I couldn't believe it. Life was great. I had no worries right now. We were celebrating Easter being over, the baby's arrival, and of course it was my monthly dinner with the family too. It was going to be great the yetis were taking care of everything. I was finally done being fat and restarted my training to get into shape. Yes, I'd given birth to a healthy baby… "ELLIE!" Jack shouted at me. "I can't believe we're celebrating the anniversary of Jamie saving the world!" I'd just put the baby down for a nap and just changed my shirt from being spit up upon again. I swear that child loved to ruin clothing.

"He didn't save the world Jack." I said with a laugh. "He stopped it from going into the second dark ages. What are you doing here anyway? It's not until tomorrow."

"I came to see the baby!"

"Oh well…"



Oh gods please not this again. It was the twentieth time I've broken the two of them up. I'm just glad the baby was born a week before Easter. I knew Nick and I would have never heard the end of it if our child were born on Easter.

"Easter!" Bunny shouted. Both men were heading towards Jack and I. I'm assuming Nick had finally told Bunny that he was the godfather. I mean we couldn't choose anyone better, except maybe Sandy.

"Christmas!" Nick argued back. I don't know how I'm going to get him to shut up this time. I mean least time it'd taken Phil to get them to shut up. Of course Phil hit them both on the head. I would have, but at the time I was holding our precious bundle of joy. Now the baby was down for a nap. So I had the baby monitor attached to my hip hoping that this nap would go without any problems so I could get some work done and maybe a nap of my own.

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!" I shouted at the arguing pair. "I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE," I held my hand as far up as it would go. "WITH YOU TWO ARGUING! I HAVE NOT SLEPT WELL IN DAYS! I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH YOUR CHILDISH ARGUMENT ANY LONGER! EASTER AND CHRISTMAS ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT AND IF YOU DARE ARGUE ABOUT IT AGAIN TODAY SO HELP ME, I WILL FEED YOU BOTH TO RABID DOGS!" I shouted mostly of what I said I'm sure I won't actually remember in a few minutes. Nick sleeps like a rock even when the baby is crying so I am usually the one that has to get up and take care of the baby.

"Sorry." Nick and Bunny said like two children being forced to apologize, which in a sense they were. Why did I have to get pregnant? I wasn't ready to be a mother of two. Nick had been a handful before we, well I found out about being pregnant.

I sighed maybe I'm just worrying because I haven't slept in awhile. "You better be." I took the monitor off my hip. "You'll take care of the baby while I take a nap."

"Ellie, I can't."

"Yes you can. You are half responsible for the child!" I shouted at him. "I'm sure Bunny and Jack will be glad to help you." I stared the other two Guardians down until they gave a small nod. "Great. Have fun!" I slammed our bedroom door; it was time for my nap.

I woke up to screaming. Not that of my baby, but that of Karl. He was jumping up and down beside my bed screaming at me to wake up.

"What'd they do?" I asked half asleep. I hadn't slept this well in awhile. If I'd just had a few more minutes it would have been great. I got up and opened the door to our room. There wasn't mass panic so I knew it couldn't be that bad. Karl tugged on my pants and pulled me towards the nursery. I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes. There was Jack, Nick, and Bunny just staring at the sleeping child. "He woke up didn't he?" They all jumped at my voice.

"Ellie!" My husband hugged me. "Chase…"

"He woke up and he wouldn't stop crying and we tried to get him to stop!" Jack told me. "We changed his diaper, gave him a bottle, rocked him, he spit it my hoodie! We've done everything then North sent Karl to get you and he just slept!"

"Awe, he's already afraid of his mommy's anger." I cooed looking at my son, Chase, sleeping in his crib. "Good boy."

"Ellie." Nick said.

"You did all you could." I gave Nick a quick kiss. "Sometimes he will cry for no reason at all." I looked at my son again then at the three Guardians. "I should leave him alone with you guys more often."

"NO!" They all shouted. Chase didn't wake at all. He was going to be just like his father and be able to sleep through just about anything.

"Well I'm going back to sleep." I said. "I'll take the monitor back Nick. Don't think you're off the hook. I expect you to take care of him sometimes." I informed my husband. I picked up Chase from his crib. It was time for him to be coddled by all the females at the Pole. Tooth was coming with her baby teeth as well. She'd been dying to see the baby. I'd leave Chase with the yetis and they'd take care of him while I went to sleep in my office. No one knew this, but I'd put a day bed into my office. It was a nice place where I'd be able to relax. Sometimes I'd lay Chase on there and get some work done while he was napping so I didn't have to go all the way to the nursery to get him when he needed something.

"So this is vhere you've been hiding." Nick's voice woke me up. "Ve vere vondering vhen you vent." I looked up Nick was there holding Chase. My son had gotten my green eyes, but he had the same shine that Nick's did. I was a bit glad that Chase had gotten my eyes. I'm sure if he'd gotten Nick's I would never be able to say no to that little boy.

"Yeah, please don't tell the girls." I said. "Can it be our little secret?" I asked almost pleading. If they knew I would come in here just to sleep when I put the 'do not disturb working' sign on my door they would kill me.

"I von't."

"Thank you." I said getting up and taking our son. I still couldn't believe that I'd been carrying this lovely little boy in my stomach in nine months. Someday we'd have another baby I wasn't quite ready yet. Maybe when Chase was older maybe when he was a year old we'd start trying again. I wonder what a little girl would look like. "I love you." I said.

"I love you." Nick kissed me. "Let's eat."

"I'm starving!"

A day later the party was doing great. Chase was sitting in his baby swing not far from me. Jamie and Sophie kept him busy by playing in front of him. Bunny and Jack were slightly fighting about a frost that apparently Jack had made Bunny freeze his tail off the other day on Easter. Mike was actually trying to onto that argument. He was adding fuel to the fire on both sides of the argument.

Olivia was having a conversation with Tooth about the memories that she stores. Olivia just wasn't getting the magic behind it. She was wondering more about the scientific explanation about it. Then there was Nick talking with Phil about security around the Pole. Nick was convinced that Chase would be running around the Pole getting into everything in the next week or so.

Sandy and I were having a lovely time talking about books. He was an avid reader apparently and that is sometimes where he got ideas for children's dreams. Sandy told, well more like mimed really, that he had to keep up with children's books. Children around the world would sometimes like to dream about different creatures that they've read about. Sandy would try his best to make those creatures come to life at night for the children. I thought that was really kind of him.

"I vish to make a toast!" Nick said. "To family and friends I could not imagine vhere ve vould all be."

I smiled and raised my glass. Life just couldn't be any better. There was a lot I was thankful for. I had a beautiful baby boy to take care of, I had a husband that loved me, I had friends that I loved to be around, and I was back with my family. I couldn't wish for anything more.

A/N: TripThreat123, Alice Uzumaki, and Pein's Kid were all the lucky winners of the coin toss. Yes, I flipped a coin to decide the gender of the baby.

This is it. The end of Christmas Adventure, but it is not the end of Ellie's adventures. Check out Fairly Human (Up now). She will be making appearances in my SandyxOC love story. Which stars a human girl going through Fairy Godmother boot camp to become the Fairy Godmother of...well if you want the spoiler message me, but I'm sure you can guess.

I am sad that this story has come to an end. I will miss Ellie and North's adventure romance. But I couldn't let Ellie just leave so that's why she'll show up in my other story. I can't wait to see all of you there and for those who are done forever. Good bye.

Review and tell me if you like my story. I don't care if it's been years since this story has been published. As long as you liked it. I will be glad to make some laugh, smile, and cry. Fairwell my readers, I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I have.