Long time sorry, moving and all. Here you all go, including you "Courting the moon"

Three things

1. No Percy is not immortal; it clearly states in the intro that he aged.

2. I haven't decided to make Percy immortal or not yet, I'm still thinking about it.

3. Scarlet will come in the next chapter or two.

Leone's POV

Cheering, screaming, and gossiping. Not my style and now I'm the reason the campers are partying. I got a flag and beat up a few girls. Nothing worth celebrating, now dad's here what am I going to get chewed out for the unnecessary attention.

"Hey your name is Leone right?" A nymph asked me.

"Yes it is." Her and a few others giggled trying to play with my hair again, why is that exactly. A few brunettes push them out of the way; they smell of bath salts and perfume.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" I noticed there was something different about her voice.

There is, she is a charm speaker, very hostile.

"You're an Aphrodite child are you not?" She smiled at me proudly.

"Yes, I am. How about we take a little detour, just you and me." She winked and for a second I was tempted.

Fool I have warned you of this.

Shut up, I know, I know.

"No tha..." We just walked into the pavilion.

"Well my boy never knew you were such a ladies man, I can't wait to tell scarlet about this." My old man smirked at me with his snide remark.

"Coming from you old man, I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult. What do you and scarlet talk about anyway, whenever are you two together you rarely talk?" I replied. Everyone in the room was staring at us funny.

"Come here and give your old man a hug." I walked up and we shared a quick man hug, laughing. Everyone gasped; sometimes I wonder how they get along day by bay.

"Now that were all here except for the hunters lets party." Dionysus yelled, receiving simultaneous yells and people dispersing. My dad went off to my grandfather while I joined the young Aphrodite boy I had thrown the flag to. I sent a smile and greeted him.

"The hunters bothering you at all?" He smiled up at me.

"No, there not even here for some reason. Shame?" I chuckled.

"Probably not but don't get cocky, that's a great weakness so is that guy and his gang." I nudged the boy, motioning that the latter was on his way over. I changed my warm smile to a stoic emotionless face. Mathew sauntered over, obviously tipsy from the alcohol Mr. D was passing out.

"So you boys going to join my gang or what, as camp leader me and my gang get special privileges." He had his arms crossed and a pompous (I love that word it sounds funny) grin. The kid looked like he couldn't decide and looked towards me as if I'm an older brother. The rooms seem to fall silent and all eyes turned on us. Aphrodite looked sympathetically at her son. My father took a bit of interest but already knew my answer.

At this point my mother and the hunters filled in and she began to drift through the crowd silently and smoothly to my father. I noticed he seemed to get that silly grin whenever she was mentioned. Mathew coughed and regained my attention.

"How about if you can knock me on my feet, then I'll join, if not then no deal. I guess the kid has the same deal?" I looked over and he nodded.

"Fine by me." People spread out forming a large circle around us.

"You first." He immediately pulled out his spear and charged. I side-stepped and grabbed the pole of the spear. Then slammed my fore arm into it, causing the spear to break. I tossed the broken point to the side when he pulled out his sword. When he charged I grabbed the blade with my bare hand. Blood began to fall from my hand.

Artemis' POV

Seeing my son's blood is unnerving and difficult. I didn't know I could feel this kind of pain. I noticed my ever so happy lover was tense and serious looking. I couldn't blame him either. The fight was not even a fight. My son was just toying with Aries' grandson. Leone had complete control of the scrabble.

"Is this all you can do, I feel bad for the campers." My son's voice broke through the current silence in the pavilion. He began to laugh sadistically, campers began to back up in fear he may go mad and kill them all. Good boy.

"W… What do you mean?" The boy, Mathew was scared out of his mind now. He dropped his sword and stepped back. Leone began to twirl the blade in his blood soaked hand.

"YOU ARE WEAK!" My son put a hard 'Spartan' kick to the diaphragm of the camp leader, knocking the air out of him. He began to breathe heavily, convulsing as he began to bring air back into his lungs. His few followers dragged him away. I smiled; my son has left a permanent mark of fear on these children. Maybe he has a primal need to dominate. Soon everyone returned to their conversation and activities. My son was surrounded by young girls swooning over him, he seemed to be distracted

Perseus' POV

Seeing everyone again gave me warm feelings. I left without any regrets. Now here I am, holding the hand of a beautiful goddess, watching my son hurt himself with sharp object, bullying a snotty brat, and I just can't be happier. Messed up right, not after all I've been through. He had just finished the lad off.

"Percy my boy, give your old man a hug," Me and Artemis split apart the second my name sprang up. My father decided to use his godly strength and crush me.

"Dad a little too hard." He let go and apologized.

"So son where have you been all these years? Who's the lucky goddess? Can I claim the boy?" I was about to begin my long story as my son walked up beside and a loud shriek interrupted.

"POSIEDON YOU WILL NOT CLAIM MY SON, OR SO HELP ME ILL RIP YOUR WIVES FISH TAIL OFF!" Oh moonshine why you couldn't wait. Everyone one but Zeus both looked shocked and laughed. Zeus seemed to be so furious to the point of fainting. Everyone grew silent, for the first moment in my life I was truly scared and so was Artemis.