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Aro smiled at Carlisle from where he was getting dressed, he had some clothes that fit Carlisle and gave it to him as he himself go dressed.

"I really have missed you, Carlisle." Aro said going over to him and kissing him.

Carlisle smiled and kissed him back for finishing buttoning up the shirt he was given. Aro sat down on his bed and watched wondering what they were going to do now, Carlisle was back in his life and he didn't want it any other way, but Carlisle also had his other family to worry about.

"I'm sure they'll accept you, Aro...I love you." Carlisle said almost as if he read Aro's thoughts.

"You're right, at least I hope. Come I'm sure you want to me your children." Aro said grabbing Carlisle hand and pulled him outside into the hallway before Carlisle walked beside him as they made their way to the children's playroom.

"You can't catch me." Alec's voice was heard and sound of running feet along with giggling that made Aro and Carlisle stop.

Alec rounded the corner and went behind Aro, giggling as Felix also rounded the corner and stopped cursing under his breath before smiling sheepishly.

"Hello Master." Felix said. "Carlisle."

"What are you two doing?" Aro asked raising an eyebrow.

"We were playing hide and seek, then tag." Alec said to his mother smiling. "And big brother didn't catch me."

Felix sighed and smiled slightly before looking at Aro who in turn looked amused.

"Alec, where's your sister?" Aro asked him gently.

"She's with Metri." Alec said happily.

"Alright, can you take us to her?" Aro asked ruffling Alec's hair which earned him a giggle and a "Stop it, mama."

Alec nodded and looked up at Carlisle confused then curiosity and finally smiled.

"Can I call you Papa?" Alec asked, causing Aro to look down at him with shock, he was expecting more resistance from Alec and Jane, but maybe there really was hope that they can be on big family.

"I would be honor if you called me Papa." Carlisle said feeling very happy that at least on of his children accepted him.

"Okay, you can call me Alec." Alec said grabbing Aro's hand then Carlisle and pulling them. "Come, I take to you to Jane and Metri."

Jane was playing with Demetri who had to endure playing tea party with her, when Alec walked in with Aro and Carlisle and Felix trailing behind them.

"Master." Demetri said standing up looking at them.

"Its alright Demetri, Jane, dear one come here." Aro said to his daughter who stood up and went over to them looking up at Aro then at Carlisle.

"Janie, he said I can call him Papa, he and Mama are getting back together." Alec said happily to his twin sister.

Jane eyes widen and looked up at both adults with curiosity and surprise. "Really? We can call you Papa and...Mama are you really going to be with him?" Jane asked.

"Yes you can call me Papa and yes we are going to be a family." Carlisle said.

"We also came to tell you, to pack somethings, children. We're going to visit your papa's home and get to know his adopted children...," Aro said pausing letting the information sink into the children.

"We're going somewhere?...Where?" Alec questioned looking at his sister who shurgged and looked at their mother.

"Forks, we already meet two of his children, Alice and Edward." Aro said.

Jane and Alec looked at one another before looking at Aro fearfully. "Is...are they going to be our...siblings?" Jane questioned looking at them.

"Yes...why?" Aro asked confused.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE STUPID!" Jane screamed causing the adults to wince and cover they're ears from her high pitched scream.

"Me neither." Alec agreed looking like he was going to cry.

"Mommy, I don't want to be stupid...I don't wanna." Jane said hugging Aro's leg crying.

Alec also hugged Aro's other leg saying the same thing, Carlisle was confused and looked at Aro who gently pried off his children and hugged them.

"Now, now my bambini preziosi, Edward is adopted, he's not related to you by blood, you won't be stupid. Your father is a very smart, compassionate man." Aro explained to them.

"Really?" Alec asked sniffling along with Jane now that they sort of calm down.

"Yes." Aro said gently rubbing circles on their backs.

"What exactly did Edward do here?" Carlisle questioned, Aro looked up at him and notice that Carlisle was looking at him but didn't look happy that Edward did something.

"Its a long story." Aro said finally.

Demetri and Felix looked at one another and scooted away from Carlisle when looked upset and looked at Aro who was busy consoling the children.

"We have time." Carlisle said wonder what Edward did and how much trouble Edward was in.

Aro sighed and began to tell Carlisle, of Edward's rude behavior, how he seem to think he was above everyone and that he acted like a spoiled brat. Carlisle listened and kept a calm face not letting the children or anyone in the room but Aro who learn to read his facial expressions and his eyes that displayed emotion a long time ago. Just how angry and disappointed he was at Edward, he taught him better he always told him to respect everyone but most of all to respect the Volturi. Carlisle had a feeling that the only reason Edward, Alice and Bella escaped with their lives was because of Aro's soft spot for him and the fact that it would hurt him to loss his children.

"I'm so sorry he acted that way Aro, I taught him better but don't worry when I get home, he's going to learn his lesson." Carlisle said calmly which made Demetri and Felix look at one another trying to figure out what he's going to do.

Aro nodded and smiled. "I know you will my love."