Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the idea of this story.

Hi there! This is my second attempt to write a story. I hope you like it. Constructive criticism is as welcomed as positive reviews and keep in mind that English is my third language so mistakes are to be expected. Enjoy!

It was a regular day in BPD station. Everything was going smoothly and no murders had been reported that day, so Jane went to see how Maura was doing. She found her using her laptop and, surprise, visiting some online shops.

"Hey there! What's up Maura?"

"Hi! Well, everything is so calm that I'm just entertaining myself with some online shopping. Look at this piece of art Jane. Cobalt blue, five inch heels. Irresistible!"

"Come on! You must have a hundred pairs like that!"

"Not this beautiful. I will wear them as soon as I get them." The grin on her face was contagious.

"You're a lost cause, Maura!" Jane said laughing hard.

Suddenly, the morgue rear doors burst open and a couple of undertakers wheeled in a corpse.

"Dr. Isles! Male, mid fourties, no ID. He was found dead near Boston Public Garden."

"Thank you, put him here, please."

After the undertakers put the man on the table, they went outside. Jane came closer to the body while Maura put her gloves on and started undressing him. When she took his shirt off, she saw a rush on his abdomen and told Jane to stand back because it looked odd. She put her mask on and made de Y incision to check his organs. After a moment, Maura stopped and said:

"I don't like this, it looks strange and dangerous because he seemed to have a mortal disease I can't identify. I'd rather call in the infectious disease control team and let them handle this corpse. We better go upstairs and start investigating our John Doe before it gets out of hand."

Maura called the IDC team and they went upstairs. An hour later, she started feeling lightheaded. Jane looked at her friend and saw how pale she was. Before she could ask her how she was doing, Maura fainted.

"Oh my God! Maura, Maura, talk to me! Maura! Call an ambulance, now!"

Maura was taken to the hospital and Jane took her own car. Three hours later, Maura's doctor asked for her relatives and Jane, and Korsak stood up.

"Yes, doctor, how is she?"

"She has been isolated because we suspect that she suffers an infectious disease. By now she's stable, has some trouble breathing and we are giving her some antibiotics to see how her body reacts. You can't see her, not until we discover what disease she has. I'll keep you posted as soon as I have news."

"Doctor, she was handling a corpse at the morgue before she felt sick. She was wearing gloves and I didn't come closer enough to be exposed."

"OK, is there an infectious disease control unit working on the corpse?"

"Yes, they are. As soon as they have news, I will inform you so you can treat her properly."

"Thank you, detective, I appreciate your help."

"What's her room number?"

"It's 356, but as I told you, you can't see her."

"Not even through a glass?"

"Yes, you can see her through a glass if that's ok for you."

"Alright, thanks." When the doctor left, Jane looked at Korsak and told him:

"Korsak, we must help her."

"I agree, Jane, but how? There's not much we can do for her right now."

"No, that's not true! We must investigate our John Doe and find out how he contracted that damned disease!"