So over the past few days I've had some ideas running around my head. These are kind of loosely connected one shots.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

1. Castle finds Beckett reading Patterson's book in bed.

The first night it happened he let it slide, what harm was it causing right? The second night it happened he tried not to let if effect him, how many other times had she done this? The third time it happened he couldn't let it go. He walked into his bedroom, let out a soft sigh and shut the door. He looked to the ground before looking back up to Beckett sitting upright in bed with a book.

"Beckett this can't go on." He stared at her and waited for her to look up.

She looked up from the book she was reading. "Hmm? What was that?" She was so engrossed in the book that she had completely missed what he was saying.

"You have to stop."

She looked at him slightly confused. "Castle, what are you talking about?" She was usually good at reading in between the lines and knowing what he was talking about, he however had her stumped as to what he was talking about.

"I'm talking about this thing you have going on with all these other authors." He waved his arms about, walking closer to the bed before collapsing onto it next to her. One of his arms came up to cover his eyes before he let out a groan.

Beckett placed the bookmark on the page before placing it gently on the bedside table. "Okay Castle, what are you talking about? I honestly have no clue." She was going to let out a laugh but he sounded serious. What authors was he talking about? Was he trying to say she was cheating on him?

"I thought I could handle it but I can't, I mean it's never bothered me before. It shouldn't bother me but Beckett," he paused and took his arm from his eyes before sitting up slightly. "You have to stop bringing other authors to bed." He said it so straight faced and seriously that she wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or not to laugh.

"Castle I do believe that the only author I've brought to bed is you."

"Well then explain," he reached over her to her nightstand. "This." He said as he picked up the latest James Patterson novel and put it in her lap.

She let a smirk appear on her face trying not to let the giggle escape her lips. "That's what you're talking about?"

"Well what else would I have been talking about?" He was the one to look confused now.

"I don't understand what the big problem is."

"Do you know what this would do to my reputation if Patterson found out that not only is he winning me with books but." he paused looked around the room and lowered his voice as if Patterson himself could hear him. "That my own girlfriend reads his books in bed. Not only her bed but the bed she shares with his rival."

At this point Kate did let the laugh that she was holding back escape. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she looked at him again and smiled. She really did love seeing the jealous side of Castle every once in a while. After she placed the book back on the nightstand she turned to him and lifted her hand up to move a piece of hair that was hanging over his forehead.

"Castle believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about." To prove her point she leant down to hover over him and placed her lips upon his.