Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation in any way shape or form, duh.


The small slender pink haired singer cried out as he shot up in his bed, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. The loud scream quickly awoke Shuichi's sleeping partner.

"Another nightmare?"

"Yeah…I'm sorry for waking you Ryuichi..." The beautiful blue eyed brunette then gently wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders and placed a kiss on his warm cheek.

"It's ok Shui-chan. Do you wanna cuddle with Kumagoro?" Shuichi couldn't help but to smile at the adorable childish tone in his idols voice as he tried to hand him the small pink bunny rabbit.

"I think I'd rather cuddle with Ryui-chan." The brunette was very happy to oblige and immediately pounced on the smaller boy, cuddling into him tightly.

Ryuichi quickly fell asleep pressed closely against his lover. Shuichi however was having trouble falling back asleep, his mind still stuck in his reoccurring dream. He had been with Ryuichi for over a year now, but this dream refused to leave Shuichi in peace. And even after all this time, he couldn't bring himself to tell Ryuichi that it wasn't so much a nightmare, but a dream…a dream that was filled with nothing but fond memories of that tall arrogant blonde.

As Shuichi finally began to slip away into sleep, he couldn't help but to whisper that name one last time…
