Dead yet?

Chapter 1: empty room.

He didn't know who was going to walk through that door. But did know that it is someone of importance. Since a week back He'd been alone and locked in this empty room. Apparently the only way to get out (as he had been told) was to kill himself. He did not really believe it was the only way. No there was always another way. The handsome elf leaned his back against the old dead tree, facing the unknown door. Irritated he pushed some of his grey hair away. His pare off red eyes inspected the water surface and he spotted, just some meters away, a little fish was swimming. The stomic weren't hungry the head bored… Soundless as a shadow he started sinking into the water. Never letting it out of his sight, thinking to himself:

¤Poor little fish, I'm on my way to end your useless little life!¤ a cruel smile stretched over his face as two hands slowly surrounded the little red life. Without killing it he moved to the surface.

Keeping the small fish tight in his hand, the pale man sat down at the tree on the little island again. Watching the fish as it tries to breath he started thinking back on how he got here, in this water-filled room. Mist covering the walls made the room look like there was no ending. Just water, mist, a dead tree, this Island and of course that door. He shocked his head as the fish started flounder more. Looking at it make its last moves and finally stop.

"That's that" he said low and threw the little dead thing away.

"Will you ever stop enjoying that?" The grey haired man looked up to see where the voice was coming from. Nothing was in front of him. The red eyes stayed locked at the door.

"No, I don't I think will." not giving any expression he waited for the deep voice to start again.

"Hahahaha." Slowly the Dark dressed man looked over his shoulder to find Ganondorf, lending on the tree watching him.

"Here for a visit?" The question came with a stiff voice. He mostly wanted Ganondorf to go away.

"No, here for a checkup, Don't worry I'll go away soon." A smile was hiding in that sentence.

"Did you bring me someone to *play with*?"

"Something is on its way." the red eyes turned his eyes back to the door.

"Yeah? I have been here a week now, where is he?" Ganondorf let go off the black woolen cap the man in front of him had on his head and also turned his attention to the old door. He sighed.

"It's just going to take some time, got it?"

"You have said exactly that since I got here. For A WEEK have I been sitting on this spot doing nothing but kill fishes, It's a child play!" the voice had become much deeper and more frustrated. "You put me here for a reason, remember?" A hand, grey as ashes, slowly made its way to the grip of a sword laying close by.

"You…" In rage the swords blade whizzed through the air. A ringing sound. The black dressed man stood up, his eyes were burning with fury. The sword had not got to its goal, Ganondorf's throat, it had been stopped by a sleevelets. An evil grin spread over the tall man's face and right after that a punch hit the red eyed man's stomach. The black dressed man flew back into the water. Under the surface he could not see much and he had no hurry to get up, knowing that Ganondorf was walking towards his location and what would follow when the redhead would get to him.

As expected a large hand soon grabbed the shirt and pulled the man to sitting position, water dripped from his hair into his face. Ganondorf knelt over the soaked man. Staring into one another's eyes, the darker man let his hand wander from the tunic to a pale jawbone. Softly adapting a grip and letting time slip away.

A small town, watching as a happy family walks to the market. Greets everyone they are meeting. Lurking in the shadows he watches the child jump after a frog.

A memory flashes in the man's head. He smiles. A red eyebrow in Ganonsdorf's face is lifted.

"Is this still your favorite?" Irritated over that he just got a taste off the moment.

"yes, now let me continue " Ganondorf stroke some of the water from the grey face.

"No." He was not surprised as he is watching the furious spread into the red eyes.

"You keep me in this rotted place, just to keep me from killing… and don't even let me enjoy my memories of it?" tempered eyes search on the small Island for his sword.

"And I have told you more than once why!"

"You never come here without a reason, what do you want this time?" asking questions was the only thing that kept him from punching that smiling face. They have been here before, in exactly this position. Ganondorf hit harder than him, the pale man was not afraid of pain, he had never been. But something in his surrounding scared him, a lot.

"I couldn't feel your presence and thought that you had killed yourself." Ganondorf let go off the surprised man. Obviously he had not been expecting that answer. He pulled himself up and started walking to the new door.

"You could have just used some of that magic of yours. Sorry if I don't believe you." Only following the taller man with is eyes. Without turning Ganondorf lower his voice.

"he.. he.. you're a clever little thing, are you not?" he turned around with a satisfied expression. "Well, now when you ask… I did came to tell you something." The elf curiously looked at the taller man. "You know that you have been put here to face an important person." Now being bored he looked away.

"Yes, you made that quite clear." He drew up one knee and rested his head on it.

"He should be here soon."

"What? When?" taking back the surprised look he now stared at the redhead like a stranger.

"Soon." He turned again. With joy the elf stand up. "And before I go." He tossed a small bottle to the dark dressed man. "Good bye, Dark Link."

"wha…." Before he could ask what the bottle was for, Ganondorf had disappeared.

¤I have a bottle… and a name….¤