First Minecraft fic. I have other fics in Halo and Slenderman as well if you're interested.

Two months. Two very long months the brunette girl had been there. She had collected many stacks of wood, cobblestone, coal and iron in addition to a few of the other metals and minerals. She even built herself a nice cobblestone home nestled under the lip of a mountain, complete with a water elevator to get back to the ground 40 meters below where the underside of the mountain was safely lit. A trap door covered the top of the waterfall in a back corner of the room. The home faced east, allowing the windows to let in the early dawn and wake her.

The 18-year-old sat up and stretched before looking at the two double-chests under the windows. She walked to the one on the left and picked out some raw beef treated with salt as well as a bit of milk and bread. She rinsed the meat in fresh water and tossed it into the furnace to cook.

After setting the milk and bread on a table next to the wall on the right of her bed, she walked to the other chest and pulled out an Iron sword and pick, and half a stack of torches. She turned her attention back to the furnace and pulled out the cooked meat. She broke the bread in half the long way and put the steak in it.

Once she was done with breakfast, she collected her things, plus a few more slices of bread, and jumped into the waterfall. It only took a few seconds to reach the bottom, but by then she was soaked with water. It was a good thing the weather was always a comfortable temperature in the mountain valley, otherwise the beaming sun would make a walking steamer out of her.

Near the waterfall was a rather large barn with several pens inside. Opening the door, she found that the cows, pigs, and chickens were all happy and still had a good stock of food to eat. She petted both of the wolves guarding the door, praising them on their good work, and made sure that they were well fed as well.

Closing the door, she walked to the other side of the valley and pulled the lever to open the iron door which led to her mine. She walked carefully down the cobblestone staircase until she reached the bottom where the pressure was quite unpleasant. She had about two hours at best before she would have to go back up again or risk passing out. She was scared to think of what would happen if she were to fall asleep down here. Would she ever wake up, or would the creatures eventually find and finish her?

Shaking the thoughts away, she picked a new spot in the wall and began picking away the stone. It was still strange to her that the world, though very realistic, still behaved like blocks and that most of them defied physics. She didn't complain about it though. These strange rules just made her life easier.

Within half an hour, she'd dug up ten gold ore, a stack of lapis lazuli, 32 redstone, and nearly a stack of iron ore. No coal and no diamond yet. It occurred to her as odd since she could hear and feel the bubbling of nearby lava. There was almost always diamond near the liquid fire.

Sighing, she randomly dug in another direction and heard a nice 'clunk' after a minute or so. She hit it again, and took a closer look to see the sky blue bits embedded in the rock. Diamond!

She picked up the gem that fell to the ground and quickly found five others nearby. Six diamonds! Six whole diamonds in one trip!

The girl was an excellent miner, but it was still very rare for her to find any diamonds, let alone more than two per find. She spent the next hour and twenty minutes digging in random directions, finding more of each mineral, even coal, but did not find any more diamonds. She glanced at the small clock in her pocket and saw it had reached the point where she knew she had only ten minutes to get out of the mine. It wasn't until she realized the time that she felt all the pressure on her head again. She quickly turned and ran for the exit.

She hadn't crossed twelve meters before an arrow hit her in the back on her right shoulder blade. She groaned in pain, and turned to face her attacker to be greeted with another arrow to the stomach. Two Skeletons… Lovely…

She ran for the first one and swiftly struck her blade through its skull, collecting a few of its bones and arrows. She lunged for the second, and fell to the ground when the third arrow hit her right knee. You've got to be kidding me…

The blade swept under the boney kneecaps then across the neck as the undead figure fell. His power bow landed next to her, and she grabbed it before the shadows could reclaim it. She dragged herself into the dark and placed another torch before inspecting her injuries. The arrow in her knee had only hit flesh, and she carefully removed the flint before stretching the leg out.

Her head rolled, dizzy, but forced herself to look at the arrow in her stomach. Blood had soaked her black shirt and trailed down to her dark jeans. She attempted to remove the projectile, but felt more pain pour into her brain, and her arm go limp. One stupid mistake… I should have known better about turning my back to the shadows. Her vision became blurry, and she fell back into darkness.

Her eyes fluttered open hours later and took a few moments to adjust to the light. A quick look told her she was back in her home, safe in bed. Her pickaxe and sword were laid next to her against the wooden frame, and the minerals she had collected were either smelting in the furnaces or sitting on top of a third double chest in the next room.

She sat up, but instantly regretted it as pain seized her again. She then realized there were bandages wrapped around her to cover her wounds and her shirt was drying on her clothes line in another room. The first thought to cross her mind was "how did I get here?" and the second was "if I find the punk who took my shirt off, the crocodiles in the swamp will have a lovely dinner."

So... yea. Let me know what you think! There will be some mods present in the story, and I'm open to suggestions for that. The mods present now are Pam's HarvestCraft and Mo' Creatures.

Leave a review and have a cookie! :D
