Hi! Well this is it. The last chapter of Gone Too Soon. Oh no! I am very excited to share with you this chapter.

It is called Tribute and to really set the mood of the chapter I would recomend to go to YouTube and search Tyler Ward Tribute and listen to that as you read. But that's just me.

Also, before I start to rant: I don't want to be that person who begs for reviews but please please please tell me what you think of this chapter. Namely the ending.

And of course with your reaction, write your favorite color if you plan to read the next story. I should start posting by Monday the 25th.

Thanks guys!

This Chapter is dedicated to: BTRlover98, Crazygurl5and11 and briorca18

Warnings: This is the last chapter, and it ends wit _!

Songs Used: Tribute by Tyler Ward

Disclaimer: I own nothing

I love you guys! XOXO~Tay

Chapter 24: Tribute

Today my heart was torn Violence finally won the war. The crying and despair Suffocating in the air I cannot believe The images I've seen What else can I do? But just pray for you Cause we'll never really know What you went through that day And we'll never really know All the right words to say And we'll never really know Why this took your life away But it broke down my walls And it helped me to change Yes it broke down our walls I hope we will change

(Katie POV)

I awoke early the next morning. Way before Kendall, even before Logan. I was so comfortable in my brother's bed with his warm arms wrapped around me, I never wanted to leave. Unfortunately, I had to go to the bathroom.

I slid Kendall's arms off of my small body, careful not to wake him. I paused, at the edge of the bed, admiring my brother. He looked really cute scrunched up in that tiny ball, blankets twisted, and hair messy. His cheeks were pink, his breathing heavy. He made slight movements with his mouth and let out what could be thought of as a whimper.

"Awww." I whispered, leaning over to touch my brother's head. His hair was so soft, I played with his hair until the small whimpers stopped and he let out a content sigh. "Now you're the baby." I told my brother. I almost thought I saw Kendall smile, but I decided it was just my imagination.

I crept out of the bedroom and walked towards the bathroom, and paused when I heard a noise. I highly doubted that James or Carlos were up this early. I was proved right when two strong arms grabbed me and something cold was held to my head.

And believe me when I say having to pee, was now the least of my worries.

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(Kendall POV)

I woke to screaming, I started to panic because there was a lack of Katie's in my room. I threw back the covers as fast as I could, my foot getting caught in the sheets and throwing me face first onto my carpet.

"Dammit!" I hissed, wiping some blood off my chin. I ran to the main area in just my boxers figuring if Katie was hurt she wasn't going to care about my lack of clothes.

I braced myself for the worst, broken leg, split cast, bruised head. I ran my scolding over in my head, and flew into the kitchen.

What I saw exceeded all of my expectations.

Believe me when I say scolding Katie, was now the least of my worries.

"JAMES, CARLOS, LOGAN COME QUICK!" I screamed. I was looking into the hardest eyes I had ever seen. My father's.

"You aren't wearing a shirt Kendall." He was quick to point out.

"Yeah, well I'm not wearing pants either." I shot back.

James, Carlos and Logan came skidding in behind me. Carlos nearly fell over at what he saw.

"So I realized," My dad started, tightening his grip on Katie, whose eyes were closed. "That if I wanted to really hurt Kendall and Katie, I could kill Katie and watch Kendall mourn."

"Don't touch her!" I yelled at him, trying to charge forward but James held me back.

"Hitting him is only going to make him kill Katie faster." James hissed at me.

Logan stepped forward. "Why don't you just let Katie go, and we won't call the cops and we can all go our separate ways."

"Well when you put it that way, NO!" My dad yelled at all of this.

Katie was whimpering, holding back tears. Seeing her cry made me want to cry.

"Oh you're going to cry now? How very brave of you." Dad snarled.

"Shut up! Why are you so mean to everybody?! What do you gain from this?!" I yelled, trying not to cry.

"Well you know what they say." He grinned. "Ain't no rest for the wicked."

"Just let Katie go and get the hell out of our lives!" James growled.

Logan stared at my father. "You're making everyone miserable. Just leave."

"Boys stop taunting me." My dad growled and made his way to the door.

"Just let her go!" I screamed walking forward.

My dad stroked the trigger on his gun. "I'd stop now. One more step and the girl gets it."

There was a collective gasp behind me.

"You wouldn't dare." I growled lowly.

"Try me."

The trigger was pulled. My sister fell to the floor. My father disappeared. I fell to the ground, crying.

That one sound echoing through my mind, my body, and my heart.


Today my heart was torn
Violence finally won the war
The crying and despair
Suffocating in the air

I cannot believe
The images I've seen
What else can I do?
But just pray for you

Cause we'll never really know
What you went through that day
And we'll never really know
All the right words to say
And we'll never really know
Why this took your life away
But it broke down my walls
And it helped me to change
Yes it broke down our walls
I hope we will change

Entire generations
Lost in this frustration
Is there hope for what's to come?
Will we raise a family or a gun?

It's breaking my heart
I'm falling apart
But I rest assured
I know where you are
You look from above
Please send us your love
Cause we don't understand