The jolt of pain that raced through his system as a harsh hand slapped him across his face, waking the sleeping male with a startled cry. Ichigo clutched his cheek as he turned away from the person who slapped him with a groan. Though is mind had just been jolted awake with pain it was still groggy and he was having a hard time not only adjusting to the light in the room, but also figuring out where he was. As thing started to come back to him Ichigo was moving, jumping out the bed he was laying in and quickly turning towards his attacker.

As he turned he felt his world shift and his legs give way, soon he was falling to the floor. Strong hands from behind him softly gripped his waist, keeping him from falling completely to the floor. He didn't understand why his body relaxed into those hand until he looked up to see who they belonged too.

"It's best not to move around so suddenly, your wounds have been healed, but there was some strain that can't be heal without proper rest" Byakuya said as he picked Ichigo up and took him back to the bed and laid him down.

"Where am I?" Ichigo finally asked, never taking his eyes off Byakuya. It was strange, he felt like he was forgetting something, something that explained why the vampire looked drained and fatigued.

"You're in the hospital in the Seireitei" Ichigo looked to the new voice to see Rukia by his bed. She looked a little banged up. She had a patch over her left cheek, her wrist was wrapped and he could see the wrap around her chest peeking out the top of the loose shirt she was wearing. Instantly Ichigo felt a ping of guilt.

"What happened?" He asked as he looked between the two. Rukia looked away from him and decided the floor was much more interesting and Byakuya avoided making eye contact. "What Happened" He demanded more harshly.

"You need to understand Ichigo that it was necessary to make sure you were to survive" Ichigo looked to the new woman who walked in. He recognized her as one of the Taicho who was at the meeting. He also remembered her name was Unohana and she had healed his neck. Ichigo stared at her wearily, unsure of what she meant, what did they have to do.

"What do you mean? What did you do?" Unohana gave him the kinder smile that held a little of pity in it. Ichigo didn't like this at all. "Just tell me already" he said crossing his arms over his chest as his famous scowl appeared.

"I believe this is something Kuchiki-sama should explain, Rukia if you would come with me we have your treatment ready" Rukia nodded meekly, giving Ichigo one last glance before leaving the room.

Silence filled the room, leaving only the sound of beeping machines that monitored Ichigo's heart closely. Ichigo closed his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on, since it seemed the raven wasn't going to say anything. As he went back to his capture he felt at a loss as he couldn't remember what had happened after he passed out from the shifter cutting him open.

"Ichigo" The soft name brought the orangette's attention to Byakuya. Brown eyes examined the male as he seemed unsure of what to say, as if he was worried about the information he should be telling Ichigo.

"Just tell me already, what the hell happened?" Ichigo wanted to scream and tear at his hair, this was so frustrating. He wanted to know what the hell was wrong with him, what had happened and why he couldn't remember.

"How much do you remember about your capture?"

Ichigo felt his heart waver as he though back on everything again. His cheeks getting tinged pink a little as he remembered what happened the very moment he was locked in the cage. "u-uh…not much, just getting caught, thrown in a cage then I woke up on the metal table with that weird pink scientist" he decided it was best to leave out the fact of almost getting raped and what happened inside his mind while he was knocked out. "How long was I captured?"

"A month and five days" Ichigo heard the sporadic beeping sound as his heart beat jumped a little. He had been captured for over a month, what the hell happened that whole time he was fighting in his head? "Everyone did what they could to find your whereabouts, but it wasn't until I regained control that we were able to pin point a location" Byakuya went on to explain. "Once we knew where you where we lunched a rescue mission. We found our way to you….."

Ichigo kept still as he waited for Byakuya to continue and when he didn't he looked up at the raven who took a seat beside his bed and was currently staring at his shaking hands. "By the time we found you…..we…"Ichigo reached out and took one of Byakuya's hands. He didn't know why he did it; just that he felt like he had to, that he needed to comfort the vampire. Ichigo smiled softly when the raven squeezed his hand back. "From what Unohana discovered you were injected with some kind of substance that caused an adverse effect in your system, shutting it down and causing temporary death. Since you're a hybrid though you didn't die, it brought out the vampiric side in your system. We tried to protect you, but you got out of control until…" Byakuya stopped when he felt Ichigo tense and looked up to see the orangette shaking with a far off look. Instantly the raven reacted. He stood and placed the orangette's face between his hands. "Ichigo…..Ichigo!"

-Small Warning: Gore...ish-

-Flash Back-

"What's wrong? too scared now that I can fight back?" Ichigo asked as he retched down to the bindings on his legs, ripping them away with ease. He was tired of being bound, tired of being weak and he was tired of the scientist in front of him cowering.

As his feet touched the tile floor he took a few slow steps forwards, causing the shifter to quiver in fear, too scared to run away. Ichigo took one last step before he was in front of the shifter, staring down at him. He reached out with a black clawed hand, gripping the shifters throat. He felt the shifter squirm in his grip, clawing at his hand and trying to kick him, but Ichigo didn't waver, only tightened his grip on the weakening flesh. He could hear the ragged breaths that came from the shifter and squeezed harder until he felt bones cracking under the pressure.

Gurgling sound erupted in the room as the shifter started to choke on his blood. The crimson liquid drooled down from his gasping lips. Ichigo just kept the pressure, watching as the shifter struggled for his life. He felt the rippling of energy with in the shifter as he tried to change forms, trying desperately to save his life. Ichigo wouldn't have that. His free hand shot forwards, ripping into the man's abdomen, earning a gargled scream from the shifter. Ichigo gripped tightly on the mushy entrails, taking pleasure at the sight of the blood and pain he was inflicting.


The sound of his name being yelled drew his attention as he slowing looked upon the others with in the room, each one with a different expression. His eyes though landed on his father, who was red faced with anger and had yelled at him. Ichigo simply tisked as he loosened his grip only slightly on the shifter's throat, but he left his other hand inside the man, but it was still now, simply basking in the warm blood that flowed down around his limb.

"Stop this, you're killing the man" Isshin demanded, earning a glare from Ichigo.

"So" Ichigo said calmly as he looked back at the paling shifter whose eyes were rolled up. He was dead anyways, or would be soon. Ichigo could hardly hear his heart beat anymore.

"Stop it! Ichigo this isn't you" Rukia pleaded as she held back tears.

"She's right, you need to stop before it's too late" Urahara said calmly as he stepped forward just a little, but stopped when Ichigo growled darkly at him.

"How the fuck would you know what I'm like!" He clenched his jaw and gripped harder on the entrails in his hand, a sickening popping sound could be herd and another gurgling scream from the shifter. The ringing sound of a blade being unsheathed drew his attention as he looked at the gathered group to spot the person who took up arms. It was a little surprising to see his father with a blade, a blade that was pointed at him.

"Ichigo, don't make us do this" The pleading voice made Ichigo hesitate, but only for a second before he reacted. Gripping tightly on the cooling entrails he gave one harsh tug, ripping the insides from the shifter and dropping them to the ground along with the shifter, smirking a little at the sounds of the dying shifter.

Ichigo heard someone throw up and heave at the sight and stench that filled that air, which only made Ichigo chuckle a little. He stared right as his father, seeing how his action had unnerved the other and how he was fighting with himself on what do to. Isshin though didn't get to make the first move, instead a tall black hair vampire rushed forward with a manic grin.

"Finally, a challenge!" a booming laugh filled the area as Kenpachi rushed forward to fight against the Orangette, his blood lust getting the better of him.

Ichigo responded quickly, dodging the jagged blade aimed at him. He growled at the taller vampire before launching a series of his own attacks. It wasn't long before others join to try a stop the fighting. Urahara was the first to join, jumping between the two and gripping Kenpachi's blade and gripping Ichigo's hand.

"Now, now, this isn't the time to be fighting" He said with a cheeky smile and small chuckle. Ichigo used his free hand and swiped at the man's smug face. Urahara dodged it, but only by releasing the two and jumping back.

"Stay out of this" Kenpachi growled as he attacked Ichigo once again. Ichigo though chuckled at his attempts to hit him. It was all too easy to dodge. The man had no tack, just went about hacking and slashing away as he pleased. Ichigo though found that though the man couldn't land a blow on him, neither could he and that only aggregated him even more.

The next person to enter the battle and try to stop it was Isshin. The elder man batted away Kenpatchi's blade, disarming him and took hold of his son's arm.

"Ichigo Stop This!"

Growling and bearing his fangs Ichigo lashed out at his father, black nails digging into flesh as they made contact with his father's face. Isshin though didn't lose his grip only gripped tighter before pulling his son forward and slam his forehead into his son's. A loud cracking sound echoed through the room as their foreheads connected. The blow threw Ichigo off and even caused him to waver out of consciousness. Kenpatchi thought this would be a great time to take advantage of the situation and lashed out at Ichigo with a strike aimed at his throat. A strike that would have surely beheaded the orangette if another's blade hadn't intervened and dislodged the blade from its deadly path.

The blood thirsty vampire growled in anger at his failed attack, but had little time to strike again before he was bound. The brute growled and bared his teeth at Rukia who kept placing one Kudo restriction after another on him, preventing Kenpatchi from doing anything else as the others tried to calm the still raging Ichigo. Once the max amount of restraints had been dealt, Rukia turned her assault onto Ichigo and everyone else whom was attempting to retrain him and not kill him. She mutter one Kudo after the other, trying desperately to slow him down. To give the others the upper hand, but everything she threw at him either missed or he broke away from as if it was nothing. Every second she realized just how useless she was and how strong the half breed was, it set an unmovable fear in her heart, a fear the had paralyzed her so when Ichigo swung at her she didn't have time to defend herself and soon found herself flying into a wall.

One swipe after the other, each one drew more blood then the last and everyone currently fighting started to feel the weariness of the blood bath, well all besides Ichigo, who only seemed to be getting stronger and more crazed as more blood splattered across the room. He laughed as he tore skin from limbs, licked at the blood that splattered around his lips, seeming to enjoy every ounce of pain he was dealing out to people whom were either family or friends. Before long he took down Yoruichi, who Urahara was now in front of, trying to defend her so the orangette wouldn't kill her.

Ichigo though paid little mind to the bleeding female anymore, his sight have spotted something else. The shifter female, who had finally decided to join the fray after Ichigo had flung Rukia into one of the walls. She had waited until after she made sure Rukia wasn't in any danger before turning her attention back to the fight and by then he had already downed the dark skinned vampire. Summoning her javelin she took her stance, her front hoof stomping on the ground in an aggressive manner, gaining the crazed vampire's attention. Though the shifter was in better shape than the others and was much more skilled at dodging then the rest, she knew she could not manage to evade substantial damage, but she could no longer allow the organette to harm others.

So she fought, most of her time was spent dodging, but a peculiar red head male joined in the fight beside her, blocking a rather nasty attack that would have surely killed her. They said nothing to each other, for there wasn't time for thanks before the hybrid recovered from its failed attempts and was fighting against them with more speed than before.

"We have to do something quickly Isshin, he'll turn into a bloodling at this rate" Urahara warned as he panted slightly. "We have to control him!" Urahara urged to everyone as Ichigo sent Renji flying with a back handed attack.

"You can't control me, If anyone is going to be controlled it will be you" the wicked snicker of insanity filled the room as a grin spread across ichigo's face like a maniacs joy. Hope was dwindling along with their strength, Ichigo seemed too far gone to save.

"What this? Even you are trying to defy me, your nothing but my bitch, a vampire too weak to withstand a few nights without my blood, kneel before I decide to end your pathetic life" Ichigo chuckled darkly, drawing everyone's attention to the raven who was now standing with his blade drawn, a look of determination and anger plastered upon his royal features. When the raven didn't move Ichigo bared his teeth in anger. "Fine, death it is" He growled before lunging at the vampire.

Metal meet claws, teeth meet blades in an endless battle. Sorrow welled up inside the raven, sorrow for the loss of his Ichigo, guilt form his inability to save him and hate for what had been done to him, yet he could not find in within himself to give up, to allow Ichigo to continue to rampage, to hurt those he knew he loved, but most of all he couldn't give up because he still believed Ichigo was somewhere within the maniacs mind that currently consumed him.

"Ichigo, listen to my voice" he called as the two came face to face once again, as his nails clashed against his blade. "Ichigo" he called again, more desperate this time. A silent plead with in his voice, a pleaded that his orangette wasn't actually gone, replaced by this twisted creature before him.

"What the hell do you want, best ask for it quickly before I rip your throat out" Ichigo snarled as he swiped as his throat once again. Byakuya cursed softly as he stepped around Ichigo, defending and blocking, but never delivering a blow. As the anger boiled up more inside the lethal man before him currently trying to rip him apart the more Byakuya felt himself slipping into the same rage. Ichigo's emotions playing over their mental link like a ravaged beast. Before he knew it he was attacking back, delivering blows that marked ichigo's flesh with crimson.

"Ichigo!" The growling command that rumbled from the ravens was unlike anything he had ever heard, a dark, cruel command that made even him shiver, the effect it had on Ichigo was what he was hoping for. The flicker of fear, that momentary halting of movement. In an instant Byakuya lashed out, dispersing his blade into a million tiny pieces, flash stepped behind the unknowing orangette and kicked the back of his legs out, causing him to fall to his knees where Byakuya pinned him. Using his weight to keep the orangette from moving too much and gripping his wrist in a heavy embrace that he knew would leave bruises.

"Get the Fuck Off ME!" Ichigo hollowed as he frantically tried to move from beneath the Raven. Byakuya just growled and tightened his grip.

"I'll let you go once you calm the fuck down or do I have to use that excess energy in another way?" though the threat wasn't meant to be lewd, as the raven licked Ichigo's ear it turned that way and quickly the orangette stilled, his mind unable to comprehend fully what the hell was happening. "That's a good boy" The whisper played across Ichigo's neck like a cold winter breeze, sending a shiver through his system. For a moment clarity stuck the younger half breed. His anger gave way to a sense of belonging, to a sense of safety. A sense of safety that was quickly fleeting as the voice inside his head kept warning him, kept playing with him. Reminding him of the fact that he was pinned, that he was vulnerable and weak.

Before long Ichigo was fighting once more, using his strength to try and dislodge the raven from above him. When he couldn't get his hands free to claw at the vampire he resorted to the only thing his mind could think of, his teeth.

Finding the closest limb, which happened to be Byakuya's arm he latched on, sinking his fangs as deep as they would go and then farther. He felt bone crush under the pressure of his jaw, he heard a pained grunt from the man, and a few gasped from the others in the room, but he didn't care, all the mattered was getting the man off him, until the blood rushed into his mouth.

Like a flood of every flavor washed down his throat, extracting an unwanted moan. He felt the strength that poured into him from the blood. He heard the distinctive heartbeat of each vampire, each shifter with in the compound. Could smell the different types of blood, different emotions. It was like a drug, so warm, so delicious and so arousing. The need to kill slowly faded way, replaced by the need to drink his fill, to satisfy his hunger.

Someone cursed far off in the distant, but that didn't matter. Something then grazed against his neck, something sharp. Sending little jolts of electricity into the pit of his stomach and when those teasing grazes finally drew blood, finally piecing his skin. Ichigo though he would die from the sheer pleasure of it. Yet he wanted more, needed more. He pushed against the one above him, this time not to get him off him. Instead he pushed back, wiggling his ass into the raven's crotch as he licked at the puncture marks, sealing the wound for some reason he wasn't sure, though a part of him told him it was so he could do other thing, bite else were. A warm tongue lapped at his neck, no doubt closing the wounds and when the warmth drew away from him Ichigo couldn't help but whimper slightly.

"Sleep" The command was simple, but not one Ichigo was going to follow or at least he didn't believe he would. But he soon found himself fighting against the eternal oblivion of rest that was closing in on his mind, causing the world to blacking into nothing…

-Back to Present Time-

Ichigo blinked a few times as his mind slowly went back to work, registering the warm hands upon his face, the worry that clouded his mind that he knew wasn't his own. As everything came back into focus he stared at Byakuya, who held his head in his hands, calling for him with a panicked expression. Reaching up Ichigo took the man's hand with in his own, quickly silencing the other. Removing Byakya's hand from his face he looked down, still trying to figure out exactly what had happened. He remembered, but it still didn't make sense to him.

"When you drew blood from Kuchiki-sama and he took your blood it completed the blood bond between you two. So when he commanded you to sleep you couldn't fight it, however now you two can't be separated" Ichigo looked over at the new voice, seeing Urahara in the door way with a calm expression, even though he looked worse than Rukia did. Instantly Ichigo looked away, knowing now that the reason everyone was hurt was because of him. "Don't worry about everyone else Ichigo, we're fine you did a number on us but we'll heal, for now let's worry about getting you fixed up, which would be pretty easy if you're willing to take the treatment of course" Ichigo finally looked back at the older vampire, a strange expression on his face. What did he mean if he was willing to take the treatment?

"The treatment would be taking more of my blood to completely heal everything that couldn't be healed without time" Byakuya finally said as he took one of ichigo's hands, seeming to not like not having contact with him for long periods of time and for whatever reason neither did Ichigo, but then again they were blood bound now so doesn't that mean that he'll always be attracted to Byakuya even if he doesn't want to be. Continuing to look down at his hand encased in the vampires he tried to reason with himself, tried to get everything straight before he gave an answer. A large part of him wanted to take Baykuya's blood, hell he even craved to sink his teeth into that pale flesh, the mere though alone was causing a rather unwanted reaction in him. But a small part of him, the human part of him, was disgusted with the thought of not only drinking someone else blood but hurting someone, which he was sure would happen if he sank his teething into someone. Just the thought along made his stomach turn and clench. However just like his mind that was warring against it's self so was his body. He could hear his heart beat speed up with anticipation, felt the jitters of excitement and the tingling of his gums where he's fangs threatened to lengthen. The cold sweat and paling of his face must have warning the two about his current state, or many it was the beeping of the machine monitoring his heartbeat. Whatever it was Ichigo soon found himself on Byakuya's lap and the raven encasing him in his arms as if to comfort him.

Surprisingly it worked. His once warring self still and feel into complete stillness just by being in his arms. It was nice but at the same time a part of him tried to rear its ugly head at the thought of getting comfort from another. Clenching his jaw at the slowly fading security he batted away the vampires hand and took his spot back on the bed, ignoring any help the raven was trying to give him as he struggled a little to get back on the white uncomfortable bed. Once back in the bed he didn't take the raven's hand instead he crossed his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face once again.

"I've had to lay in bed before why should that change now" he finally said. The other two men looking at each other.

"Because you are no longer human and thus do not have to lay in bed to heal" Urahara said plainly. Making Ichigo tisk and simply glare at the blond.

"Part of me still is" He resorted and when Urahara and Byakuya looked at each other again Ichigo felt as if he had been puntched in the stomach. "Right?" he had meant to ask it calmly, but his voice quivered ever so slightly as his chest compressed in on its self at the look to two had upon their faces.

"The amount of blood you consumed has altered your…status as a hybrid, you are still human…kinda"

"Kinda! How can I be KINDA human?!"

"I believe this discussion is for another time, I'm sure Kurosaki-san is tired" came the calming voice of Unohana. She was smiling politly behind Urahara he bowed his head and took a step to the side to allow her in. Once within the room she went to Ichigo's unoccupied side. "How are you feeling, are you in any pain?" she asked, clearly trying to distract Ichigo from the previous conversation. By the unmoving smile on her face Ichigo doubted he would get anything from her or from the others while she was hear. No really want to let the matter go but have not choice he leaned back into the pillows behind him.

"Just a headache" he replied.

"His left leg is bothering him, along with his second right rib, there is also a minor strain at the back of his neck that is causing the headache" Byakuya said earning both and awestruck expression from Ichigo and a glare from the same person. How it was possible no one knew, but Ichigo managed to pull it off somehow.

"Thank you Kuchiki-sama, it would be best to be more honest in the future Kurosaki-san, otherwise some injuries might not be treated correctly and cause future harm"

"The pain in my left leg is from mending muscles, a common side effect to a healing tear, the pain in my rib is from bruising and the minor strain in the back of my neck is laying in a bed still for too long, nothing to be concerned about, if something arises that needed to be taken care of by something more than just a restful night and some much needed movement I'll let you know" He snipped, feeling more defensive and insulted than he knew he should be, but it seemed everyone had forgotten that he had been going to school to be a doctor before this all kind of blew up in their faces. He couldn't really blame them though, he had nearly forgotten that he had a normal life before all this.

That not even a few months ago he was just your average college student and now here he was, blood bound to a vampire unsure if he was even partially human anymore. Even though he was rude to her Unohana simply kept smiling at him and placed a cool hand on his forehead. Instantly the pain he felt biting at him faded away into nothingness and much of the stress on his mind seemed to dwindle away.

"It may be true that everything will be healed with rest, but the more comfortable you are the better with will be for everyone" She stated calmly before leaving the room once again, taking Urahara with her.

Left in silence the two seemed to be in their own thoughts. Ichigo trying to accept everything that he had learned and Byakuya simply sitting in silence, this only seemed to aggregate the orangette even more. He wasn't sure why it upset him that the raven was so quite. From what he knew of the elder vampire he was always quite, the most he had ever gotten out of him was before he was captured. So why now was he becoming angry that he wasn't saying anything. Did it have to deal with their blood bond? Would it always be this way between them?

Growling slightly Ichigo racked his hand threw his hair, he really wasn't liking how all this was unfolding. Seeming to sense his discomfort said raven ran his fingers through his orange locks, as if to comfort him and once again Ichigo found himself relaxing into his touch, only to tense up again and smacked the man's hand away from him. He wasn't sure it if was his own displeasure or the ravens he was currently feeling, but the dark look that was painted on the royal's expression gave him a hint on who was the most upset about his actions.

"I think you should leave" Ichigo finally said, feeling more uncomfortable and small under those steel eyes then he should have. The two stared at each other for a long moment and Ichigo was sure he was going to refuse. Slowly the raven stood to leave. Ichigo remained impassive, trying not to let on that a small part of him hurt at the thought of the raven leaving, a small part that he wanted to crush under his heel.

Leaning down the raven placed a small kiss upon his forehead before leaving the room, but something told him the Raven didn't go too far and was just outside his room, as if he was standing guard. Ichigo though didn't mind, he was out of the room and he could finally think properly.

He had tried to remain calm, to not let his emotions slip and be on display for his pets to see, but that tall tale sign of a twisted smirked wouldn't leave his thin lips even if the Captain Commander walked through his office door this very moment. How could he not be thrilled though? Everything was going as he desired it to, even down to the very fact that the hybrid had killed his scientist. Sure it was a little before he had planned, but he could accept that because he had gotten exactly what he wanted. The hybrid and that snob-nosed royal were within his grasp, all he had to do was wait a little longer for the sickness to rise and then nothing would stop his plan, nothing.

"Are you Fucking listening to me, that Bitch betrayed us, we need to hunt her down and put her down like the wretched Bitch she is" bellowed Nnoitra at everyone still alive, earning a few glares, bored expressions and few choice words from a very upset Grimmjow.

Azien did not mind his outburst, it was one of the things that he had not accounted on. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, one of the few female shifters whom he had contracted had betrayed their cause and had defected to the enemy lines. It was one of the few things that did not make sense to him, not that he would ever let anyone know that. Why such a promising young pup have suddenly turned her back on her pack was very upsetting, yet intriguing at the same time. It wasn't something that would affect his plans as it was anyways, no one knew of his true goals, only the lies that he feed them.

"Silence" he finally called after the two shifters looked at if they were about to get into a physical fight, instantly to two became quite and sat back down, both not seeming to be pleased with having to listening to him, but knowing better then fighting against him. As if on cue his faithful dog…well fox came through the down with a sly grin plastered on his lips.

"It has begun"

Author's Note

Okay so I'm really sorry this took so damn long to update T-T. Between work, losing almost everything on my computer, my non-profit duties and other random crap I just recently was able to get back into to typing up this story. Once again I have failed to deliver and hot and steamy action between our two bucks, but I promise you that the next chapter will have all that lovely butt touching goodness that this stories deserves.

Ichigo: Dose that mean you know who's going to be taking it?

Byakuya: We all know it will be you, do not delude yourself into thinking otherwise

...Uh...yeah about that...*runs away from fuming Byakuya* UNTIL NEXT TIME MY LOVES!