Chapter 1: A New Face Comes to Town

Author's Note: Hey and welcome to my first "How To Train Your Dragon" fan-fic. I've only watched the movie a few times, but I think I've got some of the characters down. Though throughout the story there is some major changes to Hiccup and Astrid personalities, so bear with me. Also I originally never intended to publish the first chapter on the same day as "Dreamworks's Dragons: Riders of Berk" had a new episode featuring a new character.

Update: Several grammar and writing errors fixed

One year ago an unusual Viking name Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III battled the king of the dragons, The Green Death. Though he lost his left foot, he may have gained the love of Astrid Hofferson.

Around Berk, much of the Viking population had dragons including Hiccup's father, Stoick the Vast. The island was sometimes jokingly called Dragon Island. And with all the dragons the Meathead Clan was now thinking of training dragons, so they could be alongside the Hairy Hooligan Clan as the two strongest clans in the north.

Though they had a fragile alliance, Hiccup was asked to train a new Dragon Trainer for the Meathead Clan. He hadn't met the new Dragon Trainer, but he was told the "he" was a lot like him. Hiccup couldn't believe there was another Viking like him out there, especially as close as the Meathead Clan.

With the Meathead Clan being only a few hours away; word that the new Dragon Trainer was coming came quickly. And since it was harvest season most of the village was busy. Hiccup on the other hand had the time to stop by the docks and wait for the boat.

He was waiting patiently with Toothless, his Night Furry, at the docks. "What do you think he's going to look like, bud?" Hiccup asked. For some reason he was asking his dragon for his opinion. But of course Toothless gave an unsure growl as he cocked his head. Hiccup laughed at the kind gesture and thanked him.

Hiccup took a minute to calm down and think. He wondered what the new Dragon Trainer would be like. Would "he" be like Hiccup, or would be mean? Was he being forced into this, or was this by choice? There were so many questions that Hiccup had, but no one to answer them.

Hiccup was fairly deep in thought for a few minutes when he felt a tap on his left shoulder. "Why are you standing out here by yourself?" Astrid asked. The tap on the shoulder was enough to bring him back to reality. "Oh, Astrid. Uh hi. Um." Astrid smirked at the way Hiccup acted around her.

She walked up next to Hiccup and stared out to sea. She was silent for a long time it seemed like as Hiccup gazed at her beauty. Her ivory skin, her golden blond hair, her sapphire blue eyes, her beauty was endless.

Astrid knew that Hiccup was gawking at her and didn't mind at all. She was used to him staring at her, but she sometimes wished that he would do something. "Hey Hiccup. Do you know what this Dragon Trainer is supposed to be like?" she asked. She couldn't take the silence, and she knew Hiccup wasn't going to speak.

She was surprised when Hiccup didn't answer right away. She thought that Hiccup would jump at the chance to talk to her; they hadn't seen each other for several weeks. He didn't answer for several more minutes, until he gave a nervous smile. As Astrid look at Hiccup, she knew what he was thinking. She gave a sigh and smirked at Hiccup.

"Well... Go on," Astrid said. After Astrid said that; Hiccup took a deep breath. "Astrid wants me to kiss her," he thought. "How can she tell what I'm thinking?" There was an audible gulp as Hiccup shot Astrid an unsure look. "J-just do it, okay?" Astrid said in an uncharacteristic tone. Hiccup gave her a simple nod and closed his eyes.

He had been dreaming about this moment forever, and now was going to initiate the kiss. As he leaned in, Astrid, at the last minute, turned so her lips met with Hiccup.

Astrid didn't even realize what she had done until it was too late. Her eyes sprang open as their lips met. She thought that she had just made the biggest mistake in her life. She was actually scared that Hiccup would start making out with her. But as quickly as it began Hiccup parted with her and immediately broke eye contact.

Astrid was left dumbfounded as to why Hiccup take this opportunity to make out with her. the girl of his dreams allowed him to kiss her and he didn't take advantage of her. It almost made her want more; for him to live out his fantasy.

There was an awkward silence as the two tried to piece together what just happened. Hiccup had treated Astrid as a delicate flower as he passionately kissed her those few seconds. A surge of warmth shot through them as they kissed. It made Astrid rethink how she felt about Hiccup. The way he had treated her so gently and with the utmost care.

The awkward silence wasn't broken until Toothless gave a curious growl. It brought both Astrid and Hiccup back to reality. They had completely forgotten that Toothless was even there. "Oh! Sorry bud. Sorry Astrid," Hiccup said. As Hiccup turned to look at Astrid he was surprised that she had an uncharacteristic look on her face.

She was biting her lower lip as she took a deep breath. "Look, I-I have to go," she said. Hiccup nodded and apologized. Astrid snapped at that saying that he didn't need to apologize. She then ran off blushing profusely and Hiccup was left dumbfounded.

Toothless wanted to chase after Astrid; after all he was a playful dragon. he was jumping around trying to get Hiccup to go after her. "Calm down buddy. She just needs some time by herself. Besides we're going to have a whole new friend to play with," Hiccup said in a relaxed manner.

Toothless nodded in acknowledgement. They both couldn't wait to meet this new Dragon Trainer. Toothless loved hanging out with Hiccup and the others, especially Astrid, but now they were going to have a new friend.

Though Toothless was excited about this new Dragon Trainer, Hiccup on the other hand was trying to wrap his mind around Astrid's behavior. She hadn't been acting herself lately, especially when it came to taking about the Green Death. the mere mention of the dragon's name around her made her get up and leave. It just didn't make sense on why Astrid hated hearing about the Green Death.

Suddenly it just clicked; Hiccup nearly died that day. He nearly lost his life. He was on the verge of death. It was only because of Toothless that he survived. And that first kiss Astrid gave him after the battle with the Green Death really stuck in his mind. The passion that Astrid put in the kiss was something he couldn't believe.

Suddenly his train of thought was once again ruined as Toothless started to get excited again. It was the Meathead Clan ship; they were now within view of the island. Toothless was hoping around and happily growling. "Alright Toothless, calm down," Hiccup chuckled.

As the ship started to dock Hiccup could see that there were a least three large Vikings and a small young girl. The young girl was only about 17 years old and had brown eyes and light brown hair. She was just as tall as Hiccup and just as thin.

At first glance it looked like there was a mistake. That is until she tripped as she was getting off the boat and fell flat on her face. The Vikings on the boat started to laugh to themselves as they watched in amusement.

Hiccup turned to his left to look at Toothless, but found that he had left his side. He quickly turned over to the girl and saw that Toothless had started to sniff her. "Toothless!" Hiccup called out. As he called out the girl look up to look at Hiccup, but as she looked up her face was only inches in front of Toothless.

Immediately she frantically scrambled to get away from the Night Fury. Hiccup once again called Toothless. "Toothless! Get over here," he said. Toothless started to walk back to Hiccup, hanging his head low. Hiccup could tell that Toothless felt sorry and patted the dragon on the head. He then turned his attention to the girl.

As he looked at her, he had noticed that she had taken out a notebook and a charcoal pencil and started to sketch something. She looked up at them every so often then continued to sketch. Hiccup smiled and started to walk up next to her. He knew that this was the very Dragon Trainer he was waiting for.

When he sat down next to her, he noticed that she had been sketching his prosthetic left foot. The girl looked up again as Hiccup looked at the notebook and was surprised when she notice that Hiccup wasn't there. She then looked to her left and was surprised to see Hiccup that close to her. "So you are the new Dragon Trainer that we've been hearing about. I was expecting you to be a guy," Hiccup said. The girl just looked down at his left foot. There were a few things still missing on the sketch, but she couldn't sketch them since he was so close to her.

She was further surprised when she saw that Hiccup was starting to take off his prosthetic left foot. He then handed it to her, allowing her to finish the sketch. At first the young girl didn't take the prosthetic out of respect, but when Hiccup said it was okay she carefully took the foot.

As she put the finishing details on the sketch Hiccup was surprised how much the girl looks like him. She had almost no breast and very small arms. She wasn't wearing any armor and looked like she couldn't even hold a weapon. She even looked like she barely weighed over 120 pounds.

Suddenly the girl was tapping on Hiccup's shoulder, handing him his foot. Hiccup thanked her and starting to put on the prosthetic left foot. The girl held out her hand to help Hiccup up and he took it. "Thanks. My name's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, but you can call me Hiccup," he said. The girl straightens out the invisible wrinkles in her tunic as she looked over at Toothless then back at Hiccup.

Hiccup could tell that the girl was nervous. It was planned for her to stay on Berk for a few years, but that wasn't the reason. "So what's your name?" Hiccup asked. There was an audible gulp as he asked her what her name was. He could tell that she wasn't proud of her name, and figured that was why she was nervous. "My name is Alexandria the half-blood, or that's what the village calls me," she said.

Alexandria; a Roman name. It was one of the few names that Hiccup could immediately recognize as Roman. Now he knew why she was so nervous; Romans were hated by the Hairy Hooligans and the Meatheads. Not even so-called "Half-Bloods", villagers that were half Viking and half Roman were okay with the two clans.

At first glance Hiccup couldn't tell that Alexandria was a "Half-Blood". It was only the name that gave away her Roman heritage, but that didn't matter to him. "Well Alexandria, welcome to Berk," Hiccup said.

This gesture of kindness made Alexandria smile. She thanked Hiccup and started to walk toward the village. Hiccup decided to walk beside her and show her around. But as he started to walk next to her, Toothless decided to start sniffing her again. "Toothless! What has gotten into you?!" Hiccup exclaimed. Alexandria looked to her right, shocked to see Toothless once again just inches in front of her face. She shrieked and jumped to her left and unknowingly grabbed Hiccup's side.

For a split second Hiccup was completely immobile. He couldn't believe a girl was holding him. "Um... You okay?" he asked. Alexandria blinked a couple of times before looking up at Hiccup. She then backed off, swinging her arms wide. Hiccup smiled as she started to apologize. He would've done the same thing if it was Astrid, and only if Astrid acted the same way as he did with Alexandria. "He keeps startling me," Alexandria said. Hiccup nodded and said that Toothless wasn't normally like this.

"Toothless?" Alexandria asked. She was a little confused by the name. After all Toothless was the infamous Night Fury, surely there was a better name for him. When she asked Hiccup why he named his Night Fury Toothless he said that is was when He brought Toothless a fish he opened his mouth and had his teeth hidden. When Toothless went for the fish he swiftly showed his teeth and grabbed the fish with one bite. "Why don't you show her Toothless? Since you are so interested in her," Hiccup said.

Alexandria looked over at the Night Fury as he showed her a toothless smile. She ended up smiling and giggling at the Night Fury. "He's just like Star," she giggled.

Suddenly the giggling stopped as Alexandria realized what she had just said. "Star?" Hiccup asked out of curiosity. Alexandria's mood changed dramatically from being on a good mood to being very nervous and unsure what to say next. "Is that your dragon?" Hiccup asked. Alexandria took a deep breath and look directly into Hiccup's eyes. "Well not really. I haven't tamed her, but I've been able to get close to her," she explained.

Now Hiccup was really confused. She had been near a dragon, but she hadn't tamed her. What kind of dragon was it? How old was this dragon? Toothless was probably only about 160 maybe 170 years old, he was still very young for a dragon. Dragons could live for hundreds, even thousands of years. Hell the Green Death had to be over 10,000 years old, at least. Hiccup had to know the age of this dragon. "So how old is this dragon?" he asked. Alexandria thought for a bit as she pictured the dragon. "I think she no older than 50 years old," she said.

Fifty years old?! That's practically a baby in dragon years. Most of the time the mother would still be taking care of the dragon. "Was the mother with this dragon?" Hiccup asked. Alexandria just nodded. Now Hiccup was even more surprised. Mother dragons were very protective of their young, and go as far as killing another dragon to protect them.

Then for a third time Toothless started to sniff Alexandria again. "Toothless! Would you stop!?" Hiccup exclaimed. Alexandria put her hand right on Toothless's nose and gave a soft smile. "He smells Star's scent. Star is a Night Fury," she said.

A young Night Fury?! Alexandria should've been killed by the mother. Mother Night Furies were extremely dangerous; they would kill anything that got within a hundred feet of their young. Hiccup knew by the way Alexandria was talking about this fifty year old Night Fury that she had gotten less than five feet from it. How was she not killed by the mother? It was so confusing.

Hiccup figured that she wanted to become a Dragon Trainer because she wanted to tame this fifty year old Night Fury. Night Furies were the hardest dragons to find and she managed to find a family of them. Hiccup couldn't believe her luck too. She hadn't been killed by the mother Night Fury and she got within five feet of the fifty year old Night Fury.

It was while he was wondering about Alexandria's talent that Astrid called out Hiccup's name. At first Hiccup was too deep in thought to respond, but Alexandria tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Hiccup. Who's that?" she asked. Hiccup looked in Astrid's general direction and gave a nervous smile. He hadn't forgotten what had happened at the docks, not by a long shot. "That's Astrid Hofferson. She's a friend of mine," Hiccup said.

As Hiccup said that; Alexandria noticed that he was blushing. She started to giggle as Astrid ran up. Then when Astrid was within earshot, Alexandria said something that got both of their attention. "Don't you mean girlfriend?" she giggled. Both Hiccup and Astrid started to blush profusely. Hiccup didn't catch a glimpse of Astrid's face, much to her relief. "Well? Are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Alexandria teased.

Astrid didn't respond and started to blush even harder. She couldn't believe that this girl was pairing her up with Hiccup. Did he tell her what happened at the docks? No, he isn't that kind of guy. A million thoughts raced through her head. The idea of her and Hiccup being together as boyfriend and girlfriend didn't seem to farfetched to her. The problem was she couldn't tell him.

She had a reputation of being the toughest teenage girl on the island. Sadly, Hiccup's reputation hadn't changed even though he had defeated the Green Death. He was still thought of as useless and an embarrassment. Only she and Stoick thought of him as useful, brave, and honorable.

Suddenly, just like Hiccup, she realized something about herself. For once she was embarrassed to be called Hiccup's girlfriend. Before the faithful fight with Toothless, she would had beat the person pairing her with Hiccup. She knew that Hiccup had a crush on her, that's why she let him kiss her, but the fact that she was unable to talk to him about what happened at the dock was what made it all click: she loved Hiccup.

Neither of them had spoken since the word "girlfriend" was thrown out by Alexandria. "Well Hiccup?" Alexandria asked. Hiccup took a deep breath as he prepared to tell Alexandria that Astrid was not his "girlfriend". That all changed as he felt something hold his right hand. As he looked down he was surprised to see Astrid's hand in his hand; she was holding his hand. "Uh... Astrid?" Hiccup said.

Hiccup could feel Astrid's grip slowly get tighter as he said her name. It felt like this was a whole other teenage girl, nowhere near the tough as nails Viking he knew. It was just so strange on how much her personality had changed in just 30 minutes. Why was this happening now? Nothing had changed; he was still Hiccup the Useless, and he didn't suddenly build any muscle since they last saw each other either. Why was this happening now?!

"Hey I was just joking, but it really looks like the two of you love each other," Alexandria said. This wasn't a joke to Astrid, not anymore. "I'm Alexandria. I'm going to be the Dragon Trainer of the Meathead Clan," Alexandria said. Alexandria and Astrid shook hands, apologizing for teasing them. Astrid, still holding Hiccup's hand, said that it was okay. "So you two really are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Alexandria asked. Astrid didn't respond at first and tried to keep a stern look on her face. It didn't help that she was still blushing; in fact it was starting to hurt her reputation.

Alexandria just need one look at Astrid's face to know that she was having trouble telling Hiccup how she felt. Holding his hand wasn't going to cut it for her. Though Alexandria knew that admitting feelings for a guy like Hiccup with the reputation Astrid had was impossible. "Well Astrid, I can tell by the way you're acting that you two are going to have trouble," Alexandria said. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other for a while then nodded in agreement; they were going to have a little trouble.

Hiccup could feel Astrid lowering her grip to his fingers as she continued to hold his hand. The grip on his hand was a bit tight but he didn't mind. The fact that Astrid was holding his hand was amazing to him. "Uh... Hiccup? I have to go. You're not going to do anything stupid right?" Astrid said. Hiccup didn't say anything for a minute before he answered with a no. Astrid looked at him with an annoyed look on her face before Alexandria spoke. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't," she said. Astrid thanked her and looked back at Hiccup and kissed him on the cheek. "At least somebody is responsible," Astrid thought.

As she left to let off some steam she knew in the back of her head that Alexandria had no interest in Hiccup. She started to think that Alexandria would actually help their relationship get off on the right foot. She also knew that she would gave to tell Hiccup how she felt about him. The trouble was how to do it. She turned back to look at Hiccup one last time to see him general confused about what just happened. The expression on his face made her uncharacteristically giggle as she waved goodbye. "I can't believe that I'm in love with him," she thought.

As soon as Astrid was out of sight Alexandria looked at Hiccup and smiled. Hiccup looked over at her with a confused expression. "What?" he asked. Alexandria started to laugh at him. Hiccup rolled his eyes at her. He was confused on why she was laughing at him. "It's just that she's so insecure about her feelings," Alexandria said.

Immediately Hiccup started to defend Astrid. "Insecure!? Astrid is a beautiful young woman! She doesn't have anything to be worried about!" he yelled. This only made Alexandria laugh harder. She could barely get anything out as Hiccup tried to continue to defend Astrid. The more he defended Astrid, the harder Alexandria laughed. Finally Hiccup was just about to give up when Alexandria said something that made his mouth drop. "I didn't mean it like that. Look, I'll help you two out. Think of me as a 'Relationship Trainer'," she said.

A "Relationship Trainer"? Was she serious? Hiccup was originally going to train her on taming dragons, but she wanted to help their relationship. What was going on in her head? Hiccup didn't understand teenage girls, but Astrid wasn't an ordinary teenage girl. Astrid was a Viking if anything. So how was Alexandria going to help?

"Okay, I guess," he said. Alexandria smiled and asked that they go to his house to talk. Hiccup was a little nervous about this; he hadn't told Alexandria that his father was the chief of the Hairy Hooligans. His father wasn't very welcoming when it came to "Half-Bloods" (the topic had come up once or twice). But before he could even tell her there was yet another interruption.

"Oi! Hiccup!" Stoick called out. Hiccup was horrified for once to see his father walk toward him. Alexandria on the other hand was waving to him. As soon as Stoick was within normal speaking distance Alexandria said hello. "Hello chief! It's nice to meet you," she said as she gave Stoick a firm handshake. Stoick let out a hearty laugh as he shook her hand. "So, ya mast Alexandria. My name is Stoick the Vast. I see ya met ma son," he said.

Immediately Alexandria looked at Hiccup. "You mean Hiccup is your son!?" she exclaimed. Hiccup put his hand to his head as his father nodded. "Dad, you knew about Alexandria?" Hiccup asked. Stoick gave another hearty laugh as he started to explain. "Aye! I knew that Alexandria was comin' ta Berk. I've talked to her father and made a deal fer her ta stay here fer a few years," he said.

Great, his father had no idea that she was a "Half-Blood", that's just great. How was he going to explain to his father that Alexandria was a "Half-Blood"? "Though I hav ta say, yer name is ah bit unusual fer ah Viking," Stoick said. Alexandria gave a nervous chuckle. Oh boy, here it comes. "Actually, my mom named me," she said.

At first Stoick was a little confused, but as soon as that confusion went away he had a skeptical look on his face. Alexandria gave a disappointed sigh as soon as she saw Stoick's expression. She had learned that as soon as a Viking made that face she knew that her kind wasn't welcomed. She knew that she most likely had to go back to the Meathead Clan. Just as she was about to say goodbye to Hiccup Alexandria and Hiccup were surprised to hear Stoick give a wholehearted laugh.

They gave each other a look of general confusion as Stoick laughed. "Why is he laughing?" Alexandria asked. Hiccup shrugged as Stoick began to stop laughing. "Oi, it takes guts to show yer face in ah tribe like ours. I can be ah little tough on 'Half-Bloods', but I can tell ya just like ma boy," Stoick said. Alexandria looked back at Hiccup and gave him a soft smile.

Hiccup was more embarrassed than ever. This couldn't be happening! Not only had Astrid held his hand, but now Alexandria may actually like him more than a friend. Could this day get any more embarrassing? "If there is anything that ya need, don't hesitate to ask," Stoick said. Apparently it can.

Alexandria didn't have a place to stay, at least to Hiccup's knowledge. That means that she'll probably ask to stay at his house, great. "Well... I don't have a place to stay," Alexandria said. Before Stoick could answer Hiccup shot a look to him knowing what he was going to say. Stoick smiled at Hiccup as he allowed him to answer. "You can stay with us Alexandria," Hiccup said. Alexandria thanked Hiccup and Stoick for being so kind and said that she wouldn't disappoint them.

Hiccup chuckled and Stoick smiled as he said that she was never going to be a "disappointment". This embarrassed her and she apologized. "Hey you don't need to apologize. We want you to have fun. Here, let me show to my house," Hiccup said. Alexandria smiled and said yes. She then turned to Stoick and thanked him for letting her stay at their house.

Hiccup and Alexandria started to walk to the house. As they walked Alexandria asked the weirdest question. "Hey Hiccup? How big do you think you are?" she asked. Hiccup stopped in his tracks. He couldn't believe what she just asked. "Did you hear what I said?" Alexandria asked. Hiccup brought himself back to reality and looked at Alexandria. Was she serious? "Y-yeah, I heard you," he said. He had mixed feelings about this question. If it was Astrid he would have some trouble of telling her, but he didn't know Alexandria very well.

Suddenly he found himself thinking about Astrid. Her ivory skin that seem to glow in the moonlight. Her beautiful golden hair that just seem to flow. No dispel her naked, he just saw her naked. By the gods he knew he would be pummeled to a pulp if Astrid found out what he was thinking.

He shook his head violently to get rid of Astrid naked. The whole display made Alexandria laugh. "I guess that if it was Astrid then I guess you would have no problem answering the question," she laughed. Hiccup blushed out of embarrassment. He said that he would still have trouble telling Astrid, mainly because he didn't know how big he was.

This made Alexandria laugh even harder. Of course Hiccup wasn't kind of person; he wouldn't measure something like that. Maybe another teenage Viking would do that but not Hiccup. Alexandria walked up to Hiccup and gave him a peck on the cheek.

This caught Hiccup totally by surprise. He was blushing profusely and holding his hand to his cheek. "Why the hell did you do that?!" he asked. Alexandria was giggling like crazy. She found it amusing that Hiccup was so flustered because of a little peck on the cheek. It was not even a second long. "You don't really think that I have a crush on you, do you?" Alexandria asked sarcastically. Hiccup was now pretty embarrassed; he should have known that she was teasing him. "Well... No, but please don't do that again," he said. Alexandria laughed and said that it would probably be a good idea not to do that again.

Hiccup had his doubts as a teenage boy when it comes to girls, but then again Astrid may have her doubts about him. She probably still thinks that won't be very strong or as brave as he was when he battled the Green Death. Though he could tell that Alexandria was different from most teenage girls.

He figured that Alexandria was in a similar position that he was in, love wise that is. "Hey Alexandria? Is there anyone in the Meathead Clan that you would want to be with?" Hiccup asked. Alexandria gave a frustrated sigh and shook her head. She had an annoyed expression on her face. "No, not even Thuggery is my type. To tell the truth, I don't know who my type would be," she said. Hiccup apologized on Alexandria's behalf, which made her smile. She said that he didn't need to apologize. "You know, it's guys like you that I like. Maybe guys like you that may be my type," she giggled.

By now they had arrived at Hiccup's house and were just about to go in the door. "Well, here it is," Hiccup said as he opened the door. Not much had changed since the days of dragon killing. The only change was a large flat stone placed at the bottom of the stairs. "What's that stone for?" Alexandria asked. Her question was quickly answered when Toothless laid down on the stone and started to fall asleep. "Never mind. It's pretty cozy and fairly roomy," Alexandria said. Hiccup gave a nervous chuckle as he showed her around the house.

When Hiccup finished showing her around the house Alexandria had one question. "So where am I going to sleep?" she asked. Oh right, he had completely forgotten that there were only two beds; his and Stoick's. There was probably enough room on his bed for them to sleep together, but it he wasn't comfortable with sleeping a girl that he barely knew. The nervous look on Hiccup's face made Alexandria smile.

She knew that there were only two places for her to sleep; the bench in front of the fire pit and Hiccup's bed. Finally she said that she would sleep on the bench. Immediately Hiccup started to protest. "You don't have to sleep on the bench. I mean that it will be very uncomfortable to sleep on that bench," he said. Alexandria shot him a look of skepticism as soon as he said that. "Well, where do you expect me to sleep?" she asked. Hiccup looked over at his bed and looked back at Alexandria. He took a deep breath and said that she could sleep with him.

Almost immediately Alexandria started to blush profusely. She had a habit of going to bed in her underwear. The problem was that she was insecure about her body. She was an C-Cup for one and she didn't think that she was very beautiful because of that. She barely showed any skin when anyone was around; she hated her body. She didn't even undress in front of her parents. But if she didn't go to bed in her underwear it would be difficult to go to sleep.

At the same time this was going through Alexandria's head, Hiccup was just as embarrassed that a teenage girl was going to be sleeping in the same bed as him. A girl his age was going to sleep with him. Oh if only it was Astrid. No! Hiccup didn't want Astrid to find out about him fantasizing about her. She would pummel him to a pulp.

There was an awkward silence as the two thought about sleeping in the same bed together. It felt like an eternity until the silence was broken with a knock on the door. Thank the gods that someone decided to show up. But as soon as Hiccup opened the door, that thankfulness went away.

It was Astrid and she looked like she was upset. Astrid looked behind Hiccup to see Alexandria, still blushing with the thought of sleeping in her underwear with Hiccup. Astrid looked back at Hiccup with an annoyed expression. "Really?" Astrid asked sarcastically. This caused Hiccup to be very defensive toward Alexandria. "It's not what you think! I just told her that she could sleep in my bed!" he exclaimed. Astrid rolled her eyes; she knew that they were sleeping together. "That's not any better," she said. Hiccup flew into a frenzy as he explained that they were not going to do "it".

After about two and a half minutes of Hiccup trying to defend Alexandria, Astrid put her hand on chest as she started to laugh. "Alright. Alright. You don't have to defend her. I was just messing with you," she said. Hiccup just blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't able to talk to Astrid like she was a friend, not since what happened at the docks. The problem was that he didn't have the courage to tell her that he loved her and wanted to be with her as a boyfriend.

Even though he was the Viking responsible for the defeat of the infamous Green Death, he was terrified to confess his feeling for Astrid. Now that he kissed her back at the docks, she was now more unpredictable than before. One of the things that he worried about was when she went into some sort of hallucination where something terrible had happened.

He gestured for Astrid to come in and she did. But as soon as she was sitting down her pupils shrunk and she was babbling about someone being dead. This got Alexandria's immediate attention. Astrid was now saying that "he" couldn't be dead. She kept repeating that until she broke down. "Hiccup! Please don't leave me! Please! I don't want to lose you!" Astrid cried.

Immediately Hiccup tried to bring Astrid back to reality. "Astrid! Astrid, come on! I'm right here! Astrid!" he cried. Astrid looked as if she didn't even know that Hiccup was in the room. She kept calling his name and swore to avenge his death. "I will every dragon that see to make sure that they don't kill anymore!" she exclaimed. Hiccup couldn't bear to see Astrid like this and desperately tried to help her. As he called her name he grabbed her hand. The sudden feel of Hiccup's hand made her furious in her hallucination. She jerked her hand free and punched Hiccup in the stomach.

Hiccup grunted in pain as he was punched three times by Astrid. The final punch landed on his nose and shattered it. He fell to the floor writhing in pain. "Astrid," he said. The wind was knocked out of him when he was punched in the stomach. His nose and mouth was bleeding and he was breathing heavily. It was enough to bring Astrid back to reality.

She just needed one look at Hiccup to realize that she had done that. She was horrified of what she had done. "I-I'm so sorry," she said. Hiccup could see that she was going to run out the door and that's exactly what she did. "Astrid! Wait!" Hiccup called out. She didn't even look back as she ran out the door and toward the forest. "Just stay away from me!" she yelled.

Immediately Hiccup looked over at Toothless and Toothless nodded. The Night Fury knew exactly what his owner wanted him to do. Hiccup gabbed the tail and saddle and put it on Toothless in less than three minutes. They ran out the door and Hiccup mounted his Night Fury. "Let's go bud," Hiccup ordered. Toothless had no objections to the command and launched into the air.

End of Chapter 1