Hey guys! I tried to post this last chapter as quick as I could and tried making it as good as I can possibly can. Anyways I want to say thank you for the reviews glad you liked it ^_^ so this chapter turned out longer than I thought actually soo my mistake for telling you guys it was going to be short. I had alot of good ideas thrown to me as i was writing this piece, and alot of things I have to take care of. I threw in a few quotes and changed it a bit, and for the part where they are txting I was thinking of how to make it better but I had alot in mind so i kept it that way. You guys have no idea how many times I rewrote the ending I tried to make it the best. Anyways I should stop talking now...by the way i was thinking of making a third part of the story so please review and tell me what you think and if I should write a thrid part soo yeah hope you guys enjoy ^_^

A few nights later

Kendall was sitting on her bed reading a book quietly. She changed into her pajamas, wearing light pink shorts and a white tank top and had her blonde hair tied back. She sighed taking her eyes off the book for a couple of seconds. She felt guilty for kissing Kick a couple days back. Kick could be thinking that there could be something between them now. Although she enjoyed crashing her lips into his, his lips were soft as they brushes agaisnt hers, she might even say she actually wanted to kiss him. She loves his eyes, his sweet side, the way he is so extreme, the way they fight for no real important reason, the way he kissed her. Kendall brought her hand to her lips, just slightly feeling his touch. She laid back blushing scarlet red. Something warm inside her grew as she thought deeper about Kick. Her surroundings became nothing but blur. Thinking deeper and deeper about him made her heart race.

The silence broke bringing Kendall back into the world when a small alert went off coming from a pink cell phone. Kendall reached over for her device and read a new message coming from her ex-best friend.

'I hate you...you stupid brat!' Kendall was shocked, as she read the message. She got what she wanted why would she hate her now.

'What are you talking about?' Kendall quickly typed.

'You know exactly what I'm talking about you loser'


'Your a brat a big snobby little brat that likes to ruin a perfect moment'

'Ruin a moment? You were kissing my ex! You ruined our relationship! And you should be glad about that cause I hate him I never want to see him again!' Kendall punched the buttons hard with anger. She was getting hurt inside, she didn't want to experience this.

'Shut up you little piece of trash he left me to go after you! That one son of a bunnies even told me he is gonna try to win your heart back! I hate you you cow'

'I will never get back with him after what you two did...I don't even know why I befriended you!'

'We were never friends idiot...we were always foes being around you made me feel ugly!'

'Heh well don't you need a license for being that ugly'

'Excuse me?!...'

'You read my message I don't think I need to repeat'

'Ohhh your going to get it Perkins your messing with the wrong girl here'

' uh sure'

'I hate you...'

'Oh I love you too...now bye bye'

Kendall was hurt and angry she wanted to throw her phone across her room. She slammed her book shut and put it away in the shelve. She walked impatiently in circles clenching her teeth and squeezing her hands into fists until they turn white. Stomping over to a clear wall she banged her fist against it.

"I just want to punch that cow square in the face!" She yelled but suddenly the doorbell rang. She tried to calm down but stomped down stairs and viciously opened the front door. Her eyes widened at who was at the door her anger grew "What do you want! I said to leave me alone!" Kendall yelled at the boy who was standing at her door step. He held a a blood red rose in his hand.

"I'm no leaving until you apologize" Ronaldo spoke inviting himself inside her house.

"APOLOGIZE! YOU WANT ME TO APOLOGIZE! WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN IN YOU! YOU CHEAT ON ME AND HERE YOU ARE EXPECTING ME TO APOLIGIZE! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! WHY DO I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE?!" Kendall yelled at the top of her lungs. He has passed the line and has gone way to far she had lost control. She threw her hand for a hard slap, but was caught by Ronaldo. He gripped her wrist and squeezed it hard. She was now struggling to get loose but the more she tried to escape his grasp the tighter he held her wrist.

"Let go your hurting me!" Tears ran down her cheeks. Her wrist was now screaming with pain as she gave up "Let go!"

"I told you Kendall dear, I want an apology...because of what you did "

"I won't apologize when there is nothing I did wrong!"

"Oh really?..."He grinned evilly and then violently pulled her closer. "You cheated on me!"

"I cheated on you?! Look who is talking!"

"Look I know everything about you-"

"Go ahead and say everything about me if you know me so well i have enough time besides it's only going to take ten seconds...you never! Found the time to know me better it was always science this science that I was always second place! I hate-" Kendall was cut off by a hand slapping across her face. She fell to the floor hard, her wrist started feeling more pain than ever. Her cheek stung as she held it with one hand. She felt something wet at the corner of her mouth, it was running down like a tear streaming down a cheek. She noticed it was blood as she pressed her finger gently on it. He eyes widened and she turned viciously at Ronaldo giving him a strong cold glare. She could almost burn holes through him. "You monster!" She hissed as she stood up.

He grabbed her arms and dug his nails into her skin. He pushed her agaisnt the wall making her hit her head Hard. Her head ached as he pounded her against the wall "I have always loved you before science"

"You liar...you hit me!..." Kendall groaned

"Look dear you will never find someone else like me..."

"Thats the point!"

"I've had enough! Your apoligizing the long hard way! Kendall dear i have been waiting far to long for a simple sorry" he kissed her neck. She was disgusted at they way he gave her sloppy kisses and biting her neck while working his way up. He bit her hard it felt like if he were a vampire trying to suck her blood. Where is her dad when you need him, why did he have to work late tonight.

"No! Get off me you...pig!" Kendall brought her knee up violently against his groin. It was then he crashed into the floor screaming in pain. Kendall ran out of the house with tears falling from her eyes.


Her legs carried her infront of a familiar house. The car wasn't in the drive way but the lights were on. She didn't care who lived inside. Kendall ran slapping the door and banging it. She was sobbing nonstop trying her hardest to keep he last bit of her strength to the door. Her wrist was still screaming, her cheek was sore, her head ached, and her arms were weak feeling like jello. Getting weaker on the door she gave up.

"Kendall? Wh-what are you doing out here?" The door finally opened revealing Kick. His hair was wet and he was only wearing black pijama pants showing his bare chest. Kendall noticed how muscular he was and she couldn't help but admire him. It was to dark for Kick to see her blushing.

"Oh Kick..." Kendall lunged forward and hugged him tightly. She buried her face into his chest sobbing.

"Kendall whats wrong?" His voice sounded gentle and sweet again.

"It was terrible" Kendall sobbed as she was led inside the house and sat down on a soft love seat. Kick sat down next to her. He pull her hair back and lifted her head.

"Whats going on?" Kick wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. She couldn't understand, why was he so sweet to her. They have fought since day one, and now he seems to be her best friend like if they never hated one another. 'He has been acting oddly strange for the past couple of days...wait...why did I come here? Why not Nicoles place?' Kendall thought to herself as more tears ran down.

"Kendall please tell me whats wrong" Kick pushed a strand of hair out of her face.

"Ronaldo..." Kendall managed to craok out.

"What happened? What did he do?"

Kendall took a few sniffs "he came... And he said he wanted me to apoligize to him beacause he saw us..."

"What! But that jerk cheated on you!"

"I know...I refused and thats when he hurt me...he hurt me badly...and tried to..." Kendall bursted into tears. Kick wrapped his strong arms around her.

"Where did he hurt you?" Kick released her from his embrace. She seemed fragile and weak as she looked into Kick's eyes. Her eyes sparkled from the moonlight entering the room. Kick didn't even bother turning on the light's, so it was dark, not to dark. The tear on her cheek sparkled brighlty as if she were crying out small bright stars.

"He held me tightly on my wrist it feels like a knife is slicing it" she lifted her left hand "and he nailed me against the wall giving me this terrible head ache..."

Kick shut his eyes firmly taking a deep breath to calm down. He gently held her left hand and looked back at Kendall.

"Ow..." Kendall jumped

"Oh sorry... Where else did he hurt you?" Kick watched as Kendall carried her hair to one side. With the very little light he squinted and moved closer to her neck. He gently ran his fingers down her soft skin feeling little teeth marks on her.

"He bit you!" Kick looked up looking into her soft gentle eyes that held fear in them. There faces were now inches apart he brought his hand up to her sore cheek. His thumb wiped the sparkling tear, but as he circled her cheek he felt something rough and dry in the corner of her lips. Kick broke eye contact bringing his attention to something dark on her light skin that he hasn't noticed before. He ran his thumb on it, a few pieces started chipping off.

"Kendall did he slap you?"

"No...no he didn't..." She quickly turned away trying her hardest not to cry and give it away. She tried keeping her voice sounding firm but her throat felt a sour feeling causing her to choke up.

"Kendall...please tell me did he slap you..."

"Yes..." She turned back and hugged him again. She pushed him down making him lay back. Kendall was ontop of him sobbing in his chest. She could feel his warmth as she shivered in his arms.

"I'm going to kill that jerk..." He hissed gritting his teeth as tried getting up, but Kendall kept him there.

"No...no please stay... Stay with me for now" she sobbed. She felt his arms around her and his chin resting on her head. She felt warm and she was blushing brighter than ever. She felt comfortable again, she felt safe and protected.


After awhile Kendall calmed down and there was silence filling the room. She was starting to feel herself falling asleep in his arms.

"I'm sorry" she broke the silence

"Hmmm?..." Kick hummed tiredly he to was falling asleep. Kendall sat up from Kick's warmth, she felt cold now shivering.

"I'm really sorry"

"For what" Kick sat up rubbing his eyes. He reached over for the lamp next to the love seat to turn it on. He turned back around to see Kendall next to him. Her upper arms were red and bruised up. Her left wrist was red but slowly turning back to it's original light color. He noticed that one side of her neck was also red. The corner of her lips had a little bit of dry blood. She seemed weak and she seemed as if she were to fall over any second. She was shivering, crossing her arms and rubbing them slowly for some warmth

"About the other day...when I was running from him" She said weakly

"You mean about knocking me over?"

"No...about using you just to get away from him... I felt very guilty for the past few days..." Kendall sighed and let her shoulders fall. To Kick it seemed she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. "I'm sorry" she whispered quietly "I'm sorry for everything... I have been really mean for the past few years and...I'm really sorry for coming so late I should've went to Nicole's place..."

"Hush" Kick lifted soft chin bringing her eyes to his. Their faces were closer than the few times they had their faces close "don't be sorry...everything is ok and the kiss...well..." Kick blushed a bright scarlet red "I'd like to come back to it sometime..."

Kendall's eye's widened at this thought ' He liked the kiss?...should I...I love him!...I want to tell him this so bad I want to...'

"The truth is, ever since day one...I liked you and over the years I started liking you less because I started loving you more...I love you Kendall and-" Kick's last words didn't manage to come out. They were forgotten as soon as Kendall crashed her lips against his. His arms wrapped slowly around her waist and his eyes drooped shut, and deepened the kiss.

Kendall gave a slight moan to the passionate kiss. His minty breathe enchanted her. His lips fitted perfectly in hers making her heart flutter. He was so gentle, more gentle than ever, and so cautious. The warm loving feeling inside her slowly faded as she pulled away for breathe. Her forehead touched his and their noses touched as they looked in each others eyes.

"I love you" she whispered quietly "I loved you ever since the time we met"

A goofy grin slapped Kicks face as he made a small chuckle. He never thought that the girl he thought hated him actually had feeling for him. He brought her small, fragile body closer into a warm hug.

"The reason I didn't say anything before is because I'm ugly and thought that you would like the other girls who are much prettier..."

"And I was pregnant..."

"What?!" Kendall jumped away from his embrace.

"I thought we were saying things that were impossible"

Kendall smiled and got closer to Kick "I never thought that such and extreme daredevil like you could be so sweet"

"Soo does this mean we are..."


Kicked brought his lips to hers or another passionate kiss.