notes : I am surprised no one has much to say about Melanie x Ian O Shea as a potential. Or the amazing angst potential. So I wrote a drabble.
Host Universe/ Much better written that Twilight although it could do with a bit of editing.

Disclaimer : I'm not Stephenie Meyer.


Maybe Melanie never actually empathised with Wanda when she thought of Jared as someone unattainable. Jared was hers, after all. She didn't know what it was to work for Jared's love, so freely given to her.
But now, she understands, with little bit of jealousy and resentment when she watches Ian sit with Wanda. Of course, she was dealing with the fact that Ian spent the most time with someone who was once a part of her, Wanda. Now, if that wasn't enough, her confused of feelings for Ian, no doubt a residue of Wanda's time in her body, lingered. She found herself unconsciously touching his arm, or look for him during lunch, watch his face for his reaction during tribunal.
And he was with Wanda.
Sometimes she watched them with envy, she missed the gentle smile, the humor in those blue eyes that she had been so used to, so rewarded with at a time nobody believed them.
It was for Wanda, she knew. All of it. Yet, even with that knowledge, she was curiously hurt that he didn't know her, Melanie, but she knew him.
Oh, so well.
Wanda was right.
No one separated Wanda and Melanie as they should. Not even herself, she realised as she watched them walk away with a pang of loneliness as she reached for Jared's hand.

read and review!
I am looking forward to the movie. :D