, even for a minute.

Sasuke pulled Naruto into a sitting position as they neared their edge, and smashed their lips together, teeth clashing. Naruto's hand wrapped around Sasuke member as firmly pumped him as Sasuke rocked against him, not letting the blonde leave him just yet.

The body above him tensed and Naruto's head lolled back as his member was squeezed to the point of oblivion, as Sasuke reached his orgasm, shooting his load over both of their chests. Naruto buried his face into the crook of Sasuke's neck and released inside of him with a low moan. Neither thought that joining as one would feel so good.

After what felt like an eternity, Naruto's senses had calmed down enough to remove himself from the other man and retrieve a damp cloth to clean them up. Sasuke lounged, watching the blonde move around with a relaxed air about him; it was certainly one of the nicer Christmases he'd ever had.

"I love you Teme" Naruto crawled back into bed, and pulled the duvet over them both, protecting them from the cooling air. Sasuke smirked and kissed the blonde's forehead.

"Merry Christmas, Dobe" Naruto chuckled and rolled them over so he was lying on Sasuke, before snuggling in. Sakura would maybe have to miss him this Christmas, being with Sasuke was an opportunity he wasn't prepared to give up.

Though it certainly did cause a stir when Kakashi came around to drop off his present.