A/N: Luna: This is a new story like I promised. This chapter is very short and it has nothing to do with Naruto or the Naruverse but we need it to move on with the story! This is just a prologue. Let me start off by explaining my character Alyce Black. She is very reserved and doesn't like people touching her. She is very uncomfortable with the opposite gender and has never worn a dress in her life. She believes it makes her feel vulnerable and also naked to the world. She is used to death and believes everyone she knows is too happy and cheerful in the world(a little foreshadowing there!). And lastly. Orochimaru is out to get her but hasn't decided if he wants to kill her or kidnap her.

Alyce: You do realize you're giving away valuable information?

Luna:SHUT UP AND DO THE DISCLAIMER! I will not tolerate pwnage of my work. *silent sob*

Alyce: Luna does not own any thing but me and the plot and any other OC.


Pain. Searing hot pain. It burned as I ran through my house, that was now on fire. As I finally found myself in front of their door to their room.

My newest foster parents yet. I knew it was too late, but I opened the door anyway, to make sure my suspicions were confirmed.

As I look through the smoke and flames I saw them on the bed. Dead. Lying in their own blood with their throats slit. The blood like a velvet curtain surrounding their pale white skin. It looked like a horrific art. But it wasn't the first time. I stare for a second more, then turn around and walk down the staircase.

And then I hear it...

...The beeping. And it's getting faster. I run through the front door as fast as I can.

'Shit!' I think just before the house explodes. I'm just across the lawn, but the explosion makes my body soar a few feet and my lower spine hits something. Hard.

I then seep into the beautiful darkness of nothingness.

A/N: Luna: I Know! It's Short! But that's what prologues are for, if not to confuse you in the beginning! ^^

Alyce: Please R&R! It's only her second story!

Luna: Congrats to me!

Alyce: Please just R&R.