Everyone Deserves a Friend

Chapter: 1

The morning sun began to rise on the young Tsukune Aono's face. He knows that it's time to get out of bed, but... maybe a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. He was exhausted from all the unpacking that he had done last night.

Tsukune and his family had just moved to a new town where of course... his father's job had lead them too. Tsukune didn't really have a say whether or not to move he kinda just went along with it. As Tsukune finally relaxed his head on his soft and plush pillow the worst thing happened to him.

" BEEP BEEP BEEP ", Tsukune's alarm had gone off in his ear, Tsukune jumped out of his bed and landed on the cold ground only to moan in pain. With this as his morning how could it get any worse? Tsukune slowly stood up and shut his annoying alarm clock off.


Tsukune had gotten dressed in his required new school uniform, a black long sleeve button up shirt with black dress pants. ' what a depressing school uniform ' Tsukune thought as he wondered what the school was going to be like if the outfit was this bad.

He looked at himself in the mirror to make sure that the outfit was on right. His black hair matched his outfit, his school uniform fit him perfectly, unlike his long shaggy hair. His chocolaty brown eyes gaze over the stupid outfit and wished he could have gone back to his old school.

Tsukune shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his brown book bag, it was his first day at his new middle school. As he made his was out of his house and down the street he couldn't help but think of all his friends that he had left at his old school.

Tsukune's feet had been dragged a bit as he walked unenthusiastic about going to his new school, at least it was his last year as a middle schooler and after that he could go to high-school. Tsukune lifted his head from his thoughts and realized he had already gotten close to his new school.

Other kids began to happily walk past Tsukune as they started another day of school with there friends. Still a little bummed about the switching school thing, Tsukune decided that he would at least make one friend by the end of the day no matter what! The people around him had passed him up and there sound of joy was gone, the only thing left was the sound of Tsukune's footsteps and the sound of one others. The sound was coming from a girl behind Tsukune, her speed was even slower than Tsukune's. She really didn't want to get to school early.

Tsukune peaked over his shoulder to see a beautiful pink haired girl, her outfit was that of the school uniform that he was wearing. A long sleeve button up shirt looked good on her, instead of having dress pants she wore a skirt that didn't even make it past her knees. She was carrying a black book bag in both her hands out in front of her and was looking down.

She looked so pretty that Tsukune had forgot to keep walking, the girl somehow was getting closer to him and he didn't know why until she ran into him knocking both of them to the ground.

" Ugh... oh i'm sorry... I should have watched where I was going." The girl said as she looked up into Tsukune's eyes. Her emerald green eyes were so beautiful that Tsukune had forgot all about the fact that she was pretty much on top of him. " My name is Moka Akashiya," The girl said as she blushed, she had finally figured out that she was on top of him.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I've been laying on you, here let me help you up ", Moka quickly stood up from Tsukune's lap and bent over to help him up. Moka reached her hand down to Tsukune for him to grab it and pull himself off the ground.

Something around her neck caught Tsukune's attention though, it was a big rosary It was rather large to be held around such a small girls neck. It was chrome with a silver tint to it and red surrounding a red cats eye looking Ruby in the center of it.

' Say something already stupid! ' Tsukune's said to himself, he snapped out of Moka's stunning beauty and grabbed her hand. She lifted him up off the ground and smiled at him, Tsukune didn't know what to do except smile back.

" Oh.. yeah my names Tsukune Aono, today is my first day here." Tsukune's words instantly made Moka happy. 'THAT'S ALL YOU SAY!? ' Tsukune yelled at himself. " In that case why don't we be friends? I can show you around and we can eat lunch together." Moka was nervous and Tsukune could tell, she was blushing a little bit and was tapping her fingers together. He didn't know why but it was making him nervous as well.

"Yeah of course, that would be great." Tsukune said as he nervously laughed. This was a new town after all and he didn't know anyone so what would hurt if the first friend he made was a beautiful girl?

"So you don't mind that i'm a vampire right?" Moka's words kinda threw Tsukune out of his train of thought.

'Its gotta be a joke right? ', Tsukune asked himself. He looked at Moka and she gave him a puppy dog stare, he could almost feel his heart getting ready to explode.

"Hey, if you want to call yourself a vampire more power to you." Tsukune said as he put his arm behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck. Tsukune was caught by surprise when Moka jumped on him and gave him a hug. Tsukune's eyes widened at the surprise hug he had just received.

"Thank you Tsukune, you're the first person that's been nice to me about being a vampire, at first I was starting to think that all humans were terrible people." Moka moved away from their hug and looked at Tsukune with tears in her eyes. " But not you Tsukune, you're the first one that I care about!" Moka's words had hit Tsukune like a train. Was she being serious about the vampire thing? Moka grabbed Tsukune's hand in hers and began to drag him to school, it would be interesting day for Tsukune.


Tsukune just stared at the pink haired beauty that was now interlocking arms with him, Moka was happily humming to herself ignoring all of the giggles and people pointing their fingers at the two of them. Tsukune looked at moka and she seemed happier then ever so he had no problems.

Moka and Tsukune had finally made it to their homeroom. Moka stopped at the door and stood there looking at the classroom full of people. Tsukune looked down at his and her arm interlocked, Moka had started to shake.

"Hey, are you alright?" As he asked that Moka snapped back into reality. She stopped shaking and smiled at him, she took a deep breath and began to walk into the classroom. He didn't know it at the time but this was going to be a fun school year.

Tsukune sat down at the desk that said his name, sitting next to him was of course Moka. Before Tsukune could even look over to moka a group of boys surrounded his desk.