(I don't own the rights to my little pony or dungeon keeper they are owned by Hasbro and EA respectively)

I tapped my feet uncertainly on the damp cold earth, the rhythmic sound of digging echoing along the wet tunnel as my imps continued digging into the unknown. Blinking I looked to my right and saw a warlock in dark blue robes that was reading a worn looking spellbook whilst gently rubbing his thin black moustache. it was my long time enemy Anamid the blue, My own spellbook a lovingly crafted flesh red hand book held only the basic spells required to keep a dungeon in check far less than Anamid's vast array of devastating spells from his many years of research into every school of magic including, I suppressed a shudder WHITE magic. even so such a tantalising treasure as Anamid's spellbook before me was enough to get me tapping the hilt of my blade excitedly, I had after all spent years tearing Anamid's territory apart looking for that exact book except now much to my dismay we had an alliance.

Two weeks earlier

The tunnel I walked along was dark the unyielding stone caused my plated footfall to eco along the unclaimed land. In the distance I saw the faint glow of a torch singling the entrance to the battered hall were most dungeons and towns met, well the big ones anyway there were always small keepers who hid in the darkness, weak keepers, very different to the five before me the six of us were the underworlds superpowers the strongest keepers who would like nothing more than to slay those around them. A smile crossed my face, perfect company.

"And so the mighty Heras blesses us with his presence oh dark days" a gray blue robed wizard mocked, Anamid a bigger asshole than I am.

"Hmm yesss well it did take a while for you to arrive having trouble with the impsss ssslaking off now are we?" The pale skinned vampire Canial Venomfear added, he was an asshole too.

"SILENCE! I did not attend this meeting to listen to your pathetic comments Heras speak quickly i have little patience" the biggest horned reaper in the underworld barked. standing just over eaght foot tall and built like a red brick shit house, Nakot was an intimidating figure on that alone when coupled with the massive honeycomb of dungeons he controls made for one reaper you did not want to mess with. Not that messing with any reaper is smart or safe.

"As you are all undoubtedly aware the underworld is shrinking an-"

"WHAT nonsense is this no magic can make the underworld shrink. YOU DRAG ME ALL TH-"deciding that Nakot was officially an idiot I cut him off. Just like he did to me.

"It was a metaphor Nakot I'm saying that there is less room than there used to be and our realms need expansion" there was a slight pause as the assembled superpowers looked at eatch other nervously bar Nakot who looked like he wanted my head on a platter fixing his eyes on me in a death glare.

"running low on gold Heras?" a playful voice asked drawing my eyes to the scantily clad succubus as she flicked her coiled whip making a sharp crack a sound that many imps fear. And some of the stranger residence of the underworld long for. This was Zahvina the mistress of the damp caverns and the deeper dungeons (she made the names).

"I control the gem mines, anyway the entire underworld is running out of gold, land and even blood to spill." There silence was all the conformation I needed "in order to ensure the longevity of our dungeons I propose a truce"

"Oh is this truce going to be as fun as our last one Heras?" suppressing the unwelcome memories of my last truce with Zahvina (NEVER EVER EVER let her talk you into Experimenting) I wisely ignored the comment.

"In this truce we shall all support a expansion to one of the smaller overworlds one that we have not visited before, corrupt the locals take the land and get straight back to fighting each other" there was a general murmur of agreement from the assembled keepers.

"good than prepare your forces I estimate that in just a few weeks we will brake though to the overworld".


Nakot walked along the hastily dug tunnel that was just slightly too small for him to avoid hitting his long ivory horns on the roof, His dark red hooves dug into the soft earth kicking dirt up his heavily muscled legs marring the tough skin. He was flanked on both sides by two gold clad female reapers. Their small curved alluring horns were gracefully linked by gold chain that clashed with their blood red well-defined bodies. The very thought of the concubines walking along behind him made Nakot's mouth water. His feeling of bliss soon soured and turned to anger at the sight of the two biggest assholes of Nakot's life came into view Heras and Anamid. Seeing them together was worse than seeing them alone. AND he could not even kill them. Shaking from anger and willing himself not to smash there dumbshit faces into the wall he spoke up His deep voice echoed along the tunnel.

"Have the imps not finished this tunnel? We should be through by now!"

Heras glanced over his piercing red eyes looking at Nakot's dirtied horns scraping along the 9ft tall tunnel he displayed no interest in answering Nakot's question so of course the slimy nasal slobbering HUMAN voice of Anamid filled the void . 'wonderful'

"The imps are working at an acceptable pace and will be done by the time our dungeon hearts are all ready to be moved. So I advise patience instead of fuming madly like a selfish little imp."

His eyes starting to glow Nakot took a step forward arms clenched into fists Long sharp Knife-like teeth glistened in the light of a flame torch burning on the wall.

"Say that just one more time you little shit and I will kill you AND PAINT MY TRESURE ROOM WITH YOUR BLOOD!"

The loud shout was enough to invoke a reaction out of Heras who looked at the two keepers arguing as one might find pair of squabbling children... or shit you find on your shoe.

"We are but a few moments away and I was intending to move further along, soon my imps will break the surface first while Anamid's imps will break though later on in about a day or so."

Anamid turned towards Heras . giving a look of confusion that satisfied Nakot if only slightly.

"Weren't we all going out at the same time?"

"No it would be too easy to lay siege to us if we concentrated in one area. It would be wiser to use multiple exists to spread ourselves further over the land making it difficult to field a large force against us" looking at the blank stares he was receiving . Heras sighed and continued "I will be moving with a small force while you will all be setting up a dungeon at key points ready for an attack, now I'll be back in a while you two will guard the entrance, so as to prevent any heroes coming in and spoiling our day" Without waiting for a response the dark armour clad knight walked down the tunnel that Nakot had just came from. a single thought bounced around the horned reaper's head,


Princess Celesta smiled at the large number of recruits before her. She was currently in the royal throne room with her sister sitting to her right despite her growing sense of unrest. She sat patiently as the newest batch of earth legion recruits stumbled though the oath of service before they would be shipped out to training. Some of the recruits had even opted for the night oath much to Luna's surprise allowing her to begin rebuilding the night legion after a thousand years.

"...And we will never falter when upholding our oath in whatever actions we undertake"the assembled recruits said in unison finishing their oath.

Moving forward from her seat next to her sister. Luna. she looked at her ponies with a loving smile. They were all filled with such potential. Celestia giggled inwardly. They all looked a bit silly using the unfitted ceremonial armor provided for the oath. making them look a bit like little colts wearing their first horseshoes... well they WERE little colts to Celestia but that was besides the point. Celesta's musing was interpreted by a gentle nudging from her luminescent sister.

"Thank you all. We can see great things in the future ahead, for all of you, now go and make equestria, your families, and friends proud."

Celestia quickly turned and left the hall. Her sense of unease grew while walking along an otherwise identical series of corridors. Which lead to the palace sky-dock, she was looking for the transport that would take the recruits to the Staliangrad military zone. Flagging down the captain she quickly changed the destination to Ponyville. The thirty new legionnaires would provide extra protection without raising suspicion that anything was amiss. Why would she send a force to Ponyville? Well nothing ever happens anywhere else unless Twilight and her friends are travelling so it seemed like the logical choice knowing twilight. Giving her access to a militia was probably overkill. But it would do wonders for her confidence.

(so... love it hate it just don't care for it tell me thanks for reading)
(EDIT: a big thank you to PonyManne215 for pre-reading this thanks mate)