Flying Blind

©November 2012 CrackdownDraco.

Authors note: This is an idea I've had floating around for few years now, so I thought I would finally try and write it down and see where it leads. I have no idea how long the story will be, but it is certainly enough to qualify for more than a one shot.

The usual disclaimers apply: Rizzoli and Isles belong to Tess Gerritsen, TNT, et al, and I make no claim on them. I promise to return the ladies and their associates safe and sound once they've been out to play. This is purely for fun, not profit.

©The remaining part/ideas of the story are mine and mine alone though, and may not be reposted, reproduced or copied elsewhere without express permission of myself. However, it may be archived on other suitable fanfiction sites with this copyright, disclaimer and authors note in place. If you do that, just let me know when and where it is archived for my records, thanks.

Set around season three of the show. Reviews are welcomed. I realize that if you've read my other stories, you'll know a couple are uber/fantasy based, however this tale is not going down that route. I felt it was time for a bit of a change. If you are worried about what is happening with the unfinished Courting Disaster, never fear, it is still being worked on, it's just that real life got in the way a bit.

This has not been beta read, so sorry for all and any mistakes which are mine and mine alone.

Summary: After a successful book launch by the talented ME, Jane, Maura and Barry Frost head out for a surprise consult. It turns into an adventure none of them were prepared for, and as they fight for survival, they learn things about each other, and themselves, along the way. Eventually Rizzsles.




Chapter 1: Books, Planes and Chess Games.

Jane Rizzoli bounded into the autopsy suite with a brand new book clutched in her left hand. Spying the Medical Examiner to her right she threw open her arms and gathered up the surprised smaller woman, twirling her around, causing her own dark hair to mingle with the lighter strands of her best friend as they moved. "You did it Maur, you did it. You can now officially add author to your titles."

Laughing as she was set back down, Maura Isles blushed slightly and replied demurely. "No Jane, we did it, if you hadn't pushed me into writing the reference book rather than just a study paper it would have never been published in that form."

Glancing at the aforementioned tome, Jane said. "Well, I'll admit that 'Recovery and Examination of Frozen Bodies' is never going to be on the best sellers list, but if your publisher is right this is going to become standard reading for all future Medical Examiners. You really have changed the way we do things around here. Being able to pin down time of death more accurately was a real breakthrough. I went online this morning and already some of the reviews are saying this could be as big as the discovery of fingerprinting and DNA.

Bowing her head slightly in acknowledgement Maura could only murmur. "Thank you," in response to the Detectives enthusiastic reaction to her achievement.

"So, you, me, Frost, Korsak, Ma, Frankie and Tommy at the Robber tonight to celebrate?" Jane ducked her head slightly so she could see into her friends' expressive hazel eyes as she waited for a reply.

"Alright," Maura conceded bashfully. "But we're all working tomorrow so we can't stay long." Thinking for a moment she added hopefully. "Although I do quite like the idea of a proper celebration, perhaps we could all have a meal at my house on Saturday, make an evening of it?"

"That would be great," looking back at the doors Jane vaguely gestured in that direction. "Look, I've got to go and find Frost about this witness he's tracked down on the Durry case, I'll let the others know then call you about a time?"

"I look forward to it."




The following afternoon Jane and her partner in the homicide division of the Boston Police Department, Barry Frost, were walking along the corridor with the ME discussing their latest findings. As they headed towards the brick, and past Lieutenant Cavanaugh's office the older, grey-haired man opened the door and almost growled at them. "Rizzoli, Frost, Dr Isles, my office now!"

When they entered Sean Cavanaugh just gestured to the seats opposite his desk while he remained standing, and once they were all in place he started gruffly. "You three are to go home and prepare to fly out for a consult."

Seeing the anger radiating from her boss Jane asked carefully. "Okay, we've done consults before, what's making this one so different?"

"Thanks to that damned book by Dr Isles you're all heading out to a place that is small enough to qualify for the title of Bumfuck, somewhere in Alaska, and not only that, I lose three of my best investigators for two whole fucking months!" By the end Sean Cavanaugh was barely suppressing the rage he was feeling at the way he had been railroaded.

"Wait what?" Initially ready to jump to Maura's defense over the book reference, the final comment really snagged Jane's attention. "What do ya mean two months? Oh no, no, no. We've got open cases, I've got court…"

Holding up a hand to cut her off her tirade Cavanaugh said curtly. "Save it Rizzoli, whoever set this thing up has some major pull with the top brass, I've spent the entire Goddamn morning on the phone. They ain't budging, cases are being reassigned and any court appearances are being postponed. I can tell you the DA's office is none too happy either, but even they couldn't get the decision overturned."

Maura looked thoroughly vexed. "But…"

She was cut off as well. "Nothing and I mean nothing you can say will change this Dr Isles. You have two hours, and then you need to be ready to get to the airport. Like I said, you're going to rural Alaska, so make sure you pack for the conditions and weather. A town car will pick you all up from your home addresses, and if it's any consolation, with the clout behind this you're flying by private plane. You can take your own service weapon with you in a locked box. Paperwork for that is being done now and will be completed and faxed over to the right offices before you take off." At the stunned looks before him Sean took a deep calming breath and added. "I know this is not usual, and believe me I'm not looking forward to having you all away from here for so long. Upside is I get to have Frankie Rizzoli assigned to me on a temporary basis. He's a good officer, and this will go a long way with helping his career. Between him, Korsak, Crowe and Cooper we should be okay. Files will be on the plane with the outline of the case you're going to be helping with, plus all contact and accommodation information. You'll be back home just in time for Christmas, be grateful for that, if they could have wrung another few weeks out of you they would have done. Dismissed."

Shocked by the suddenness of the situation the three rose as one and left the office. Once they were outside the door they looked at each other in dazed bemusement. Jane was the first to speak. "I guess I had better go to the café and find Ma, tell her the news, and check Jo's going be okay with her for the time we're away."

Drawn out of her own thoughts Maura added. "I'll come with you. I need to ask her about looking after Bass."

"Sure," Jane easily agreed, and turning to the dark skinned man beside her she asked. "What about you Frost, anybody you need to go and see?"

"Nah," he waved the two women off, "I'll just head on home and pack, wait for the car. I haven't done my laundry this week so I hope I've got enough clean warm clothes, see ya later."

"Yeah, later," Jane replied rather distractedly, running her hands through her dark mane of hair. "Oh crap, now I've got to face…"

"Your Mothers wrath," Maura supplied the end of the sentence. Linking her hand in her friends arm she pulled the taller woman towards the elevators. "Come on, at least with me there as well she'll know this is not something you can get out of."

"She's still gonna kill me!" Jane groaned.

Predictably, Angela Rizzoli's reaction to hearing her only daughter was going to be away for such a long time was forceful … and loud. It took all of Jane and Maura's persuasive powers to stop her storming up to the Lieutenants office and letting her displeasure be known. Finally she calmed down and assured both women that she would happily look after the animals, which only left them with the task of going to their respective homes to pack.




Jane stood in front of her closet, "Christ, Bumfuck Alaska, what the Hell do I pack for Bumfuck Alaska?" Rifling through her clothes she separated all the warm, practical items and continued to mutter. "At least with Boston weather I have the right type of stuff to wear, could have lived in LA or Florida and had nothing suitable to take. Oh God," she groaned. "That woulda meant shopping!"

Before she could get dragged further into her musings her cell phone rang. Grabbing it forcefully she barked. "Rizzoli." Into the receiver.

"Hey sis, the Lieutenant, and then Ma told me the news, anything I can do?"

Relaxing slightly when she heard her younger brothers' voice, Jane flopped down onto her bed as she replied. "Nah, but you'd better do a damn good job of holding down the fort while we're gone. Listen to Korsak, he won't see you wrong, and for God's sake don't screw up, or I'll kick your ass for a month of Sundays. If you're lucky you might get assigned to Homicide full time."

Barely able to hide the excitement in his voice Frankie Rizzoli said. "Yeah, I know, I mean it sucks that you're gonna be away until Christmas, but after Riley got that spot in Homicide I never thought I'd get this chance. Plus I've got Korsak to work with, bet she's gonna love working with Crowe."

Smiling wistfully at her brothers' enthusiasm, Jane was genuinely pleased that at least he was getting a valid stab at being a Homicide Detective. "It's about the only saving grace in this whole mess. Glad you phoned though, God knows what the cell reception's gonna be like when we get there, and until we get on the plane I'm not even sure exactly where there is, no pun intended, but you know I hate flying blind. Suppose I'd better give Tommy a quick ring as well, let him know what's going on."

"Yeah, he'd appreciate that," Frankie agreed, knowing the youngest Rizzoli sibling would be upset if Jane didn't contact him. "We haven't heard where you're going either, the Lieutenant was real angry at having you all leave like this, so he only told us what you told Ma. Said he'd give us more details tomorrow once you'd had chance to catch up on the case and once he'd had the chance to cool down a bit. I don't think I've ever seen him so mad at the top brass before."

"Well, as soon as I know more, you'll know." Checking the time Jane decided she had better get a move on. And with a promise to either phone or email as soon as she could to say they'd arrived safely, the siblings said goodbye leaving Jane time to phone and talk to Tommy.




With half an hour to spare Jane had packed her large backpack, which she preferred in lieu of a suitcase, plus a smaller carry on, and computer bag. Making sure she hadn't forgotten anything Jane sat down to wait. And one thing Jane Rizzoli didn't do well was waiting, resulting in an impatient woman who opened to door when somebody finally knocked on the wooden structure right on time. To Jane's amazement she found a perfectly outfitted chauffeur waiting for her.

"Detective," he greeted her cordially. "May I take your bags down to the car?"

"Nope," Jane picked up the bags, slinging the backpack over one shoulder before stepping out of her apartment and locking the door. "I've got them thanks." And before he could say anymore she was on her way down the stairs.

Reaching the outside steps Jane ground to halt, taking in the sight of a limo. "Well that's slightly different than the expected town car," she muttered in surprise. Turning to look at the chauffeur she nodded towards the sleek black vehicle. "That ours?"

"Yes Ma'am," Opening the trunk he reached out expectantly for her bags. Shrugging off the surprise she handed them to him, and opened the back door to find Barry Frost was already inside.

While she made herself comfortable he grinned at her. "If they're going to treat us this well for the whole two months it might not be so bad after all."

Pinning him with a look of disbelief she replied. "Do I really have to remind you we're heading to some place so small it probably isn't even on a map? The chances of this sort of extravagance happening once we get there are going to be on the low side. I'll settle for a place with a decent bed, shower and coffee! I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is their way of softening the blow for when it comes."

"Aw, come on, surely it won't be that bad," he answered as the car moved away from the curb with the grace and efficiency you'd expect of a luxury vehicle. "It's not like we're going to be stuck in some backwoods cabin dating from the 1800's with the facilities to match."

Grinning impishly, she said. "Tempting fate there Frost, tempting fate."

He laughed, and they settled into a comfortable silence for the drive over to Maura's.




Before the car had fully stopped outside Maura's house Jane had opened her door and hopped out saying. "I've got this, you wait here."

Making her way to Maura's front door, Jane gave a cursory knock before letting herself in. The familiarity between the two was enough for her to know Maura would be more offended if she waited outside to be let in, rather than just opening the door herself. The sight that greeted her made her pause though. "Er, Maura, that's a lot of bags, even for two months."

Hearing Jane's voice Maura made her way out from the kitchen area. She was wearing a perfectly coordinated outfit. Fitted tan cargo pants, with a heavy linen beige blouse which was topped off with a very warm looking waist length tan jacket, which had black accents on the cuffs and collar. On her feet were hiking boots, which Jane was surprised to see. Until she realized the boots had heels, albeit small heels by Maura's standard, but heels nevertheless. She might have known Maura couldn't just stick with plain flat boots.

"You know I like to be prepared Jane, I even have a travel sized chess set so we can play a game or two as we fly," Maura replied as she picked up her purse from the counter. When she saw that Jane was still looking at what she was wearing she twirled around and asked, "Do you like my outfit?"

Realizing she was staring Jane shook her head slightly to get her mind back on track. "Er, yeah, it's good, but I was wondering how practical heels were gonna be? And where can you get hiking boots with heels anyway?"

"The internet," Maura enthused. "There is this fabulous Italian manufacturer who is being hailed as the next Gucci. And don't worry, I have packed ordinary hiking boots along with my normal waterproof waders, but as we were traveling today I felt it would be appropriate to wear these for the duration."

"Oh, okay," Jane could see the logic in her friends' argument. Although glancing at the six large suitcases she frowned and added uncertainly. "Are we gonna have room for all that though? It might only be a small plane."

"Oh, I expect it will be fine," the Doctor replied confidently. "I've flown in private planes before."

Somehow Jane thought that her idea of what was classed as a private plane, and what Maura was used to might be very different. Not wanting to upset her friend though, Jane mentally shrugged and proceeded to carry out the first items of luggage.




In the event, it was Jane who was surprised as they were driven up to a large Jet which could have almost been classed as a commercial passenger plane such was its size. 'Okay, points go to Maur on this one,' she thought as they disembarked from the limo and watched in fascination as people suddenly appeared from the adjacent hanger and unloaded the luggage. Deciding to follow Maura's lead Jane made her way up the steps into the jet, and a tall, wiry looking steward greeted them at the top and showed them to their seats. Maura looked unaccountably pleased, while Frost held a stunned expression on his face which Jane was sure was mirrored by her own look.

Glancing around Jane took in the splendour and was just about to ask Maura a question when the steward interrupted her train of thought. "Can I get you a drink Madam?"

"Er, yeah," Jane paused, wondering what the choices where, then realized that whoever had set this up probably had a large selection laid on. "I'll have a beer thanks, don't worry about a glass."

Not looking at all peeved by the ordinary nature of her order the steward when on to take requests from Frost and Maura before retreating to get their beverages.

"Wow," Frost blew out a whistle of admiration. "These things sure are comfortable."

Jane could only sink further into the leather seat in agreement. "Yeah, you say you've traveled in private planes before Maur, how does this one compare?"

"Oh, this is certainly one of the more expensive planes I've flown in. Once they've loaded everything into the cargo area I expect we'll be on our way, the steward will let us know when they are ready for take off," the Doctor answered almost primly. Jane couldn't help but smile at the way her friend fell back into long ingrained habits. If she didn't know Maura so well Jane knew she might be offended by the apparent lack of empathy for those people who hadn't been raised within such wealth. However, she knew it was a subconscious action on the Doctors part, and Jane found it endearing.

"So we just sit back and enjoy the ride," Jane surmised.

Maura beamed a huge smile at the taller woman. "Exactly."


