I own nothing. Not much cussing. I honestly can't remember if I used cuss words or not. Hmmm...Review and Enjoy!

"What happened, Hetty?" Callen said rushing up to me with the rest of the team not far behind him.

Looking up at the man I could see the devastation written on not only his face, but on everyone else's as well. They were hoping that the phone call was just some joke being played.

I wished I could tell them that it was. Sadly, that wasn't true. We were in the hospital because someone had in fact tried to kill the newest member of our little family. Hatter.

The man I had brought in with hopes of showing him just how wonderful a family was. He was now lying on an operating table as the surgeons tried to fix the stab wounds that now littered his body.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Callen," I said softly.

"Hetty," Deeks said his eyes wide.

I knew that the team was looking towards me to tell them something, but truly I had no idea. The doctors had yet to come out to tell me anything. Even the doctors that I was friends with hadn't come out.

Whatever damage that was done to Hatter's body was worse then they had let on when I was called. Now it was my job to tell the people I had basically forced the poor man on that he might die.

In the end though I knew that it wasn't my fault. Hatter had been attacked by a man he had met long before he was part of this team. One that had wanted revenge. A revenge he got.

"He's going to make it, right Hetty?" Nell asked looking between me and the closed door.

"I don't know," I said shaking my head.

"And the person that did this?"

"Hatter killed him. Seems your lessons paid off, Mr. Hanna. Hatter got off one shot when he was lying there. Killed the man instantly."

Sam looked a mix between pride and sadness. He had known that Hatter needed this set of skills, but that didn't mean he wanted him to ever have to use that particular set of skills.

Slowly everyone started to make their ways to different parts of the waiting room. Callen going to the windows, Kensi pacing the floor, Sam sitting in a set of chairs against the wall, and Nell and Eric sitting in chairs on the opposite wall.

This is what happened when any of the team was hurt. All of us went into our own little worlds wondering what we could have done to help whomever was hurt hoping to stop the guilt from filling us.

What they didn't get was how much they had helped Hatter. Hatter was lost and alone. He would have died that way if I hadn't made that deal with him. No, even if he died he'd be happy with how things went.

"Family of Theodore Cross?" a doctor said walking out of the doors his face showing just how tired he was.

"That's us," I said everyone's attention turning towards me at the mention of Hatter's given name, "Doctor, is he going to be alright?"