HEY! It's DrarryFrerard! So this idea just popped into my brain when I was reading hella GrimmIchi hybrid stories! It wouldn't leave me alone so here it is!

Warnings: Yaoi! Maybe lemons later on… Nekos… OOCness… Fluff… Yup…


My eyes opened slowly and I pulled the blankets back so that I could avoid a beating. I walked down the stairs and sat down at the table where the rest of my family was seated; my two brothers, dad, and the woman I was forced to call my mom. Said woman glared at me as I ate my burnt bread and oatmeal.

"When you're done, get dressed up. Don't wear those beat up sneakers! Today is the reaping and we have got to look our best! And put on your beanie so people don't see those things!" my mother said, pointing at the pair of large cat ears sticking out of my messy blonde hair. Yup, you heard me right. Cat ears.

When I was about six or seven, the capitol offered some money to our family. All they needed was someone to test one of their latest trends on. So my mom packed my bags and shipped me off to the capitol so they could do whatever they pleased to me. Well about three months later, I was sent back home but with some new additions. I now had cat ears, a tail, sharp nails, and little pointy canine teeth.

I also had some of the same behavioral things that cats have; I didn't like water, I was good at climbing, and I was pretty independent.

Anyway, back to the present. I cleared my plate to the kitchen and went back up to my room. I pulled on my white button up shirt and slacks along with a pair of dirty dress shoes. I yanked on my beanie and tucked my tail into my pants.

I ran a comb through my exposed blonde hair and scrubbed the dirt of my face. I looked into the mirror and poked at the bags under my blue eyes. Sighing I stomped back down the stairs.

(Time skip thingy)

After signing in, I followed the group of boys that were all 16 like me and we got into a pack in the middle of the crowd. We waited around for about five minutes before everyone was silent.

Effie Trinket walked onto the stage with her bright pink hair flouncing around.

"Hello District 12~! And welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games!" Effie's annoyingly happy voice boomed into the silent district 12. We all remained silent as they showed us the clip they show us every year that pretty much tells us, 'haha you lost! So give us two of your kids so we can murder them live on television!'

"Ladies first!" Effie cried! She stuck her hand into a huge glass jar filled with little slips of paper. Her ornate rosy nails danced across the thin strips that would lead to certain death. Finally she grasped one and went back to the mic were she said, "Primrose Everdeen!"

The silence broke by a small gasp. Heads turned as a tiny girl with two blonde braids and big innocent blue eyes stepped forward. She was visibly shaking and looked on the verge of tears but she took wobbling steps toward the stage.

"No… Prim… PRIM!"

My head snapped back and I saw a girl with olive toned skin, dark brown hair, and grey eyes fighting to break free from the peacekeepers.


Everyone gaped as the little blonde girl looked relieved for about half a second before horror filled her eyes.

"No! NO! KATNISS! NO!" The little girl was shrieking and wailing at the top of her lungs as the dark haired girl rushed forward.

"Prim, Prim! Prim, it's ok! Prim, go find mom, Prim! I'm so sorry!" the taller teen embraced the sobbing girl before walking up the steps of the stage. A tall boy, maybe 18, came forward and picked Prim up, carrying her away from the stage.

"Well…! This certainly is surprising! Our very first volunteer for district 12! Your name was Katniss, wasn't it dear?" an excited Effie chirped.

"Yes… Katniss Everdeen." The teen said in a trembling voice.

"Wow! Everyone let's give it up for our very first tribute!"

More silence filled the air and slowly everyone raised their hands, three middle fingers standing proud.

"Okay… On to the boys!" Effie cheered. She skipped over to a glass jar identical to the one that had pulled Primrose's name. Her hand hovered for a second before snatching up a piece of paper.

"Peeta Mellark!"

My heart stopped. I felt my body shuddering with fear and I looked around hoping that I had heard her wrong.

"Peeta, dear? Where are you?"

I slowly walked to the stage, not even hoping that my brother would volunteer for me. We weren't loyal to each other, he could care less if I died and he never saw me again.

"Well let's hear it for this year's tributes of district 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"

(Time skip thing kind of)

The next few hours were a blur. We got to say our good-byes to our families and friends. I got five visitors. First came Dad, my brothers, and Mom. My oldest brother patted me on the shoulder, with a sympathetic look on his face. My youngest older brother looked around guiltily, staring anywhere but at my face. Then mom came forward.

"You know, she's a real fighter that one, I can tell. You on the other hand… well I can't say that I'm gonna miss you." Then she left. Dad hugged me tightly and gave me a freshly baked cookie and a little box before stepping back with tears in his eyes.

"I love you, my son." He whispered before following my mother and brothers.

I could feel the prickly sensation that I always got when I was about to cry but the door swung open.

I glanced up and saw Madge standing in the doorway. I was surprised. Sure Madge and I talked occasionally but that was mostly because we were the rejects. We didn't have anyone else to hang out with.

Her beautiful blue eyes welled with tears and she rushed into my arms.

"Peeta! Try to win, okay? Please! Just don't die! I don't want you to die! You're my best friend!"

I felt tears spill down my cheeks and I hugged her back.

"Of course, Madge! I mean there's gotta be someone weaker than me, right?" I managed a watery smile before the peacekeepers came and collected her.

(Time skip AGAIN)

Katniss and I were ushered onto a train that would take us to the capitol. This would be my second time being at the capitol but since I didn't remember anything but pain from my first trip I'm sure it would feel like I had never been there before.

The cars of the train where very ornate with bright colors everywhere you looked and big windows that showed views off all the passing districts. I sighed and pulled my beanie off since my ears were cramping up. My tail was starting to feel stiff from being still in my pants for so long so I pulled it out and swished it about to get rid of the numb feeling. I heard a gasp and whirled around.

Standing in the doorway were Katniss and Effie followed by Haymitch. My heart sunk and I quickly yanked on my beanie and tried to hide my tail behind one of my legs.

"Peeta… What are those?" Katniss asked, taking a hesitant step forward.

"They're nothing…" I snapped already feeling my face heat up. I had planned on showing my feline additions to someone just I had hoped they wouldn't have said anything like that. It looks like mom was right; they probably think I'm a freak now. I felt tears well in my eyes and I turned around so they couldn't see them fall down my cheeks.

"Peeta, dear, that's not nothing…" Effie whispered.

"Just… Just forget you saw them, okay? Please…" Tears were flowing freely down my face now. I started to run down the hall as they called after me.

"Peeta! Wait! STOP!" Katniss roared and I froze, looking over my shoulder slowly.

Katniss stood with her hands on her hips glaring at me. I whimpered and more tears streaked down my face.

"We need you to explain Peeta." Haymitch sounded surprisingly sober.

"… Explain? Why?"

"Because you have freaking cat ears and a tail!" he cried.

"Come on dear, let's go to the dining car and maybe talk about this over some hot chocolate!" Effie said softly. She sounded so kind and caring, some would describe it as motherly but since my mother was an abusive witch who had shipped her kid off to the capitol to get experimented on I don't use that term.


We sat down and I slowly sipped my chocolate drink after I had finished explaining how mom sent me to the capitol to be a science experiment.

"Your own mother… shipped you off… not even caring if she ever saw you again?" Effie gasped and I was surprised to see tears clinging to her long pink eye lashes.

"Yeah…" I said softly.

"WHAT TYPE OF MOM WOULD DO THAT TO THEIR OWN KID? AND WHEN YOU WERE SIX YEARS OLD!" Katniss screamed. Her eyes burned with rage and her hands clenched into tight balls.

"Yeah… um… do you think I'm a… freak?" I whispered glancing up at the three seated across from me.

"Of course not, sweetie!" Effie cried.

"What else did she do?"

I stared at Haymitch, this was his first time talking since I had told my story.

"What… else?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, after that did you just go back to being a big happy family or did she keep making your life miserable?"

"Well… She would… um cuss at me… and beat me… and she made it part of her daily routine to remind me that I was a freak and that nobody would ever love me…"

Effie clasped a hand over her mouth and Katniss got tears in her eyes (AN: SO OOC XD I'M SORRY!)

"Do you have scars?" Haymitch asked in a serious tone.

I was taken aback by how straight forward Haymitch was being.

"HAYMITCH!" Effie screeched, "Be sympathetic!"

"I am. So, kid? Any scars?"

"Um well yeah… I mean just one…" I muttered.

"Show us."

"H-Haymitch?!" Effie seemed to be at a loss for words so I hesitantly unbuttoned my shirt so they could see the long scar along my ribs. I kept the shirt sleeves on though so they couldn't see the scars decorating my wrists.

"Why are the sleeves still on?" Haymitch questioned, eyes narrowed.

"No reason…" I stuttered as my face went pink.


I obeyed and unwillingly pulled my arms out of the sleeves.

"I thought you said that you only had one scar." Haymitch stated.

"W-Well, you see… I…"

"Peeta…" Katniss sounded heartbroken, "I'm so sorry…"

"Why didn't you report it to the peacekeepers?" Effie asked, eyebrows creased in worry.

Haymitch snorted loudly, "Maybe you didn't hear, but it was the capitol that did that to him."

"Oh… right…" Effie looked very embarrassed and guilty as if she felt all the blame for what her government had done.

(Time skip! I'm skipping the rest of the train ride because there is nothing else to say exactly…)

We finally got to the capitol and all the citizens went nuts, crying and screaming like we were fucking celebrities. Well, I had to remind myself, we kind of are.

We were rushed off to go get cleaned up for our stylists.

"Please undress!" A man with rainbow colored hair that was shaved everywhere but in a strip down the middle (AN: It's the future so I don't know if they call it Mohawks or not XD).

"Um… can I keep my clothes on?" I asked trying to hide my panic.

"How are we supposed to hose you down if you're wearing clothes?" A girl with long hair that was bright blue asked, as if the question truly puzzled her.

"We can't! So please undress, won't you? We have to get started or there won't be enough time to do everything!" The man with rainbow hair cheered with a smile. Beside him was a man who had brown hair and blue eyes. The only thing weird about him was the many tattoos that covered his exposed arms and continued out the collar of his shirt up his neck. He had a lip piercing and more silver piercings traveling up his ears.

"Just undress, kid. It's not like you have anything we don't. Well not including May but she's into chicks so you don't have to worry about her checking you out." The tattooed man growled.

"Well, actually, you see…"

"Are you not able to undress properly? Do you need our help?" The blue haired girl, May, asked seriously.

"No… it's just…"

"You're taking too long." The tattooed man snarled, gripping the buttoned up shirt and yanked it open. Buttons flew everywhere but the scary man didn't seem to care as he gripped my pants and yanked them off as well.

I yelped as my naked flesh made contact with the cool air and my tail wrapped around my waist.

The three stared at me with wide eyes before the tattooed man ripped my beanie off, revealing my blonde cat ears.

"KAWAII~!" May and the rainbow haired man squealed.

"How… did they…?" The tattooed man sounded furious.

"Eric! Be nice! This boy was just shy about sharing these with us! Nothing to worry about young one! I assure you the ENTIRE capitol will think you're just DARLING!" Rainbow man cried.

"Oh… right… I'm happy!" I said with a forced smile, giving Eric a subtle nod to confirm his thought.

"Well let's get to work, Neko-Chan!" May cheered happily.

"What? My name is Peeta not Neko-Chan or whatever you said." I said questioningly.

"Okay! Let's get going!" Rainbow man said smiling.

(Time skip)

I lay naked on a table waiting for my main stylist to arrive. Apparently her name was Portia, I hope she's nice. The door opened and a light brown skinned woman with black curls walked into the room. Her only make up was gold eye liner framing her chocolate eyes.

"Why, hello Peeta. The stylists have informed on your situation. Do you feel comfortable showing them to the world just yet? Or do you want to keep them a secret?" Portia asked.

"Maybe I could have a hood on my costume so that if I feel really bold I can take the hood off?" I asked, brainstorming out loud.

"Great idea, Peeta! If you do decide on revealing your ears and tail that will make the crowd remember you… hm… I'll discuss some idea's with Cinna since we have two hours before the parade… Are you scared of fire?"

I shook my head and Portia smiled, "Good!"

(Time skip)

We went through some ideas with Cinna and Katniss and finally we decided on both me and Katniss wearing long cloaks, both with hoods, and when I was ready I would poke Katniss and we would each twirl around which would make the capes disappear in smoke and underneath we would each be wearing flame clothes.

My outfit was a black button up shirt with flames coming off the back and matching black pants. Katniss was wearing a dress that would appear to be made entirely out of flames.

I put the cloak on and raised the hood over my head and Katniss did the same and we got into our chariot.

The district one tributes went in first in their ridicules pink fluff covered costumes and the crowd roared with cheers. District two went next and I caught a few glimpses of shinning gold but didn't see the whole outfit. The crowd's screams raised in pitch as one by one each chariot entered. Soon we were watching district 11 enter and I felt my heart shuddering and thumping. These were the people responsible for my cat accessories, could I really face them? What if they think I'm a freak? Yes! I can do this! They're gonna love us! I encouraged myself as the chariot started to move. The crowd went silent and stared at us each cloaked in our pitch black smoking outfits. I glanced around the crowd, hood still securely over my head, and noticed a lady near the front who had hair that was bright red and her skin was the same color as broccoli. Was I seriously worrying about these people thinking I'M the freak? My confidence was higher now that I saw that these people would indeed love me when they saw my cat ears. That didn't mean that I forgive the capitol for what it has done to me. I still hated it with my all my guts but if I wanted to live then I had to get on these peoples good sides.

I let my finger softly nudge Katniss's hand and she looked surprised. We had to go though because the cheering had gone down considerably. Slowly we raised our hands into the air and whirled around. Screams sounded as our long cloaks disappeared in a large cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, the entire stadium was silent and then all at once the crowd roared and cheered. I watched as several people swooned and I grinned shyly. Finally we got to where the chariots were all positioned and listened to President Snow's speech. Then our chariots rode off stage.

"You were FABULOUS! Everyone is going to be talking about district 12!" Cinna cheered hugging both me and Katniss.

"Great Job, Peeta! You were so brave!" Portia congratulated, also hugging us.

"You did alright, kid." Haymitch said in his gravelly voice, but I swear I saw a little pride shining in his eyes, "Sponsors are already lining up for-" he cut off and stared behind us.

I turned and looked around as well and saw a huge boy wearing gold armor and a matching wreath balancing on his blonde locks. Even from the distance I could see his green eyes boring into mine.

I tilted my head curiously and watched in shock as his eyes swept over me and he… he…


YAY! I'm sorry there is no delicious yaoi just yet but I snuck some in at the end just cause I couldn't help it! This was kind of a failed attempt at a cliffy but will you please tell me what you think of it? I really like comments! They're awesome! So pwetty pwease? For the cute little uke that is Peeta? Okay! Thanks for reading and just hang with me! Yaoi lovin in the next chapter I promise!