Here it is finally the last chapter sorry it took so long. Been busy with the girlfriend and the kids and working but here it is. Hope you all enjoyed this story. Thank you to my readers and the people that reviewed.

-Five Years Later/LAPD-

Ashley Davies sat at her desk in her office filling out the rest of her paper work for that day it had been a rough one but here she was finishing up the paper work. Grabbing the folder she brought it to the chief's office. "Here you go Roger. Full report on everything that happened."

"Thanks Ashley now go home. Say hello to Spencer for me." He said this as he took the file from Ashley.

"Will do chief." She said as she walked out of the office just in that moment she heard her cell phone ring. Reaching into her pocket she smiled seeing who it was she answered it. "Hey sexy."

"Hey baby. Are you on your way home?" Spencer asked with a smile on her face.

"That I am do you need me to pick up anything from the store?" Ashley asked as grabbed her keys and then her jacket. Yes she didn't need one but it was comfortable. She slipped it on before she headed out to her car, getting in.

"No just get home safe. I love you."

"I love you too Spence." She said before hanging up, she started her car and started to drive towards her home well their home. Which still remained Spencer's home since the Carlin's moved to Los Angeles. She drove through the LA traffic thinking about things.

-Flashback Three Years Ago. Carlin Residence.-

Two days after the wedding Ashley sat in her room which use to be Glen's old room, she was going through some boxes. Looking through the content she found letters and pictures of Spencer and herself. She still had yet to have that serious conversation with her. Hell she still had to give her those letters she wrote. Getting up she went over to the closet and pulled out the shoebox. Making her way downstairs. "Spence?" She called out.

"Kitchen." Spencer said as she sat at the table eating some Coco Puffs.

Ashley took a deep breath in before letting it out, making her way into the kitchen. Seeing her eating Coco Puffs made her giggle on the inside now was the time for serious Ashley mode. "I-I have something for you." She said going over to Spencer now, placing the shoebox next to the blonde.

"Whats this?" She asked as she swallowed the cereal.

"These are the letters I wrote you while overseas. I know I should have mailed them to you while I was over there but I just couldn't bring myself to do it because of how I left things." She said this never taking her eyes off of Spencer.

Spencer glanced at Ashley and then at the shoebox. "How many are in there?"

"Four years worth." She said gently as she finally sat down next her. "There is something else also Spence."

"What is it Ash?" She asked finally looking back up at her.

Ashley took another deep breath in before she let it out, glancing back at Spencer. "I want to be with you again. I want us to be together. You and me."

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend again Ashley?"

"That I am. Spencer Marie Carlin will you be my girlfriend?"

That caused Spencer to smile big. "Yes I will be. This time forever."

-Flashback Ends. Carlin/Davies Residence.-

Pulling her SUV up to her home, she got out and went inside. "Baby I'm home!" She called out that's when she was greeted by two four years running up to her, hugging her. "Ah little monsters!" She played with them. Spencer and her had adopted twins, they even got to name them the boy was named Clay while the girl was named Ashton. She tried her best to pick them both up but then she seen Spencer come up and grab Clay while Ashley picked up Ashton.

She leaned in kissing Ashley softly. "Dinner is almost done." She said as they walked more into the house, she put Clay down and watched Ashley do the same with Ashton. "How was work?"

"It was good it got a little bit rough when the bad guy ran but nothing I couldn't handle." She said this as she moved into the kitchen with Spencer. She began to set the table. "How about you?"

"Well we go to court tomorrow hopefully we can finally settle." Spencer said going back to making spaghetti for them. "Can you get the kids up to the table?"

"Of course baby." She said as she went over to Spencer kissing her once again before she went and grabbed the kids to put them up to the table. "I love you Spencer."

"I love you too Ashley."